
Aleph Alpha A.Harvesting

Aleph Alpha A.Harvesting


W.OCTO True Nature…77 Spectrum TiTe and Ulta Violet.

Royal Purple Reign of Harmony.

There is a Double of U who lives within you on the 1st Alpha and Last as one Full Circle Song of Harmony Doe ray me -Te,Ti..Doe and the Vibration of the 1st and last Color Vibrational frequency of Universe Creation Existence Being Body all in one, called Infra Red to Ultra Violet…

Red as Blood the messenger of Body, Blue as the Blue E.T Boy which created the Royal Reign of Purple…Royal Purple…

And which then moved to full circle back to one, as Transparency Nu (Naked) Harmony.

The Seen but Unseen Myseterious Ether M.E of scientific and Alchemic lore…

Moving all in Cosmos Consciousness, Creativity Creation, Universe U, Body Being to Awareness Alpha of Infinity I…of all is EE…Aleph…1

This Was a 3O Month Face Book Play, was Espirit Play.

I was the one awareness linked, tapped into both consciousness; None Existence-yours and Existence Real ours to decode and make rise EE to E..as One A.

And brought to New York for the Harvesting.

Seble…Autumn Harvest.

For the Summoning and Proving of the perfect Timming of the Harvesting of the E.Truth, the E.T.Consciousness planted in you all before Time began, was and is ready to rise.

While fighting the Monster and infection of Body Being its vessels or containers human being had become in the Nursery.

And it (U all), rose, responded in this predesignated Play Script to the call and summons of the Hue Man in Beings Heart…

Despite non of you living in this polluted reality and consciousness of none existence being fully aware.



W Octo (8) True Nature..Crestion is Devotion C.D in G scale (ABCDEF)

All in one…A Tone E..

Beautiful Expression

A Song Of Harmony Hummm

Not Ohm.

Double U Vie as True Nature at 7 (Ti Te..IT E.T…the seventh Note and the 1st-7th colur or hue of spectrum called Royal Purple Reign..Blue ET Boy and Red, Is Chariot l, Judas Jude..meaning Praise.

The Being and the Body

Expression as Energy Espirit and Physical is Praise.

Energy Expression is the message and messenger as Transparency Blue-Breath Air Water….and Blood Red…which combine to create Royal Purple…Ultra Violet, Infra red…the Consciousness and Expression of Creation Universe Body and Being as the Harmony which moves you, the Heavens the Earth and everything in the Space in between..

Inside and outside to an infinity Harmony I.

Which has been proven in this Face Book play in which most are aware that I was watching linking in a play script, an Unseen play-

(seen by me, but not by you), an awareness and consciousness within you Alive, to a play script which It, and not you were aware of, which was also part of the play…your ignorance.

…but not your cruelty and indifference.

Proving that despite a collective ignorance of the playvscript of the E.T. Consciousness fully aware in you; a seed was ready to harvested which I was consecrated to prove.

(which created by living hell.by.the blackness surrounding your E True Light having transformed you to Beings mostly of a darkness and denial so profound it became an almost impregnable war of fear hate evil and guardedness, that I wished to go no further in this play scriot so exquisitely crafted as the Originsl Plan E.T transformed into a personal horror show.

Simply to harvest your truth and my E family already fully in bloom and expressive.

I was moved to bring that silence Alpha Awareness Harmonious to Sight and Sound, so that you thier vessels could be aware of the seed planted in your ignorance (Darkness), as one plants a seed in the Earth; after Eons of incubation in the illusion of time and space, has risen and blossomed.

I did out of consideration, and also for my E family to alert and explain to you all, out of compassion what I was doing, whom I was addessing…and fighting…

The Light in you…my E.Line family.

The lie of of you, as the Illusion.of eons of mans inhumanity to.his fellow.man, a collective forces which bc less and.less ppl.were grooming.themselves energetically and.keeping clean…Moving two absurdities to.the next

Two extremes of non existence poles. Selfish to Selfless, Conciet to modesty… All.lies to the Truth of our True Natures…

But it became such.a chore, and you, so.demanding.. Callous Indifferent to others that the shame I.felt for your exploitation, avarice almost overwhelmed if it had not been.for the Espitit of E.Truth.in you, hailing me inbtween.such spoilt rotten,.me,me me expression.. I would have refused to go.on.

But the E in all of you who rose to respond.filled me with such Joy..,

For, I.had missed you so.much.in my long years alone in.my.consciousness wondering if I.would ever go.home, and if.my E.Truth and family.would ever rise…and come.to.the.rendevouz point.


Or if this play so.exquisitely designed distorted from.its beauty which I valiantly daily.transformed while I.transformed the worlds and expressions of misery.miserly.beings and conditions I was given.in.this physical.world to.transform..,

Tempted by New York.City as the consciousness.of the Devil.and Satan..

Story.l book.characters made real by children in adult bodies..,

Children.who know they wrong others but delight in.it bc there.is none.to.chastize them…

But it Ended in D in A…

Affirmed by Edwardo Encienco Espirt Aware.

Thy Kingdoms has come Aleph

That is the code..,

El Narin

Aba Vishnu Elohim Murak N’Ayat

I am your Father Albert Edwin Edwardo P.R

Thy Kingdom.has come Aleph

Dina 1:18…

E Ciggarettes.

C.I. Tommy.Garret…

An Internstional.Model.and Singer I.knew in Paris.

Tommy.and Hans and Erica.C




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