
Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Its way, way to Evil for, and to me.

5:22 p.m



L-L- T.S.

E.V.L L T S..

E V I. L. L T S.


Full Moon at 12 12 There was a Halo around it and Intel from Stephen Johnson a composition completed by his daughter Erica at 12:12 a.m

Yesterday I did what I have decided is my last play or scene or work with Krysta Moon.

My post yesterday was time code 11 12

K M 11 13.

It was after the play with Arden Gemino,

Liberty C Liscomb 16 year old son, identified and confirmed by the play script.

AG is 1-7

Which is not only Rain Bow Spectrum 1- 7

A Reflection of me or is a Carbon Copy.

Borrn Alexander Grove

Allen Ginsberg Paris France.

Agusta Georgia

George Andreo

G A. LA. XY.


Full Circle Reflection.


8 8 ..8/8=1. A.

16 P.

8 16.

24 E M F at 6

8 16 6

H P.F ..

Harmony @ Purple Flower 9 17. I.Q.

Infinity Quantum

Infinity Stands Up.

8 16 6= 22.

8 22 H V. H B B.

5:56 p.m.

8 4. H D.

8 is Constant.

4 is 5. Because a Box has a center Point from which the 4 Corners are formed.

8 5


13 M. AN.

When I left Jesse Macias home and his son Zion.

After the scenes with Mackayla Burgos and John Mack

Tree Sage

Benjamin C. Krajewski

Christopher Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

And all that dimension I had already known that This Script was Evil, to me who walked it, and Evil Beyond belief, but to have actually been compelled to go one step further, because of my absolute Trust in the Absulute Ultimate Truth, despite all the changes from what was meant to be a script completed in 2005.

That I would be lured by one last possibility, of the Eternal Family rising under the mass of layers of Human Existence by the Spirit world rising in Liberty with her code 56:56 I did not feel it possible to go any further, than it had already gone.

By the time I was sent to Delta Manor, and the Script had insisted that I loose my 3 front teeth, and others unseen, to add to the hurt in my body and a script which every day for 13 years had placed a carrot in my mouth.

The Evil of this Script, what I have endured alone, fighting to make rise the Truth through such a Script, had begun to affect me ( not infect me) to such a point, but I could no longer uss reason to help absorb the truth done to me.

I could no longer, name this play and pathway to the Evolution Awakening even in Destructions Name ( there are far better ways to destroy)

But in subjecting me such an experience, for guarding and honoring The Truth.

I had for about 3 years stopped even caring to read the script, instead only doing it, when prompted by Pain.

Impulse my Body.

You see, I could no longer concieve any longer of such a Script being of Existence and being enforced and reinforced with such absolute selflessness and cruelty.

6:16 p.m

F P.

Free People?


In Truth..

Free People had no interest to.me.

The Script was, is just too evil, so I have been coding solving and resolving with out any interslest in paying deep attention to what it means really means, at what has been allowed to manifest and was given to me to manifest.

I am fully aware the Eternal Family exists, but this process I have been in the U.S.A is not the way to find them, I had realized that I was moving through a warped version of the True Script.

Eternal Family had betrayed me?

Impossible because they are me.

The Truth had betrayed me, or had Truth become so Evil, all those who told the Truth suffered, endured, had their Spirits and lifes crucified because they had told Truth in which the people of the world could be free?

That to tell the Truth, had transformed into the greatest Evil, because of what has been done to them by both the Good and Evil- who in my experience are all just the same, meeting at Cruel.

I stopped focusing on that which my mind could not absorb, moving through the last years on automatic pilot.

Though every once in a while my Being would look into the play, say Hi to someone, but I hardly looked any longer at that which was being done to me by The People, The Script and The Play.

It had long since become apparent to me, that my mission had been compromised and that this was really a challenge, to find a way to destroy, subjugate, or more precisely, make me go into fear.

How could this be?

6:31 p.m right now

It had long since stopped being about Evil, Cruelty, Callousness or even Selfishness but rather, why was I being made to walk such a path, after reaching having answered every challenge.

Had in deed The Truth betrayed me?

Had Harmony and Energy betrayed me, had everything I always have been, rise up and betray

But how could I have betrayed me, when I am right here, 44 years after writing the story, age 7-8 way before I went to Paris age 24 25 and saw the Light of my own Birth and Portal.

I had not betrayed the Truth, expressing what I was compelled to solve.

Moving through such a script which negated my existence, my being, my suffering and misery and being able to feed on my ability to transform it, to transform that which had become non existent, back into themselves.

This was the Script.

To Vampires.. sacrificed to Vampires, People who had become monsters by having lost themselves- believing that they had left The Garden of Eden

To bring them back and with bodies I was thrown into the abyss and pit of absolute darkness called Forgetting- Not Knowing for Vampires and Cannibals to Feed and to be the comfort of lepers and through.my being, sinply being feed on the Light they had forgotten they had and could generate themselves.

There is a point, I had reached while pausing from Automatic Pilot, where the view around me of my Truth and experiencing the Evil, Torment Suffering, Agony people who really told The Truth who had been arrested, tortured killed, was such that the Ugliness of the journey was the one constant always the same..

Blame and no true remorse.

I just had to stop looking at the meaning of what I had endured all these years, for honoring the Truth of my experience and do the work involved for its manifestation, which by that point my primary motive had shifted from.caring for people, the world, the collective and even the Individual who each in their own way would betray me and the Truth I came to represent.

And of course, they were used to cause the pain, because I could not help but love them, as they each linked or reminded me of the Truth of my E Family.

But there is a point when Evil is so beyond reasoning, so cruel in its enactment or writtung that you simply turn away in disgust.

6:58 p.m

Yes, it may still be going on around you, flagatting you left right and center, but it is such an exaggeration that it becomes absurd and not real.

And so I no longer even bother to examine or seek to break down and process- digest, the price I have paid, created intentionally and.

that which bothers me more than the Evil, which is the Truth which has been powering this Journey.


Or The Truth: the True God?

I no longer care about anything really, and for a while felt I had to figure out how such a play could even be.

That done, I do not give it credence except to remind it and all.

That no matter what has been said and done to the contrary of that Truth.

I Exist.


I could no longer bother with looking at the pit and what was the insult and destruction, allowed to be done to The Truth.

Much less the Beautiful Truth.

And so, this has been my true state before I even came to Libertys.

The 3 months here, is something most of you have read, has been an Existential Hell and Death for me, despite my seeking to continually put my best foot forward, and present an at least graceful face of the Beautiful Truth of the Evolution Awakening

It is not from simply the intensity of the play which took place here, the circumstances and conditions and limitations, but more the culmination of 43 years.

7:43 p.m


27 years .

A-Z A.

64 Portals in U.S A each with a greater resistance, and less means of escape except here..

In winter, to Canada, back to New York, No books, Film, Recognition acknowledgedment to at least rest on my laurels of having gone this far.

And as credit is constantly given for the authorship of my own work- forced upon me.

Liberty is brilliant, and yet so so resistant and so strong, representing the worlds Hope and Dissapointment, Despair and Departure from their True Selves because of their Dreams of an Eon Age.. thousands of years, trillions of peoples dissapintment

I felt like running, screaming, punching the walls in fury.

But there was nothing I could hit, no way to give vent to my fury at being betrayed by Manifest Truth once again.

What more will this Vampire Script Demand of me.

Eating the Body of Christ.

Drinking his Blood.

Using his waters to wash the filth of the World.

A Set Designer of The Seven Stages.

True Nature as God?


I have often woken up here, wandering what am I doing here, or why am I letting my self be used and abused by a Script so Evil, I can no longer deign to look at its Proof and Truth.

I experience it every moment Awake and Asleep.

I am in this physical world.

And I know its a play theater, of Hell which would not bother me so much, since I know it is Evil, and I have long since bern familiar with the unnatural nature of Evil and Cruelty allowed to go too far.

I wake up, and I remember and then I enter into it while forgetring it- meaning that I am only living in the moment of what is infront of me, exclaming, taking my cue, saying the lines Expected

Emeka you always know the right words to say and do my mother stills says that to me, despite our having not seen each other in 31 years!!!!

Why did I simply not go back to see her, or find her all these years.

No door would open.

Something would always prevent it, money, my work schedules which locked me, then more absurd things until the most recent 18 years without passport or I.D.

And then constantly in the move.

And of course, my crippled condition.

Now it is even a Telephone.

8:05 p.m

Liberty has done her best, and has provided the necessities of food, smokes a bed, intelligence, and more, but the battle, the play the going down into those frequencies, and what it does to me, my body..

My body is once more in pain, after being wonderfully releasing, rising because I went down to get a 16 linked to a 19 year old youth.

Representing in a play Nnamdi and Chukwuemeka.

C.N/ N.C my past.

It does not matter, I realized today, as I observed Arden return to his mother as his mother now has returned to her Truth.

There is a quiet gladness for me, and only me for the truth of my work.

But how many times will I observe this, that which is the Truth of each person indentyfing me, then betraying me for this world by the power of a story which is a Lie.

With me sitting here, once again body crippled because I did the work, entered into anothers world, to do the work so that they may ruse, and the portal the represent, and piece the represent in the puzzling picture may manifest.

Arden came in and sat besides me,

And then proceeded to give me the evidence of A H Tom.

See sacred portal 155.

He had a dream last night..

And so I am appeased.

It is him.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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