
And oh one more thing… Gode is not one Person or Being…

And oh one more thing… Gode is not one Person or Being…

Its a collection of people, who together as one Family; we are called GOD…

and Individually we are called Existence…

God is Family of the same Consciousness.

We become Existence Individually..E.I..By exemplification of our collective truth alone undercover in this realm of forgetfulness…

And we join, merge come back together when it is All Done…A.D..

This is who I have been waiting for on Spring Street… for 13.7 years…

but they gave me an extra mission to get the Every One…

But they forgot that we are the source of Everyone…

Sigh… but nothing was in vain… we expanded and added a few more to our family..

but at such a cost…


can’t wait for my E.Family…E.F…56…

First Family Of E…

FF O.E….

66 1 55…

123 1 25…B.E!

Smiling emmy

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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