
Bia Afra…

Bia Afra…

Bia Afro dite

Bia Aphro dite.

*See Saint Afra third century B.C.

Feast Day August 5th. 8-5.

8 is H

5 is E.

13 is M.



R is Respect

Pagan 3rd century prositute dedicated to Venus.

Who helped Bishop Narcissus

*See Legend og Narcsisus and Echo…Looking at his reflection in the magic looking glass.

Acts of Afra.

Acts of Sebles affirmation

Well Done.


Our Consciousness weave…

we Link the truth AND/DNA..

See question from Jasper from the page posted of Kasper…

Virtue and Humility is the sign of Kings.

Thank you (the E.T in Jasper) and the Body of Kasper..

(And Fuck you Elegua and Loki as the evil tricster spirits.

Link K to J..K is 11 J is 1O


21. U.

Double U Jasper Kasper.

Merge the true E.T of J with the true Body of K…

to bring forth my brother lover line VI (6 in Roman numericals F ritz..I.V)

V.I King brother of me.

New found Land.

OINRI Brother Nature as me Bia fra.

Ne Na.

Narcissus Adonnais.


With my our twin sister

Onu .C.

Harmony E also me we S.He He…Supreme Heaven and/dna Earth…

Enough of this Osirus play of Oshoo book Transformations

The story of me cut into pieces and thrown a rose

E Rose…Truth is Transformation.

Be Gone!!!

I.V. Ultra Violet.

I Vie (life live) U.V.

I.V.is 4

V.I is 6




Jasper Ah me fu la.

J.A. for Respect And Appreciation R.A.

Ma Ha (E Rose Transformation) Rah Jah.

Ma Ha Rah Jah.

Bia Afra Afro dite.

Come God Goddess Harmony of Beauty and Love.

C M.E.


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