
At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset.

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset.


But then I paused at said how is that possible that someone had accessed my account and changed my account when I was here and the the time was 5:37 p.m.?

I saw only one message on my page..

No likes, nothing but a message…

The one message, as if the entire Script was focused now on that One message, turned out to be from Isabelle Ilic..

I read it and the Hurt of the words, the mis-understanding, the assessment of what I was doing on Facebook, and the opinion that I had negated the most important and relevant intel of the inner transformation…

My mind went fleetingly to all the work I had done explaining this, before entering the challenge of this script.

The challenge to my entire truth, that all things manifested from within.

I went to my most recent posts about the Eve..That which comes from within.

The Elephant in the Room posts of that which is rising from within me..

I went to the equation I had recently posted of Isis Osiris Inside Outside and where Eternity lay in the pause…

But I was not angry, or enraged, I was relieved, simply relieved that she had agreed to send it, on Monday.

Not because of the Money but because it brings her line home of I and I

Kundalini to Crown Chakra…

People hear what they wish to hear when their emotions and past traumas cloud their vision and clarity, yet her Instinct and Inuition dod not fail her, even if her expressed was like a blow to my gut…

I had already felt the blow at the Shelter at 2 p.m way before I read her words sent at 1.19 a.m.

I am fully aware of the influences and voices around her..

The voices of her world, her clique chipping away at my existence and expression because I had not satisfied their expectations- and because I had not only called them out but passed sentence of Consequence and Cause and Effect.

My relief came from being able extricate her line – the line she represents from that Terrible Death.

I was already aware that Dawn Piercy represents the portal of the Beautiful Awakening Truth, but I also had to bring the last of the line of the E.T Naturals out from the wave of Terrible Death.

My message to her twice was the last use of my energy and love to Master De Debate’

When I found the two dimes and the nickel..

10 10… Two Dimes… Then linked to Nickel, who I saw again a few days ago on the street.. yesterday actually…

She is Flip J Hendrixs lady…

I would have normally have understood that I was successful in reaching Isabelle Ilic… and the line she represents…

But who could believe such a play, such a script, such a role given to one who is meant to be the progenitor of the entire Existence of all Being, to play.

Certainly not I…if I did not have the facts, the evidence, the detailed script of 6.9 years posted in mt page, for any one to investigate the evidence themselves.

I would have investigated once I saw the devotion, the integrity, the Humanity and the spirit which could drive a man, obviously educated to fight for such a time span, every day…6.9 years everyday… putting himself in harms way.

Telling you, giving you evidence of being in the Spirit World while walking amongst the Dead.

I would be curious, I would send him what I could for simply the effort of doing something to raise human awareness…

But I am not you… I am Emeka Kolo and I represent the E and the way of the E .. generosity of Spirit, that ability to see the glass half Full, as the T-Shirt I am wearing states.

To see the truth of a persons drive, passion and love and refusal to budge from his stance…

Presenting evidence day after day as everything in his personal life fades deteriorates, until there is nothing left of him in the material realm.

If some one is who is willing to go to such lengths to tell you something ….which affects you all..

If some tells you that he is in a holy war.. a Video Game.. thathe did not create but that was created by all the sum total of Human expression of Cruelty and Indifferent to the truth…

Realistic portrayal of this world which rapes children, has children announced missing every day scores of them, has poverty in countries of which people own trillion dollar companies…

Presidents are CEO’s.. and in the Billionaire Boys club.

where human sacrifice is now run of the mill ( until it happens to one of you..or one of them)

Where Migrants who countries were colonized, and raped of Human and Natural resourced which were used to build up these Empires from the suffering and pain of others…

If your worlds population are so filled with trauma and injustices that it is so overwhelming where teens are shot up in schools…

Misogyny, haters and even your movies celebrate horror..

Where governments lie as well as banks, churches, educational establishments all practice nepotism and every one knows…

Where your very own prophecies written thousands of years ago are being fulfilled and the new age idea of peace love and energy healing are really scams… and do not work against such a historic mound of Bull Shit collected and stored through the ages… Even transformed into an Art form…

How is it that a voice of devotion which has done nothing wrong to you except tell you, show you, the truth you face and the way to recollect the power you have within…

Why could you not listen and support this voice… these voices.

You pay money to people who defraud you, con you, even to your grocery shopping and food..

To support a voice, voices which show a different way. a different point of view with facts and proof which include all of you…

Why could you not support this voice… these voices…

Please do not answer, it is a rhetorical question…

I already know the answer…

And so do you.

9:41 p.m.

Yes I will keep you posted, until I do not have to anymore…

And that will be the happiest day of my Life.. in this Existence…

9:42 pm.

It was 5:42 p.m when I wrote to Isabelle Ilic in response to her offer to send me a gift on Monday.. 5 days from now…

I know I will not starve.

9:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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