
Author Elizabeth O Johnson.

Author Elizabeth O Johnson.

E O S ..

Me bed 5 O 19. Delta Manor

E D M…

This explains A lot.

Especially was endured as I and the E Line had to endure in the Spirit realm as the past

Especially on entering The Land of the Free

T.L. O. T.F. 2012. 6 20 6.

Only to find themselves as Slaves

I saw and felt, and experienced while travelling down memory lane what was done, to Women and Children in secret and in the open

But if you notice maby of my sacred portals show the rape of men from Sacred Portal 24 to 94..

X. B D To I.D

Rape break your Spirit and rape any I D you have of yourself

I wondered at this since the drawings cane from my subconscious

And since this is not my story, or experience, that I was experiencing what had been done to the True and the innocent..

I went through this in the Spirit realm 17 18 years..

A Terrible Demonic Power..

And the literal extent of not only extreme perversion of Love Lust Desire

Of which I also saw everywhere I went in the World.

But in The Americas…

Just too much..too far…

And with no desire to make amends

How can there be forgiveness for raping so savagely so brutally a Man’s Spirit?

And since the True Man is a direct descendant of the First Man



The Creator

The Source of All and Man Woman Child..

It would mean that these people had commuted the one unforgivable sin ,according to the Western and Universally accepted law of Bible Book

Which is to Sin against the Holy Espirit

The Spirit of A Men.


A.M. A N U.


Too much…


Too far..

Cruelty Beyond Belief

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