
Arden… Aurelia then Kim… T

Arden… Aurelia then Kim… Tree Sage
In the true meaning of wilderness school.
To be Alone in your reflections thoughts alone.

Despite being surrounded by people, in which you must quietly climb down from those pleasant heights to acomodate…

I began to play this and Arden’s truth flowed through me.
10:11 pm.

10:12 pm.

Haris Babic truth.

To be surrounded by people.. many whom you truly love but whom you have to climb down to a frequency to be with.

This is how and why Nnamdi died. why he told his Trinity of Friends to cross the road first, so he could leave and rise to continue to rise unhindered, to the place his Songes and quiet reflections alone led him.

I should know. I wrote the journals called Talking To The Silence in 1989 to well right now.

We are very social, playful but with our Equals and we are too little to tell our friends that they are yet to attain being our equals because what it reaal means is = or when we stand up II ii and that does not need a word, its is quiet, hence ESP.

10″17 pm

now look what is the thumbs-up code I discovered on this, and understand why I had to write this.

To be that quiet and comfortable together.

That is not a Soul mate, it is your Equal.

10:19 pm.

South Whitney
Wilderness School.

To understand the true knowing and realization with no fear, of knowing that you are Alone.

But not alone that there is another, and other who must exist as you.

With constant appreciation .. with the occasional grumpiness of are we not there yet. where are you?
The Peak.
when One as I. become I I. I;IIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

10:22 pm.

And back to I iIIi iiii

10:23 pm
J W.
J Double V Vv

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