
All the Mirrors In The World..

All the Mirrors In The World..
All the Mirrors In The World..

All the Mirrors In The World..

A.T..M.I. T.W..O…Mi is the third note of the Solfeggio- And Yellow-Evolved to y=25=7, =Golden which now aligns to Green the 4th note color in Rainbow Spectrum..R.S.

Hence, Mi links to Fa..M.F..Masculine Feminine (Morgan Freeman..Morgan le Fey.. Fey Mirach F.M/M.F…6..13 13..6…6 26 6…6 Z 6…6 8 6..68/86..Please see sacred portal 86…

or 13+6=19..S x2=SS..8…38.. 11 24.. 35.. C.E..15 8..O.H..23..W (Double V) 2+3=5..23=6..56…11 1…Jet Rocket 5O6..56…11 1…

*See share of R.S…

Raven King and Stephan… King… R.S..K.K…18-19 1111..

(Ravindra Singh..Recall took me to Elizabeth;s home July 4th 2O13…4 7 13…where I met Billy Hung, then later Lil Eric Lile Brown, and Will Hunnitpercent Real in Savannah Georgia, and then onto Forte Lauderdale apartment 511..E.K)..

Strange and Norrel… S.N..I.E…S.I.N.E..Waves- which is how they spoke about their magic…by moving it through waves like a song….

R.S..I.E…Rosie came to Donna O’Sullivan and she told me of experiencing her yesterday as a wave- who transformed into a Woman..

Then once more she came in her dreams last night where she commented I was no longer aware if I was awake or asleep, until Jonn woke her, because she was playing with Rosie in a place of course where Time did not exists.

She mentioned that She had expressed this to her face book friend Milly Gallick who told her You havent seen anything yet the best is yet to come..- this being my translation of what she informed Milly had said.. I could not agree more..



KI..Meaning ARISEN in Korean….

Anais Nin.. see post of Nenad M. Djurdjevic


A..R.I.S.E..N…. A.E.N…1 5 14…See Sacred Portal 14..5 and 1…Evolution of Consciousness- Birth of new Bodies and Beings and J.O.Y.U.S..(John U.S..K..G.L.A.S.S) Divine Cracking the God Code GC (73) The Cosmic Egg.. T..C.E.. Sacred Portal 2O…

Terrence… See Donna’s post from Terrence which I wrote the equation of Magic- the Raven King on…

Code name represented by Steven Terrell..S.T/T.S..

In the Series Stephen is the only person of Afro Origins- and he is the Tender Hearted one…Who in the 7th and last episode I watched turns into the Expression of the Rage and Power of Nature…Much like the consciousness of my own Brother Self Nnamdi..69..E

See the code of Donna Twin brothers name…Terry…meaning Ruler of the People…and

as Terrence Tender Hearted..Expression

J.S..M.N… add A.I…J.A.S.M.I.N..

From the Persian word Yas..Yasmin a Scented flower used to make Perfume and Tea…P.T..

It means Gift from God (Persian); Flower symbolizing sweetness and grace

Book by Susan Clark..S.C…Supreme Cee..

Funny how so many books link Fiction to Fact..

FF..Perhaps because they both share one river and one C..O.H..

Perfume and the Fragrance of Tea…

Tea Ceremony, T.C..

Tea Master..T.M…D.

9:13 p.m.


Immi in OINri Igbo means Nose

Master Perfumer and the Great Nose..

Patrick Suskins (P.S) Book Perfume… A story of a Murder?

Stephan Plan-et…S.P..Sacred Portal Pure Scent Father Smells like Flowers…

And the Story of the True Perfume Sent was for beings to Rise…

9:17 p.m


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