
B.E. Q.U I E.T.

B.E. Q.U I E.T.


Being Quantum.



Pause. Reflect.

That has always been the formula.

How else can we percieve Change and Transformations

C A T.

There is a Time when all Conversations must end.

Because The Point has been made.

Liberty C Liscomb has recorded most of our conversations.

As John Mack did, but my conversations with Liberty went to places which I never attained with John or Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines).

Along with my posts and these recordings, at the appropriate time, mainly in Hindsight, all which you believe now, which does not make sense, will make sense.

Be Quiet


2 17..

217 South Whitney.

217 B. A.G. A Gemino.

4:58 -89 p.m.

Some one has proven you are in a Matrix and a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.

And that this is the End of your reality.

Never was anyone asked to believe, you were simply asked to pay attention and listen.

Thats All.

Choice, Free Will was always in your hands.

And then with all the Evidence and Facts at your disposal, you could do or enact whatever you wanted.

Being Quiet is not the end of communication, nor is it the Absolute Silence of Death.

5:11 p.m


D.E.A T.H .. E.

( 4 5. 1 20 8. 5.

9 29 5.. 43.)

9 29. 5. ( I A M A N E )


Emeka Kolo


Hmmm.. so I guess I told the Truth.

I am Death..

D.E. A.T H. E.

Beautiful Death.

B D .. 2 4.

Death E.. is numerically 43..

D E A T. H. =

* 38 ( C.H.. / Harwington Connecticut)

It really is that Pause before Transformation.

I have lived now for Two Months and 11, 12 days at Libertys.

2 11. B.K. Benjamin C. Krajewski and Tree Sage wished to come and see me today.

But I felt I had to postpone it.

There is no more T.S Script or B.K.. Book

2 12 B L. U.E. Blue Calicite.

That play is over…and completed.

2:12 Time Code last post.

5:20 p.m now.


Lucas Roca contacted me at 4:56 p.m

He messaged me to ask me how I am doing, he is doing well and sent me the photos of his home

5:28 p.m

528 Hertz.

He spoke about how he had been keeping up with my posts when he had time.

He called it a story, and reiterated that it was a true story.. The actual Truth, saying that he could never forget that it is Truth.

Based on the scene he witnessed together with myself and John Mack at Jesse Macias home.

F.S./ S.F.

6 19=25

25 + 25 = 50


E O.

5 O.

56…11.. 2. 11:1.

*10 8 6 7..9.. 10. 86. 79. 108 67. 9

Some intel I just recieved.

5:43 p.m

All Conversations must End.

This brings the End of The Story.

And at Libertys its brings the end of Confusion which could have ended in terrible conflict.

But instead it has ended in Quiet.

And I am grateful..

This is a family living in this world protected for the moment by the illusion of this world unconscious.

And shielded from the Truth of my Identity and the Truth of what I have been decoding and proving, all perhaps apart from Liberty.

5:50 p.m

Who is a mother in this world, who I had been directed to guve intel of which took me 43 years.

D.E A T. H. E.. ( 43)

And yes her Age Code is 43.

It was a battle to down load and make sure she has all the Intel Data.. Language Codes..

The entire process.. and it never had anything to do with Belief.

As long as she has all the knowledge, indented into her, very similar to the Fifth Element, and the Dark Crystal .

It will rise in her, in when the moment comes of ..

5:58 p.m.

It was a Terrible Battle.. but at least we have succeeded.

Back From The Future,

My Mission is Complete.

6:00 p.m


aka Liberty C Liscomb

J.L.. C. F.L..

Has everything they require.

And so, it is time to for me to retreat.

Back into the Shadows of the Quiet.

Her Family has returned, and I leave her her Family and her Home..because my work here is done.

6:03 p.m



When I heard from Lucas which by the way means Light : I was tempted to ask him, to come and take me away, at least for a weekend, at least so my Quiet Heart would not feel so intensely the Hurt of what this play had done to me.

But I held myself in check, Tom is upstairs with his son and happily making jokes..

This was his family once.

6:07 p.m

6:08 p.m

6;10 p.m

This was my Family once too..

But none of them remember me

6:12 p.m


F.L. Faarrel to Leander..

Line of 27

Eternal Sunshine.

Strange is not, to be forgotten so thoroughly escept by one.. who one, A G and J linked to L.

To be literally The Forgotten One

Only linked by something Familiar .. a Love so Strong and Constant it could bridge the Divide of Eternity..

To Alert all the Key Line of the Avatar Descendants of his E.T Family for 43 years.

When they sent him the Vision Memmory.

To guard and keep..

Blue Crystal.

B C..E

And he kept It all..

The Beautiful Truth

6:19 p.m


The Memory of their Beautiful Past.

Their Beautiful Truth.

Do you remember, such stories of Love Supreme?

Love which indestructible, traveling through Time and Space, to warn and save his once family of the impending end of all worlds?

No, such stories don’t really exist, except through Human Imagination..

Sigh…I wish I could be in any place but here right now.

But I have no car, and I am isolated, andin the country side, I had sought to give them space, spending most of my time on the terrace so that may have some privacy from the Intensity of the Truth that I be.

But I am exactly where I am meant to be.

Portal of Life and Liberty.

L I F. E.

E F…I L. Infinite Limitless.

6:27 p.m

No more Hurt pls.

F. A-A..

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