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I know why

Just spoke to Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna..


Traihi the 23 yr old in my room who lit up and was glowing with pure white light yesterday night as he spoke to me- almost

Commanding me to give him all the Intel..

Said he was at first attracted to my light,

Then saw my body do its thing then the Primal Emotive sound emerge.

He said he felt fear, that there was something dark in me primal- dangerous not evil.. Dangerous.

He saw war, disease destruction .. And a lawyer..

He said this after exclaiming

I don’t know why I was afraid of you

Your possessed but by Beauty something Beautiful..

But Dangerous.

Yes, yes I see it, he hastened to add

I see it even as we speak but I am no longer afraid of it

Then he surprised me by saying

I see all the suffering misery pain all you endured let me have take it, let me take your burden away.

I can carry it..

And gain all the knowledge you have gained.

How did you learn to see so well?

I asked him.

Its in my family…

He replied

We See…

I Never Ever Mislead People

And I made it clear that

I am The Beautiful Devil

T B.D.

The Elegant Trickster


Low Key

The Wolf…

The Crossing Guard

The Great Actor who never required your belief

But who does not Decieve

And does not intentionally seek to piss you off but has no problem with it.

Especially if you Lie.

That is the Esprit in me

And the Truth of my past.

This is not a popularity contest

Nor is it a Vote.

Humanity had no say in this Evolution Awakening.

You were Being Judged

I was being Used

And I did my Job

I defended and I prosecuted

No two Faces on Face

One Profile.

Observing the Truth

And then reporting my findings to the one who sent me, to Champion His Cause

Truth Naturalness Go-d and G-Ode

At whom I am so pissed off at for making me play such a role.

I have respect for everyone

But not for this species


Love is Conscious

Love Sees with X ray vision

Even what Monsters really mean to say.

Our some one screaming at you

Who is rude, or in pain.

Love Cees that truth

And I have walked the walk

In uncontrolled environments

Outside my comfort zone

While in physical discomfort and pain

Of this play and the Spirit


Welcomed in 55 Homes of Strangers

16 yrs

No rest

Why in a battle in the Spirit World

And all taken away from me in the Material realm

And I a Beautifully Proud.

And never did I project rage on others

Never stopped seeing each person clearly fairly despite their responses to my seeking to show them how to clean

Sharing knowledge for free

While I endured

16 in New York

Insults from those whose life’s

Were rescued who then turned aside because they thought I had no power

That I was Gods Slave

Never have I stopped Being Fair

Conscious even when day and night

On Face Book to Cafes to all the people sent to me to give intel and link with

16 years of watching treachery

False Expressions

People False

Betraying Truth


Not once have I lashed out

Accused Betrayed Confidences

Or revealed all I really experienced and saw.

I never lost sight

Or Truth is Love being


I Am Conscious of your Feelings too

While doing the most Hellish job

In the most Hellish time of Human Existence right to a Mental Shelter

I never betrayed G od. Or the Ode

Not once.

You think I can’t see myself

Or my worth or that I don’t know

What it means for 49-50 for a whole watch as I move to the streets to a Shelter then a Mental housing shelter..

With no words of protest from


Of course I do

Its called Hate

And it is not Natural

It is learned.

Beautiful Devil

I really am.

I aint no Angel

Because I have free will

And I do not forgive

Until at least the Lesson is learnt.

And I will never forget this

Experience and Expression

And as I promised..

I respond.

With Power At Last.

12:12 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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