
August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic..

August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic..

Illustrious Respected renown hallowed emminent celebrated honored…

August One of the Seven months containing 31 Days… 7 is G…31..C.A.

It is the Julienne Gregorian Calender.

In the Southeren Hemisphere it aligns with February…F.A..4th Note..

Joesph Al Nikoma…J.A.N..

January the First Month of.the year is an illusion…

JANUS…Roman God of Gate ways a Door ways two.heads going in.opposite directions…

All things Converge to.one point as it does with.the months below..

February means Purification Cleansing..

Aligned North South Hemisphere to

August…meaning Magnificent Great…

F.A…meaning forth note..

Thus thus code aligns to.True meaning embodied of the 8 Month and 8 Symbol as Infinity..and the 2nd as 11Pure Being P.C..

Agustus Julius Ceaser…A.J.C…A.A C…


Thus the 2nd month and the 8th month.in number symbols align to.28-82…

I am born 28th 11…

Nnamdi as my brother passed 1982

Fritz Venneiq was born 1982…


4th Street.

And as for the Word Octo latin for 8…

@1O…not 10..it aligns to 8Alpha…Omega..

Meaning in the Begining to.End there was and is only Harmony Infinity.

Align thus to April…The 4th month.. April.means Open in.Latin.. O Pen

O Pen Is…

The alignment to Octo as 8 Alpha Omega a Full Circle to the Point is that is the portal Open, opens through understanding Harmony Infinity..

It also aligns to F.A…4th Note

Thus, in Symbols Numbers Symbols (North South H em I Sp. here.. (S.P.is Sacred Portal)

And in meaning through the word…. Octo as 8 in Latin also I Circle Full.First Contact I…Alpha Omega to 4th Month April meaning Open…


Open Is E…

All four months align O.A..F.A…


Full Circle of the 4 th Dimension

13 Dimension..16..52…completed to the point.

Entry into the Fifth Dimension

Home of Emeka Line of E…

Sheesh talk about a stubborn.force resisting my.going home… Forever.

Love is not possesion it is Freedom

And if I and the line of E had been treated well we would not have fought so valuantly.to.leave.

But we are not respected revered or treated as anythng other than the lowliest slaves with not worth or recognition for this we doe and not even a home or an income for worth for our contribution to this world.

Why on earth should we stay Beings of such worth of August just to.be your bound gagged and castrated servants and slaves to.masters of filthy expression sado.masochistic pleasure in.misery miserly evil.cruel.spiteful.malicious lies as the way…you.exists as Pharisses and Hypocrites spreading disease.

We go.home with all the Line of E in you and the Beautiful few…


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