
Below is Conscious Water..C.W

Below is Conscious Water..C.W

Cecilia Wiebers..C.W…

C Double U double V.I.E.

C is Creation aka Consciousness… B-eau…T.Y..T.I FULL (NOT FOOL)

Angela Marie Alexander Melissa Galvan… A.M…M.G. A.G…E

Energy Water…

Is anyone following this Exquisite play of the Harmonies?

They play of Collective Consciousness as this ridiculous idea humans created as God is what has pissed me off, distorting my body and keeping me in the illusion sustained of physical agony until, i solved the damn riddle.. imagine that kind of pressure and task…

Done alone against this human consciousness, can you imagine- beat the living shit out of me ( well not really I fought back.. as you can all see)..

but man…!!!!

Imagine this most exquisite play in the Beautiful Present of here and now, for a twisted play of the past- not even real… a script…

imagine not witnessing and enjoying this marvelous dance and play for the perverted war to fight human consciousness in the sewer…

Oh, I can no longer really contain my outrage, though to my host, and others who see me I am quiet and smiling…

But this play of sharing what is HAPPENING IN THE PRESENT, was ignored for a peverted past… while everyone physically lives here…

all this to get ppl Espirits to catch up with their bodies so they could land back in their bodies and witness that which has been held up to the agony of my body…

and may i remind you…that i don’t get paid and have been left to exist in non existence as if my truth was the greatest lie…

Oh, yes… I am pissed…

but even that I carry lightly…

after all no one is gonna stop me from boogying… not after 47 human years of this and of course millions billions of years light years of reflection solving these riddles…

Can’t explain the play any longer, must link… gotta get home…

love light and laughter…

the Beautiful Devil… the Devils Advocate… ( B.D-A.D..A.M) he was innocent… your idea of God was the guilty one.. and then he pointed that humans were the cause… and guess what, he was right…!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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