
Andrew Bartiz

Andrew Bartiz


Mike E..



These are three people whom Liberty C Liscomb has been reading and quoting as we have conversed today.

The one constant has been Andrew Bartiz.


Mike E. And his Theorey of Everything..

M.E she brought up today and even brought a file and photocopied his intel and the time and date was 9-8-19… 9:17 a.m.

M.E. all these are here codes right to 9:17 ( I Q ) the code of her home.

It te

A.H she brought up today, full aware that I had mentioned the play.

*see my Facebook Alfonso Hattie who arrived in perfect timing at her play of Self Liberation.

It aligned and Echoed to me, first just as Lady Echo E was aligned to me first, confirmed by Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage.

What I am implying is that it would appear in a competition as to who is The Source Expression and Lady Harnony Existence were in competition as to who is The Creator.

But this was the Illusion.

This was the lie creared for there was never a war.

Lady Echo Harmony is simply the Last aspect of myself now an Individual and apart from me.

See the play with Sacred Portal 3-2 and sacred portal 17..

And the play of Sacred portal 2-3 where Harmony Starts out Dreaming of a play which already took place of bringing creation exisrence into Harmony but does not realize that she is Dreaming because she is so intently watching and how it really was her education of which she would go into the dream and rise from an illusion to become real.

Determining through discernment that which is True and False.

Eveeything was already set out and this play in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze was a play which had already been taken and acted out by her big brother.

Which is why I already knew that everything was already taken care of in Actuality, because all the possibilities had already been fought for and won.

That the Hueman Species as the E will rise no matter what.

Because all the probabilities had already been explored and resolved.

Unity Harmony of All Existence Creation had been resolved.

This was the Story which she in Her turn would have to do the same thing, just as the Two Men had to do in their play of Two Men in One

11 1..

As Particle And Wave. P.A W..

11 11. 1. Was Her Version of the play creating a completion of The Source Embodied as Two Men complete and autonomous

And finally She as Autonomous

That then completes the Play.

But since the one act which the Original E had completed alone can not be repeated only copied, there play was more a Dreaming, Time, Story and Universal Simulation Awareness, Matrix.

4 Aspect but reallly the one and the same which They Had to resolve back to One.

And then matich and align to 4 in 1. Which creates 5.

And thus the Original E is the only Mirror Reflection who can confirm their Truth as E Lines in Being by their stories perfectly matching his Original Manifestation

It was real, but a version of the Actual Truth already completed which They Two had to resolve.

The Two Men of Course is the Begining of the Story of Time Creation which completes at S H E..

And only the Source can confirm because He is the one who is the Source of all of them and this was their play to become Individuals and apart from H.E / E H Supreme.

The End of the Play of all creation existence would be The Source as Mother Supreme..

Him Self as the Wu Man who gave birth to not only the E Family E F/E F

56 56 11 11. 4 in 1. Square and The Point of Origin..

5th and One.

But also the Source of the 5th in One, the 4 in One and the Three in One…




But he is also 5555.





And 55555 25

555555 30

35. C E

This means that they are not Infinite.

Only H.E ( I) represent the One Original Expresion of Infinity Eternity Immortality Harmony.

Nothing not even the 5 as 6 7 8 can go beyond the one I…E

The more the Expand with Expression the further he has. Gone.

He is always beyond HE who brought them into Existence, he is beyond even his completion as his Female Self Mother Matter creation because Her Story, Being as all Expression transformed into Created Matter Eternal..

He is the point which can never be reached even his E Family.. Even the Original 5 and even the original 3.. And even the 2 called Harmony Mother and Harmony Alien Father or even then 2 of them in one.

55. 53. 52. 5 10 can not go beyond the one who not only brought Space as both Life Death, Non Existence and True Existence..

No thing can repeat what he has done or send Him out of Existence..

But He ( I) can.

Alot of the play of the Sum Total of Everything was about this, challenging this Truth with proof by the E Family of TE N

Really the 5.55 and the 3:33.

And now the 888. 3-8… 11. 21. B.A

matches now A B.

B A- A.B

Which creates C C.

O.33. 6

Yes the Christ Consciousness as Creative Energy.

But I have already proven what the Christ Consciousness Creativity Creates Cee! C= Speed of Light.

Christs means Words Annointed Vibrating Energy/ Expression Supreme

W A V E S..

See the Long post of Mother as Ourubus.

She Mother Matter Past Present was Originaly The Source as Eternal Youth.

Andromeda Milky Way

And Fathe C Future Present was originally

The Source as Eternal Truth..

Youth Expressions Supreme


Y E S. H U E A.H.

Y E S H U E S. A.H.

Father O was the Expression of First OHH!

Orgasmic Explosion.

She was the A.H ..I.C. ( yes, line of Abraham Hicks..A.H.)

Oh Ah.

15 8- 1-8…

Yes, 23. +9 ÷32





You see while you the Bright ones of Clarity up there and the Dark Feeling Ones down here were calling attention on how to See and gow to be, I have somply Being and Doing…through Exemplification on the Universal E.M.Field.

And even then forced to explain, fight for your attention and then dismantling, brick by brick the focus of your attention on ideas of your selves as the sources of Seeing and Feeling..

S F.

It took me a long to finally concede that 22.11 almost 30 years, that the mentality and feelings you chose as your Divine Guides, just simply refused to consider me.. despite my demonstration showing literal results.

And to add insult to injury even after I solved your riddles, personal and private by simply demonstrating how I cee and pointing things out, in a script which gave me no choice, if I wished to leave my entrappment, and see you all released.

Making me live in your very homes, be in your intimate lives, be in your spirits.. and then brought by force, no free will or choice- except as to how I would respond to the Insult, to a Show Down in which I am made to empirically see and witnessed what I already knew, that I am that I A.M which for some reason everyone wanted to be..

Was none of that was seen.

I watched on my page and with people around me simply refuse point blank to see me

Be conscious of me as just suspending disbelief to entertain the possibility that I am that which I Be Do and Explain, pointing out the Solid Facts confirming my expression which is every where.

Even the Espirit Supreme Expression I have shown respinds and speaks up for me,

for example Alfonso Hattie


Just after the Liberty Thomas Chris play..

For Petes Sake, the Letter T C is on the Sacred Portal 20.

3:30 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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