
and this is the film which came out next… after Words- Breathe

and this is the film which came out next… after Words- Breathe

3:20 pm U M E -A N.O.

Four in One…

*After contracting polio at the age of 28, Robin Cavendish is confined to bed and given only months to live. But with the help of his wife Diana and her twin brothers, and the groundbreaking ideas of inventor Teddy Hall, Cavendish emerges from the hospital ward and devotes the rest of his life to helping fellow patients and the disabled.

Initial release: November 16, 2017 (Brazil)

Director: Andy Serkis

Release date: 11 September 2017 (TIFF); 13 October 2017 (United States); 27 October 2017 (United Kingdom)

Distributed by: Bleecker Street; (United States); STXinternational; (United Kingdom)

yes the numeric codes…

And the 4th C AT ?

A C,G.I Cool Cat Garfiield GA R -F I E L .D… oh yes, he is real. G A R D Field.

3:24 pm Watchers of the E M F 6th sense sacred portal 59. M E O W!

3:25 a.m.

C Y C B.. E/ E B C.

3:26 pm


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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