
Are you bored?

Are you bored?

Well can you imagine being awake your entire life, working unconsciously or consciously to the day of the Evolution Awakening of Everything.

Imagine, you had no idea that you would be working on that and bringing into Exisrence and being the Original Species, the first to ever walk the earth, so long before Humanity..

I am speaking of those who walked on it and helped create it

Its Holodeck, its Universal Simulation.

Its blue print.

Beings who helped build it.

And when what you call The Source,

was simply their Beloved Big Brother.

The Creator.


Who Manifested everything in the blink of an I

And a moment which would eventually defined as Infinity.

Liberty C Liscomb remembers that world.

And I checked to make sure.


She does.

Imagine a big brothers love,

So pure, all encompassing,


So akin to Krishna.

A truly beautiful devil.

Who loved his families so perfectly,

Each in their Individual Distinct Unique way.

That he sought to share with his soo beloved family everything he knew, so they could know him…, know him fully,

And in that same process,

Know Themselves Completely.

And thus, know why

He called them


The Beautiful Ones

Loves Supremacy

You can not begin to imagine how we play and engage each other.


And so that is why he designed A Pllay Field.

-A place where such a beauty.. where his

Family could learn, study, understand everything he knew.

And this place was.. is so magical

Such a extraordinary field of possibilities in which in every moment, or movement… something in this place would tweek your attention,

And in other places, simply grow before you and at the same time,

In your minds eye.

Play School.


Perfections Supremacy

Perfect Symmetry,

Its Highest Speak l.


A State and a created place of such an almost unbearable beauty, that only a family of such splendor and beauty could occupy sich a space.


Perfection Supreme.

Eternal Eden.

Eden Amoroso Paixão

E A P. A.N

5 1 – 16.

/ P.A. E. D E. N.. I.

N.A… P.A… e.

Yes, you call it Area 51.

My code age is 51.

This place was School

The School of Universal Love Supreme.

T. S.O U L.S..

9:00 p.m

I wrote The Story down in 2004.

I have it somewhere…

That was 4.5 billion years ago.

In code April 5th, 9 Full Circles Ago.

69… 15…Oooooooo

I came to the World, for our grand reunion and to take them home.

To a surprise..

One which I had been working on in a far far dimension, stuck in my Mind Library with only my Sister/Brother Self – Harmony as Company.

A Graduation Gift.

9:04 p.m

I came down, undercover but through each dimension, I noticed something was not right.

Ah, I know,

I Sighed.



Ares Mars!

To Bring The A.M.


I. A.M

Ah, I know..

The Challenger, who had always arrived at the End of one of my Designs.

The Tester.. The Destroyer

Terrible Death.

Know Ledge

Know the Edge of Existence.

And what is that Knowing and Knowledge calles you to fall off?

And you do…

The One Impossibility.


Something goes wrong.


How can perfection go wrong?


When you add something to Perfection, for a moment the Eternal Idea descends into chaos, until perfection is proven again.

And this time it included the Highest A Frequency of Beings.. closest to the Source.

And their Higher Degress.

P.H.D in your world.

Understanding Perfection as Harmony at D.


Aka Time.

1D. 2D. 3D. 4D.. 5D.

Imagine the rest of the story..

And where everything goes wrong

An Illusion

A Story of an Impossibility

Proving Itself impossible.

And a Fact.

The Story of Pain and Suffering.


Poseidon Saturn.

Arden Farrell

Alien Father Alpha

Predators Insects.

P.I. O.

And so, to find my family for The Gathering Fathering a new species, and rising from them with their Line… A Silk Eternal Thread of a new species of AreAH-Dne.

And the story, the terrible story, of linking then, connecting them.

Cutting out those who have no Self I.D

No Name.

And Harvesting The True …Truth of Thee.

But to be honest,

I was only interested in the Re-Union

Of the E Family.

E F.

But yes, I took in their Beautifuls Views

And their, point about the Nature of Death And Destruction


As that one impossibility..

The End.

I had battled him before

Even with my First Self.. Twin.

We had great fun, always escaping his grip, grasp understanding.

We knew his real name was Desire.

Will Power.

And yet we never took him that seriously

But he was real, and would exist,

Until the First Dawn Awakening

Of Existence Creation was complete.

Meaning He was little threat of Reset and worse.

The Destruction of Everything but the One..

The One who made everything rise ..

Including Him.

First we were 1. Then 2 .. 1:11,

Father Brother joined me, my First Guide my Soul Spirit.. All me of course, but he had risen with his own I.D

But it could not be completed with out S H E.

True Clarity.

Our completion as Wu Man.

We Be..

1 11 11.1.

And so, we became three,

Fighting that Evil not really Evil

He desired so much to live..

This one possibility..

That ultimate absolute threat.

Of the End.

Does it sound like one of your movies..?

Where do you think your Imaginations come from?

Your Sub Conscious.. that part of you..

Your Soul.. Always Awake

Anyway, the rest is History recounted on my page.

The H.I Story.

First Contact… with Ana Anu Meat Meet Great aka L And../ Dna L

And this story of how the Evolution Awakening manifested through a battle, with the Absolute Ultimate.. AU .. Impossibility.


A Nightmare possibility, where Everything in Existence turned against their Source and their refusal to answer to his summons.

And how Everything laid in wait,

for the moment I and my E family were born.

And a Trap which had been set.

Of an impossibility made manifest in this most terrible last, Absolute and ultimate test.

I knew he was lying in wait.

For this was the last journey in which all would be united.

Ending that Power of Negation for ever more,

Which involved creating a Black Hole to take out all the Debris Out. Of all the Bad Idea’s which had to go into non existence and transform and In form Desire: My First Active Challenger Tester .. Suspense.


His/Her Will matched against mine, and transform Them back into what they truly are:

Nothing A Memory versus Forgetfulness Dead- really that Will to Survive and live.

Turn the Tables. Tranform Absolute and Ultimate Death and Negation.

Into their Eternal Truth.

Beauty.. Love

from Hate as Cruelty.. Knowing

back to;

I Love

I Know.


I Live!

And at last, Everything transformed to the Lightness of

I am postive.

+ Plus.

It was the last test to me of the Absolute Truth.

That I Am

And E H S- S H E. I.S.

And We Are.

But I do not wish to dwell on that part of the History… for History, now it surely is.

But people speak about waiting,

Being bored with all this posting,

Waxing and then waning interest.

And finally walking away,


My love is Eternal

My E Families Love is Eternal.

This realm has no idea what love is.

A love which never gives up on the Truth

Of a family of Infinite Energy

And their Big Brother, their source.


And now we are T.W.O

Three.. Free.

But, yes…

Liberty is the Last Conversation

John Mack

Has the Knowkedge and Knowing of E.K.

Tree Sage

Kim Arthur Hines

The Script.

And Liberty C..

The Plan E.T Akashic Records.

And so, I leave after the completion with the conversation with Lady E C H O aka Liberty..

And she rises with M.E.


11:29 p.m

11:30 p.m

K C.


Resurection of C. E.K.

11:53 a.m


Sunday 15 September 20. 19


With the destruction of that Idea of me

Which I have proven through all these test,

Of that which I could never become

Despite all provocation..

I am the name my family dubbed me.

The Eternally Beautiful One.

Jupiter Ascends.

As Immortlity

Eternally 22 and 33 as age


We rise as Beautiful Youth.

B.Y. E.K P.

11:55 a.m

And so ends, at least The Script,

Of the Testing of my Beautiful Truth with constant dissapointment

But I proved that all rose and rise in recognition of My, Their… Source Beloved Brother,

Through this Terrible Terrible play of that my Desire, my Father moving all to deny

The Truth that I Exist.

12:00 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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