
At 998 Face Book Friends..

At 998 Face Book Friends..

I am Done!!!!!

Proving the My Source Codes and Evolution Awakening…

I am Done!!!!

Tamika Rivera…

Tamika means People

and Rivera means River….

The Full Circle is a River… A river runs through us… Linking is conection us in a Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle…

That Stream of Consciousness and Knowing is what I was coerced into proving here infront of you after I knew my mission was complted in 2012-2013…

Instead I was informed by a Messenger which I posted right here on Face Book that it was a message from Nnamdi through Billy Hung, that I had to stay and include the people in the play.

Lisa Levine had also suggested that too.. That the people would like to feel included…

I was outraged.

Nicholas.. Nicole…. NN… Means Victory

*Greek Meaning: The name Nicholas is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Nicholas is: People’s victory. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, sailors, and pawnbrokers – Santa Claus is based on this saint.

St Nicholas…

*Greek Meaning: The name Claus is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Claus is: People’s victory.

On the 25th of December last year I was given a Hat as a Christmas Gift with the code OA 511…/ 115… O A E.K… There is no way they could have known that it would be my intitials and code mission of O to A…H..

T.N…. Tamika Nicholas…

Both on 17th Street where David Roman Nicholas had taken me to in 2002-3 to check if I was really who he recognized me to be, to see if I could read a display window which he used- and subsequently I did to check to intel of where were were in the play…

In 2005 I came back from Agusta Georga ( contact with David had been servered by a play in which he would appear at will and I could not go to him) and through meeting Axel Love I was a woman called Maryam who had a placeon 17th Street.

and from there I was moved to Hells Kitchen.

D.N…T.R… D.T…NR…( N R I … N… RIOS was my code correcting the OINRI Igbo story.. updating it in a way back to its orignal truth…)

T.N… 20 14…. 34…. C.D… ( Carlton Derrick…C.D…7…

Earths True Colors…. Science New York Times…

on the GemStones from the earth…

( E.T.C)..

Same Section page D3…

See the Skull Image of the Galaxy set in Lights like Gems…

on it the word Wonder

( Boy Wonder)

Then on Page 8 and 7.. Todays New York Times…

a Two page speard called THE 7

Advertizing the New B M W… ( B..M W… Milky Way… MW 69/96)

The Liscene plate M. PV…84 26…

Date of Birth on Face Book and 26… A-Z…

Link Peter Zihlmann… Carlton Bed 2006.. T O F… ( Kris Tof Safter Taskent knows whom I address..) T OF…8..H.. B.O..OF..

B.F.. Best Friend Harmony

( Safter Taskent the only thing I could do to help Christof when you told me the news of his condition was to prove my equation True- He is from the line of my Ascended Family… Cupid.. Eros I.E)

Derrick bed 5-017… E.O.Q..

E.O.Q… B F.. (Best Friend …2+6=8.. Infinity Harmomy 9 8…=17.. 8…)

26…Signed Zorro.

Victory to the People…

1:49 a,m

1:02 a.m.



A.B. A C A O….

Meaning of the name Abacao….


.Counting Machine… The First Computer…

Literally meaning a Table with Dust or sand in it used to write, count, indicate lines numbers…

It then Evolved.

My Grandfather was a Multi Millionaire twice over dealt with companies from all over the World.

And never went to school, I recalled the Abacus he used in his office and how he counted in his head…

His son Chidi studiied Computer Science in University in 1979-83.

And his elder brother Chemistry… and his son is at Oxford…

just as another line of the same age Lord Charles children went on to Duke Harvard University of Chicago…

What I am alluding to is that the Evolution of Numbers can be traced from Star Dust…

Counting in the Sand…the Stars in the sky.

two islands (Great Abaco and Little Abaco) in the N Bahamas. 776 sq. mi. (2010 sq. km).

7 76….77 6…

1:51 a.m

Further Reading from Wikipedia…

( Please if you can donate to them, as I can not because I do not have acess to a bank account or I.d)

The use of the word abacus dates before 1387 AD, when a Middle English work borrowed the word from Latin to describe a sandboard abacus. The Latin word came from Greek ?ßa? abax which means something without base, and improperly, any piece of rectangular board or plank.[2][3][4] Alternatively, without reference to ancient texts on etymology, it has been suggested that it means a square tablet strewn with dust,[5] or drawing-board covered with dust (for the use of mathematics)[6] (the exact shape of the Latin perhaps reflects the genitive form of the Greek word, ?ßa?o? abakos). Whereas the table strewn with dust definition is popular, there are those that do not place credence in this at all and in fact state that it is not proven.[7][nb 1] Greek ?ßa? itself is probably a borrowing of a Northwest Semitic, perhaps Phoenician, word akin to Hebrew ?abaq (???), dust (or in post-Biblical sense meaning sand used as a writing surface).[8]

The preferred plural of abacus is a subject of disagreement, with both abacuses[9] and abaci[9] in use. The user of an abacus is called an abacist.[10]



The period 2700–2300 BC saw the first appearance of the Sumerian abacus, a table of successive columns which delimited the successive orders of magnitude of their sexagesimal number system.[11]

Some scholars point to a character from the Babylonian cuneiform which may have been derived from a representation of the abacus.[12] It is the belief of Old Babylonian[13] scholars such as Carruccio that Old Babylonians may have used the abacus for the operations of addition and subtraction; however, this primitive device proved difficult to use for more complex calculations.[14]


The use of the abacus in Ancient Egypt is mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus, who writes that the Egyptians manipulated the pebbles from right to left, opposite in direction to the Greek left-to-right method. Archaeologists have found ancient disks of various sizes that are thought to have been used as counters. However, wall depictions of this instrument have not been discovered.[15]


During the Achaemenid Empire, around 600 BC the Persians first began to use the abacus.[16] Under the Parthian, Sassanian and Iranian empires, scholars concentrated on exchanging knowledge and inventions with the countries around them – India, China, and the Roman Empire, when it is thought to have been exported to other countries.


An early photograph of the Salamis Tablet, 1899. The original is marble and is held by the National Museum of Epigraphy, in Athens.

The earliest archaeological evidence for the use of the Greek abacus dates to the 5th century BC.[17] Also Demosthenes (384 BC–322 BC) talked of the need to use pebbles for calculations too difficult for your head.[18][19] A play by Alexis from the 4th century BC mentions an abacus and pebbles for accounting, and both Diogenes and Polybius mention men that sometimes stood for more and sometimes for less, like the pebbles on an abacus.[19] The Greek abacus was a table of wood or marble, pre-set with small counters in wood or metal for mathematical calculations. This Greek abacus saw use in Achaemenid Persia, the Etruscan civilization, Ancient Rome and, until the French Revolution, the Western Christian world.

A tablet found on the Greek island Salamis in 1846 AD (the Salamis Tablet), dates back to 300 BC, making it the oldest counting board discovered so far. It is a slab of white marble 149 cm (59 in) long, 75 cm (30 in) wide, and 4.5 cm (2 in) thick, on which are 5 groups of markings. In the center of the tablet is a set of 5 parallel lines equally divided by a vertical line, capped with a semicircle at the intersection of the bottom-most horizontal line and the single vertical line. Below these lines is a wide space with a horizontal crack dividing it. Below this crack is another group of eleven parallel lines, again divided into two sections by a line perpendicular to them, but with the semicircle at the top of the intersection; the third, sixth and ninth of these lines are marked with a cross where they intersect with the vertical line.[20] Also from this time frame the Darius Vase was unearthed in 1851. It was covered with pictures including a treasurer holding a wax tablet in one hand while manipulating counters on a table with the other.[18]


Main article: Suanpan

A Chinese abacus (suanpan) (the number represented in the picture is 6,302,715,408)




Literal meaning

calculating tray


* Naming the Bahamas Islands:

History and Folk Etymology

Wolfgang P. Ahrens



The names of the individual islands of the Bahamas and place names on them reflect major currents in their

history. Names from the Lucayan period are reflected in Spanish writings of the 16th century; British settlement

from Bermuda and from Providence Island influence naming in the late 17th century, while British loyalists

from the United States after the Revolutionary War in the late 18th century contribute further names. Even in

more recent times there has been some naming and renaming. Historical facts and academic writings, however,

have often been disregarded by the population and this has given rise to curious local folk etymologies.

* * *


The Bahamas is an island nation lying in the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast of the Florida

coast. The country consists of eighteen larger inhabited islands and more than seven hundred

smaller islands, cays, and islets that are either unpopulated or very sparsely settled. The

Bahamas belong to the Caribbean area culturally, but not geologically, as they lie further

north in the Atlantic Ocean, just east and southeast of Florida. They are of limestone

formation and differ in this from the Caribbean islands which are mainly of volcanic origin.

The settlement history of the Bahamas also differs from that of the Caribbean region.

Settlement history is reflected in the naming of the islands and in this paper I restrict

myself to the naming of the major populated islands. I will also point out some folk

etymologies of island names and mistaken explanations of names of these major islands. I

will also hint at some possible solutions to the derivation of several of these island names.

The islands were first settled by the Lucayan people between 600 and 800 AD. The

Lucayans were a branch of the Arawaks, who settled throughout the Caribbean area,

including the larger islands of Cuba, Hispaniola and Jamaica, where these people were

known as Taíno. It is estimated that about 40,000 or more Lucayans inhabited the Bahamian

islands around 1500. After the Spanish came to Cuba and Hispaniola around 1500, they

deported the Bahamian population and used them as slave labour in their silver mines and as

divers in their pearl industry based at the island of Cubaqua, located in the Caribbean Sea just

north of the South American coast. By about 1550 the Bahamian islands are said to have been

totally depopulated and the Lucayans had perished in Spanish captivity.1

The earliest known written documentation of the Chinese abacus dates to the 2nd century BC.[21]

The Chinese abacus, known as the suanpan (??, lit. counting tray), is typically 20 cm (8 in) tall and comes in various widths depending on the operator. It usually has more than seven rods.

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