
Beauty has responded!

News Flash and Update! Beauty has responded! 123… ABC in Alpha- bet city New York!
I received a response today, to my quiet, private plea and prayer to Beauty after I took a walk around New York city. I was almost overwhelmed after the response of me (and my family’s) lifetime efforts to prove Beauty, at how everyone and everywhere there seemed only the drive for money, the rush, rush, hush! hush!… “Get it together, keep it together,” seemed the silent intent, mantra on everyone’s conscious and subconscious minds. It seemed for a moment that nothing was going on but the rent. But then I used my third eye to shift focus and perceive, pierce the veil… and remembered my journey around the world; in New York, not all that meets the eye is as it seems. How so many busy people in New York city paused in that rush of doing, achieving and gave me –a tall, brown-skinned stranger from another world–berth and listened for a while to my song of Beauty’s principle.
I recalled how the busy, busy New Yorkers took time off from their busy lives to pause…. That Beauty had such power to make the greatest momentum…energy of doing, and achieving…pause; to make the busiest city in the world pause for a while and listen. I witnessed how every single one recognized the beauty of my song, for it was the song inside of us all. They recognized it because it was their song too. I shook my head, rendering the veil unseen that tried to bring me to despair, reminding myself that I had the proof, the evidence, that my life purpose given to me (whether it was wanted or not) had been fulfilled because, even as I watched the rush rush of busy New Yorkers, I recalled how, for 11 years, I was welcomed into complete strangers’ homes (they were not really strangers to me). They who paused to hear and remember Beauty’s song… And my pleasure at how their eyes shone and how, in an instant, a moment…how beautiful they become, so beautiful it caused me awe, reverence…respect. It turned me into a warrior devoted to that cause which made people come out of their caves, take off their masks, come out from undercover…. and reveal to me the evidence of Beauty existing everywhere. We just had to cleanse our view, our thoughts and cleanse the water of our spirits so our bodies could breath and more easily access the light, the seed within our souls…
Beauty responded to me today, Beauty responds in echoes, and its private response to me through an e-mail, made renewed strength rise in me by reflecting back to me, to us, the truth of who we are…. for in its voice was strength, her strength, my strength… our strength. There is Beauty in the world! Ha! I knew it but I realized I was waiting for one last response to be sure….and in the human spirit that can, will and has already vanquished the ugliness in them that could have destroyed the world, because, for so long, our focus was diverted elsewhere.
Beauty loves the light but beauty comes from our dark sides… where there is no duality because both light and dark are bearers of light… Luke- Lucifer same thing!
I know that no one else has had my journey, just like each of our lives are our own gift to turn the experiences, the colors and emotions, to responses and reflection that can create a visual, virtual, real, true masterpiece of a painting and song. But from my experience and view point which others may not see right now… Beauty has responded, our true human spirit has responded by 3 2 1 reps of consciousness and there is a promise that has landed, which has waited since the beginning of time to exist, for us to call its name. What many do not know, see or feel yet is about to rise and make itself known to the world, and it was brought into existence by the power of us all…to retain within us all the light–seed and song–of recognizing what is truly beautiful.
The response Beauty gave to me today was private, it was a reminder to me of what I never forgot… I just wished to share the news that, very soon, Beauty and the power of beauty, our unique and collective beauty is about to be made manifest to you all…
No more entries today, but I thought I would let you know, to have more than hope as you face the coming days. You don’t even need to believe me, but just to let you know Beauty is on its way… this news might help you get you through a tough day… see beauty everywhere!
Light love laughter… and a healthy dose of mischief!
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/15/24: 820

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