
Breanna Carlota

Breanna Carlota


2 3.. = 5

B.C E.

5:58- 5:59 p.m

Breana means Bright, Noble Honorable, Strong…. Virtuous

Its also links to Edmund Spencer’s

The Faerie Queen

Carlota: means Manly.

Water is Memory. Orlov… Frozen.

Air is Intelligence Circulation A.

The Body is Energy E.B/ B E.

Building Blocks.

Everything is Energy and before there was Energy there is Expression.

Energy is the Expression of Everything.

E A W E B.

5 1. W E B

6 A W E. B

6:12 p.m

An play took place with Arden asking a question to his mother about me, and her response was not accurate.

And created an entirely different meaning in which there was so many shadows of meaning including negation, blame, manipulation.. it went on..

And suggestion like a Web or Trap.

I observed how, the expression could have caused so serious damage but I also observed Arden expertly side step it, and the trap of g

Her response and question.

Self Control

Self Mastery

Because the temptation to respond to the Allusion and Illusion is a natural reaction to such use of language.

A moment later she went upstairs.

I found myself realigning the expression to its truth aloud, so as to correct the false projection.

A few moments later, I asked Liberty a few questions regarding a visit to Tree Sage the questions was to clarify if she had intentionally mis represented the actuality.

She answred honestly and it was obvious that she did had not been aware of what she had said in its actually, not realized and had been unconscious.

I was amazed that despite being made aware of this, after so much mis communication the kind of which can raise wrath, fury violence and a vortex of blame, false accusation which literally would cause people to chain themselves to a wall, terrified of the Shadows

The Projections of other.

Using Alien Father Alpha Arts and Science of true Quantum being Expression.

And its Quantum Arts Science ( A.S )

Of my Altar Science and Harmony Perfect Timming

And observing the use of my own expression to Arden and Ferrel- all recorded in real time, and 3 months plus of conversations with Liberty ( after months of observing this phenomena in her, as well as my conversation with her after the Set Up drama between Thomas Lang and Liberty which prompted her to finally act upon her first instinct she had when she met me, and invite me to her home.

56:56 p.m right.

To our trip to South Whitney where we met John Mack

Johnny Newman. ( New Money)

And Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage

Where I was amazed as a Scientist to confirm that which my research since 2011 about the Human beings being literally energetically Deaf Dumb, Blind.. loss of their 5-6 senses- meaning that they were and are literally Dead Energetically.

I had witnessed that after less than 5 days of conversing and listening to her, that her subconscious self was Wide Awake.

That she had told her entire story and blue print of existence through the names she had given her children which along with her love for Greek Mythology as a child, that I could read her entire journey of Eternal Awareness she had created before she went down into the Rabbit Hole


8 18. / 8 18 years in the United States Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.

But she did not realize that she had not only all her memory but as chrystals store data- she had stored all her Data of her journey and adventure, in her Children but also deep undercover to herself but right there for anyone who could truly read, to read.

And I read it.

And saw I her story placed in Greek Mythology with her children playing those roles which in an agreement, they had agreed to play.

Go back 3 months on.my.page.

I knew that Liberty was im Harmony, and recalled how she literally was the World rep just as Esteban Miguel Filgueira had represented the E.M.F.

And that the World Universe W.U

MAN play would be completed by her.

And that she had absorbed as babies do, the Energy of everything in the World, like a Sponge without Filter.

But this was the play of Harmony Mind Logic Reason .. but understanding how to read..

She I knew was part of the Play, used by Alien Father Alpha.

See Sacred Portal 2

See Sacred Portal 3.

B C. .E.

Sacred Portal 2 shows Harmony Dreaming in a Story A.B.

And being so dramatic, as she observed a recounting of her Big Brothers story which she could Cee. Creative Visualization

She found herself imagining herself in that role and her outrage at what battles her big brother.had to go to bring Harmony into the world.

But as she day dreamed she was spirited away .

In her Imagination into a World she had created from the Foundations ( Jeru.. Salem) of her big brothers story, which she had not completed the entire narration by him before she started day dreaming..


Sacred Portal 3 is the Sacred Portal of Actuality.

Which is why I kept on speaking about the 3rd Floor while I lived at 219-217 South Whitney.

I lived there with Christopher Filgueira and Mackayla Burgos

And why Tree was on the 2nd Floor, and would rise to the 3rd where he worked.

I can not repeat this again, so please you will have to go back a bit.

But yes, back to Harnony as the Body.

The Body is Harmony it is in Harmony or better still the Journey or Mission of Time was not creating a Body Suit which the E True Creator had done, but rather the journey of time in which Being is Aligned Perfectly to Body

Being is that which is innately within you.

And that had to be aligned to Expression.

8:00 p.m

Back to The Story of Harmony Two Mens Expression Energy which formed via The Source Expression, the Body of S.H.E.

She would have realized that what she had created was a totally different version of a Story, which 3 4 aspects of Big Brother had each interpreted.

Each with there own versions which only the first to enact it after Big Brother had grasped.

But Harmony who was the 3rd and 4th play as 33 44 moving then Entire Versions into One was a new form of Expression

Universal Harmony.

And in Liberty I had observed, linked and victoruously read her subconscious which is not what people call the Unconscious but rather the Un Conscuous..The One.

Which is from the Source the Well.. The Soul..The Pond..

The Sum Total of The Sources Reflections.

Where the Entire Ocean Cee of Harmony had all the intel ..

Air is Breath. A.B. Being Aware.. B A = Conscious.

But you are already Conscious before they enter this body or even Creation Existence.


Because they all travelled through Light..

Speed of Light.


From the 5th Dimension

To travel at the Speed Of Light C through Creation Matter.. C M

You have to have already attained speed of Light.

6 Sense.

And coming into the inversion 9 where Time is Created

You are Conscious alresdy and it never goes away.

Its right there when you are born and only the agreement to let other Sound and Sights in which are not aligned with Naturalness Truth Harmony Consciousness, will you believe you are lost, and can never return to the Garden of Eden.

Seal is being played right now…by Arden and Autumn-Small.

My Power My Pleasure My Pain..

Kiss From A Rose

I say this, because Liberty spoke today about Ardens cough, she said from childhood he always sounded like a Seal.

The code Seal is not only Navy Seal, but also the code for Seal of Approval.

7:06 p.m

It was Alien Father Alpha A.S which is me ( yes as well as being A MAN) is only through reading the Echo of my own work was I able to finally figure out the riddle of which Liberty was used to represent and illustrate.

Of how the World transformed into an illusion and a lie…Evil at which Harmony Pandora little sister was called the source Evil which came into the world, just as all her Brothers or Male Aspects had that same accussation before Devil Satan, The Blame.

8:08 p.m

This reality always needs some one to blame.

8:09 p.m

And the blame, false accussation became so much that those who were innocent began to not only believe they were to blame, because of the rage from the Hurt and Pain, which they were constantly made to endure as their aspects or principles, each entered the world as a new idea and principle

But to solve what Liberty represented, the Mystery of the True Meaning of Quantum Mechanics and not only what came to be the cause of Evil in the World.

Mis representation of the Word.

Translating expressiins of Light through the Prisim of Space all around us and as our bodies.

And the expression not creating Monsters or fear from how clear expression is distorted by people in fear.

There is a layer, a thick layer of which blocked the universal body, but the deeper wells, of well being.

The access to the Source but rather The Root Chakra – Desire and the 2nd Chakra- Stomach as organization just could not digest that knpwledge it was forced to eat.

Creating build up and build up of lies illusiins ideas false projections..

Expressions became lies.

And alibis and defense mechanism were created to shore up people fragile egos all illusions.

And it was these expressions of which people accepted but the Body.as Truth could not Digest.

And the Being as Spirit of Truth was made to Stagnate instead of investigate.

And people rushed and rushed, so they would not have to sit still and reflect meditate…

Be Quiet.

To figure out what was wrong.

It has been through these gaps in Liberty’s expression which I was being forced understand the nature of Evil as False Projections.

And how by creating a gap

– a sort of forgetting was used literally to.help understand Alien Father Alpha quantum alien.mechanics, is all based on Words aligned to Meaning.

W M.

And Precision required.

Courtesy Manners.

Impeccability with the word action deed linked all together as one Thread always representing the same meaning.

I am saying the Gap was created intentionally in Humanity.. like In and out of breeath.

Light and Dark

Memory and Forgetting in order for one to see the true damage and evil created by Words.

Not simply by their meaniing intentionally distorted to get what they want, which of course reveals thier illusions fears and needs..

But that it is a cry for help, of something which they can easily help themselves.

Pay attention

Keep the Thread alive of conversations.

Things you did to others intentionally or unintentionally which creates a cause and effect which even if you are not aware of it, or do not acknowledged it, it still has an effecr on the person you did it to.

When you take someones meaning, or the true meaning, actual.meaning of an.expression or situation and use it to make a point not all related to the Common Thread or the Conversations Thread or break a moment so sacred such as a person or people in a holy communion, or the flow of something such as the awakening evolution set up and play but forgetting or distracting others to the mudane.

8:43 p.m

Not only will.those present and witness, will be shocked to their very essence, but it will take a long long time for them to ever begin to trust you.

And then they will test you.

Because for them you are an Abomination a Monster for which nothing, not their Expression nor the Sacred and Holy.. nothing and no one is sacred.

To take peoples words and meaning out of the most sacred meaning, destinstion play whatever and use those words to undermine them because you are afraid or want more time means you are twarting the destinstion of why those conversations came into existence from the very source of the Well being of all.

And to go even further, to intentionally change the meaning using energetic Gossip Hypocrisy to throw a phrase, sentence which you know will change the intended natural direction of where the truth was meant to go..

And even further still guiding intentionally using a few choice words, to undermine, to belittle, and even cause people around you, to suddenly feel doubt and suspicion of that which they are sure..

Stepping away so arfully that hardly anyone suspects its you.. and you have made it so, tjat you can deny..

And reinforce it with a play of double speaking and acting, and then constant lies mixed with truths and moving a play of Awakening to Light and all those meant to rise to it, you instead direct them towards a vortex back hole of suffering and misery..

There is more, I learned and understood from Alien Father Alpha echo of my understanding but breaking it down through a play in which he used beings clean in heart and another of true intentions to illustrate the truth of Evil from beyond belief.

And just how far some people will go, and the true source of evil being the use of not just words, but expressions, gestures, plays and past plays people forget, and when they remember they do not bother to go back and clean it up.

9:00 p.m

And that Water is Memory.. it flows through you, crystallizes in you, forms your body and Akashic Records which is why the Watchers..

Brenden Velez just watch and observe you spin the web of your own demise because your body and being are made of Eternal Truth and we know, that you know that you are lying.

This is the Play, I had to figure out here, by using my Harmony Perfect Timimg and my science to figure out the Gap

And why it is so important to pause and reflect before we say something

Falsely Accuse.

Project Ideas Expression which the reciever in Clarity see what you have created with Actions Gestures Expression

Inuendo with undercurrent, hidden intent to sway.

There is no such thing as Forgetting.

That lie is the source of Disease

Forgetting is for only.a moment then we remember..

We Pause and say


The play..

Please see Arden Dream Vision Sound

2 days later Ferrell.



And Auriela who in her dream saw her own version of the World as Sound- Horror Sight- Horror and in her dream People trapped in cages and operated on but she escaped. and all three had the World like as horror and with their Mother.

Representing The World.

And of course, the True World is in Harmony.

But that, I was forced to prove through a micro play.

In peoples homes designated.


Nuclear US.

9:17 p.m

D. I S E A S E

I and the E do not spread disease

We are

E D I. S . E. AS E.

E S A. E S. I.D.E.

Esa… Energy Supreme Cloak of Death E S

I D. E

9:19 p.m


9:20 p.m right now


Is It.





C hrist.

9:22 -23 p.m



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