
As usual excellent Intel…

As usual excellent Intel…

O Romeo Baron… O.R.B..


Indeed we are losing our magnetic field. What’s taking place right now is the amplifying of the electromagnetic frequencies coming through the Earth’s magnetic field. As it reaches a breaking point in the following months, the 3D planet’s outer magnetic field will shift into the new dimensional frequency band, simultaneously raising the ethereal frequency of Earth and that will create a frequency jumper that will catapult the Earth’s ethereal body through the 4D portal shifting across into the 5th dimension. This means that we will have an elevated advancement in consciousness on a global scale, Everything Will Change! The old reality will completely dissolve and for this very reason life will no longer exist as we now know it:’

Actually it has already happened played out down here…

4th Street to 18 Mountain View.. Glass Terrace 3..C..Chocolate…

It was all played out here in a Universal Simulation Awareness Energetic….


And the physical manifestation is but the Echo of that Energetic Play manifested Ahtomic-Matter…

3 4…7…to 5th…. 75… 12..35… 3 8…C.H.I..Energy

3 4…12… to 5th… 125…8…60…60…6OO..Sixth Sense Two Full Circles…68.. 2 68..

Chi O.INRI Igbo.. Japan…

2 68…Sixth sense in Harmony…

38+68…1O6… Alpha Omega Fact….


1 6..A.F..

Angelo Fronda

See Gay-Marie Bradshaw.. Kepler…Hooded Cloaked…I was in the Hood under cover…

But then what do I know about Human Evolution being that A Hue-man heralds the Return to the Truth Earth already Evolved by the Family of E.V..From the 5th…Which heralds a new Era…

I notice Kim , that we have 11 mutual face book friends…

11 Is K..

Hmm what was recently said about the Hologram.. and looking for number 11…code…K

4:44 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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