
A Series of events brought me here today…

A Series of events brought me here today…

Heavenly Father…We take and never give any thing at all….. How Apropos.

But what many might not know is the song is literally saying Yahweh will be there” … James Ingram and Michael McDonald – Yah Mo Be There … City of Elohim (Psalm 48) –

…I keep forgetting the most important thing taking place at the moment is what is taking place in my body. And that no matter how I am determined to walk away from this, that my body affects my movement and tells me the Truth.

Just as I know that Brenda Boothe, is the only one who tells me the Truth- made obvious by every expression she has stated to me, ends up being a set up, a script in which she is so perfectly aligned.

A few days ago she spoke sadly, cut the L line from you, the female aspect of it, they will continue to drag you down.

The code is L.N.J.. Not necessarily Lisa Natalie Johnson but the line she is representing in this play script. ( She is free meaning at any given time she can rescue herself from that spell if she choses).

I already knew, that but at the same time, this is not my script, and I am being manipulated to do things and go beyond what I wish to do for others…

I pointed out that she was linked to her…Which she smiled.

…But today no longer…

I was reflecting about Brenda Boothe and her line today, and suddenly everything around me began confirming my reflections. Even the Bill from the City of New York Fire Department, from the law office Mullooly, Jeffrey Roomey Fly-NN.. ( M.J.R.F…) The Bill from the Shelter placing me in Room 4B of which the person David Dawn had sleep apenea- even after being made aware of my condition which caused my body to Collapse the first night. It was a set up. I literally saw the ground open up and a swirling pit stood before me. Sacred Portal 65. Existential Death…

The Bill has been paid, but they sent me this again, a mix up but play to buy more time the Lisa Natalie Johnson line..

L.N.J.. Lucy Noni Jon.. ( Jon who I came to New York with in Dec 1999.. 12 month.. L..with..J.J.L..22… 32…V…E… 5 E… E E..Me)..

The Bill is 1217,60…L.Q..6 O… The Excuse was 53.. Elizabeth Clarizio.. Emeka provide more Clarity.. Not really Fulfill the Vow and Oath of until God.. the people are satisfied. ( Huh is God is the Sum Total of the People Nicholas -I would never leave. The Wave is me… and if there is a Sum Total of the People.. M.U.S.I.C…/ C.I..SUM.. 3 9.. ‘Emmanuel Macron..M.E It would be there Beautiful Truth which I have harvested.. Right to Brenda Robert…E.L.. is me… Their Beautiful Truth. Which is the ability to be Real. to be of True Nature.

T.N.. 20 14.. Which linked to Brenda Boothe as the last.

I came here today due to a series of events.

Last night, I continued to work, and fight the struggle in my body to just get up and leave the shelter.

I had to absorb the Eleggua story of the Yoruba Ifa Orcale, In which I posted the intel..

He is the only one to return from Onu Aru… Existential Death the Spirit Worlds Hell.. the Black Hole… Omega Alpha…The death of the Body.. Sounds Hell of Frequencies…

He is of course representing me as Nnamdi.. as the Past.. the Blackness… Another Creation Story…

Elegua (Yoruba: È?ù-?l?´gbára, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America) is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santeria, Candomblé and in Palo Mayombe. He is syncretized with either Saint Michael, Saint Anthony of Padua, or the Holy Child of Atocha.

Elegua is one of the four Orishas of the Santeria religion. He is also known to be the most important of the four. His importance among the Orishas is due primarily to him being the first of them to be created. The Orishas are warriors, with the other three being named Oggun, Ochosi and Osun. Elegua existed before creation and was witness to it after being created by Olodumare. He is the Orisha of the crossroads, which includes all other doors and roads. He is the very personification of destiny and fate and allows for the happiness of men. The number that symbolizes Elegua is 3, while his colors are black and red, displayed through a necklace. His partner is named Echu, who governs over all misfortune.

What Elegua Does

As touched upon previously, Elegua is the personification of destiny and fate among all of mankind. As he is the ruler of all crossroads, roads and doorways, it is said that he is present in all places at all times..

Elegua has a wide variety of different roads at his disposal, each signifying a different and unique personality of his. In fact, it is said that Elegua has 101 roads in all, each of them found in different places of nature. He allows roads and doors to open from the spiritual world to the material world as a means of providing mankind with their destinies, allowing a persons fate to change at his will. He also has the ability to test a persons word and their integrity in order to find if that person is honest.

Yes, there are 101 people in Delta Manor.

I was so profoundly sad, by the truth that not only had these stories been made real.. ( Edward Eceinco Ifa…Leviathan) But that I had been challenged by other legends such as the Celestial Churchs story of the man in a shipwreck who is captured by Water Demons, and finds favor with the King the God of Atlantis’ who tells him not to eat the food… And the trials he is put through before he is eventually freed. The Only one.

And the worst of all, the understanding that I had been thrown into the Pit Movie 300′ all because of Jealousy.

Why should he be the one to make First Contact.

Which in the end was really the story of my Twin evolving to me, who did not speak up, when he asked the question in the Eternal Beginning that How did he know that I came first. An innocent question resolved by my sending him into a Story, and the moment he woke up and I was no longer present with him, he had an Epiphany which gave birth to the Light to See the Way Elegua’ that he did not care, that he gave birth to Love Light.. Clarity because that is all that mattered realized.

And that is the Light.. E.L.. Clarity was born… A Light which dispelled all Darkness and which brought Dawn.. Dawning Comprehension… Mama Dawn.. Represented in the end by Brenda Boothe and Robert Jones.. and Robert Vlaun Diosnamelyn Hesus Issous Jesus… B.R..E.L… ( Jacque Brel J.B…) R.D..E.L….C.E…

And we decided He, Me, I to keep that as a Test of the Cross Roads for all aspects of Himself Evolving from L.N.J.. Light Nothingness Jay..J…B.. ( Jay from the Shelter was here yesterday to my surprise.. first time.. the one who used to say I am looking for my Daddy.. is it you? to people here…).

It became the test to to move from the Light Radiant ( Where Children come from) to pass through Death 9..I then evolve to Eternity.. The Eternal Realm… Emeka Robert.. Already Established B.B.R..S…By I.E… V. R.I.S.E… A R I Z E.. A R I S E N…

But perverted into this by the idea of Woman in Rage, in the illusion of He.. That he had ignored his Twin Self She called Eve in this Human Story, that he had chosen his Lord E over her. And thus she competed to prove that she was of worth. Because she thought that she was Incomplete. That She lacked the Knowledge which he had, which made him so confident. To Radiate Light while she could not see that she radiated the Lustre of the Blackness.The Beautiful Blackness…

See the images created by Lisa Natalie Johnson which I asked her to share. That the she always had the Knowing and the Knowledge.

Instead she became the Lie of herself.. Lilith! Demanding that she be on top.. That she came first…

My grandmother, mother, sister are all first born’s.

But it was never about A.. Alpha.. Being First.. It was Is always about Being… Beautiful.. Beauty… and in the Two there is the A.. B.A…B.A… Angela Marie Alexander… BABA… 21 21.. 42.. 6. ABBA…12 21 33…6…. A.B.A.B…6… 6.

Sigh.. 6:05 p.m.. 65… Sacred Portal 65…

Flor Elena.. You see why that portal had to open, the portal said no more repeating my expression. And yet here I am set up again.

I had three interaction with bed 4-03, a person called Stephan Morris.. S.M…Sado Masochists. Rather than E= C,Me 4/3 which I have played out. See Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life Eternal Life.. See Elegua who is behind the Door.. * I opened a Site of Beautiful Sexy Men and the first thing I image was a Man Behind the door. That was immediatly after posting this equation…

Just heard the name Alexis called out by Red.. I saw her on my way down here wearing Large glasses shaped like cats…

I had the interactions with him as once more the room was wracked by the Snores of Nicholas.. I knew that he was representing the meaning of his name.. The Victory of the People.. But there was no Victory of the People. Only the Individual. And so I could hear the Monster the Cow.. the Sounds coming from him so inhuman. I commented which Stevan agreed with my comment. I spent most of the night calling out the abominations I could hear coming from the Sound of the snores.. But I also called out the very source of that idea of the Victory of the People.. Which never happened.. Invisible Man.. I.M..? See the like of Manion Adcock and Ivette Hernandez M.I…A.H… H…A.I.M.. Harmony is the Aim backwards.. And in my alignment, M.I..AH.. The AH of Relief of the World.. Earth.. Shubhi Gautama..’Waiting to Exhale.. Gautama Buddha.. G.B..Golden Baba is what Geoff Lacour from the Cielo world called me.. And presented me with a Drawing a Map of my riding on the Hair of the Great Witch, who is unaware as she searches for me.. A Mouse emerging from her Mouth.Her Spy.. of Mice and Men… The Men who are like Mice, letting others walk all over them. Not speaking up…

Then I could not find my keys, and I already knew the play.. Leaving the Locker and Code 44.. Behind and taking my number code B.E.D Back… 4-03 Which should have been where I landed.

I went down stairs to get my documents.. the Bill and encountered Bey.. The Director who was suddenly very friendly as he and the security head searched for the the letters Cassandra had left for me. I was not having any of it… But I had slept Nicholas had stopped snoring sometime in the early hours…

I had gotten up at 7:10 a.m.. And I knew that it was no longer Lisa Natalie Johnson code 1-1-71..But had reverted back to me as the L.. I had discovered that I had 4:08 usd in my wallet.. 48 When I had gone upstairs last night.

There had been only two men outside.. Bed 5-008.. Yes Rosario M.. who had got me Kicked Out’ of R.M.. Room 5A..

Back into the BOX.. The History.. the Story.. Room 4A.. Paul 5-001 had been there but quickly went up when I came down.

The only other one who was there was a Beautiful Man whom I had noticed from the first day, but had dismissed at first until I heard his Spirit. He is as black as the Night but that Superb Blackness which the character Clifton is called in the Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison… R.E.. R A .. A King.. Black Beauty if he had cast correctly.. Obviously a King.. That Beauty of Face Hands Body one finds amongst the Yoruba.

I Noticed he never begged.. So I had taken to giving him ciggaretts.. He spoke no English when he first came.. But in months had made an effort to learn. We do not converse, I have no desire to converse…

So, this morning after having my breakfast where I saw Jose A Roque.. I went back to sleep because Nicholas had stopped snoring! Steven was there when I got up, and saw that I would use the bathroom and quickly took advantage of the fact that I had adopted a routine which every one in the Shelter knew.. It was to put them at ease. Especially as more and more of my Beautiful Truth and Beautiful Rage became apparent.

My faces curled in contempt.. Gens de Merde People of Fecal Matter.. Shit as Toxic.. Shit is caviar compared to these creatures of such vile manners and ways of being.

I saw him again, when I left the shelter after seeing Alexis.. There he was… Bey Alexis Stephan.. right behind infront of the Door as I opened it.. Behind the Door.. Was me… Infront.. Me I am Stevan..

The code of People Formed B.A S E… E B A S E.. And when I got here there was no one from the play..

Barbara was here… a Friend of Brenda Boothe.. Barbara Barrett.. B.B.. Barbara James my Ex Gilrfriend.. True Black Beauty… She later informed me that Brenda was the Bronx Zoo.. B.Z…

B 26… And invited me to come with her and Brenda one day since she was a member.. Everything is Free she said.

Brenda knew that her friend had membership but decided to Pay.. It is often better to Pay… Beautiful Pride..

Which is why this my 5.4 years of posting is not really Free.

Contd.. Manners… Salvia.. I have a gap in my teeth.. 3 missing teeth.. I noticed a play of that.. I am careful to not spray people with saliva since this abuse was done to me,, But I noticed that I sprayed 3 people Rob Barr friend who I went to the MET with, then ABE.. ( Rose) and yesterday Lisa Natalie Johnson

And I observed how each person responded and how I responded. With Rob Barr friend the Lady who identified my condition and is a glamorous professor.. Responded with surprise yet did everything to make it seem as though it did not happen.. And I was horrified because it was a piece of food which flew to her.. But she was gracious and Rob told me she never mentioned it. She is White

ABE was, incredibly gracious, and kept on saying that not only was it nothing but that I should not make a fuss over such a natural thing where no offemse was intended.

I was not horrified just apologetic and contrite.

Lisa Natalie Johnson responded with such drama, make it so pointed and acted it out so long and so thoroughly that anyone observing would get the message. My response was an apology and explaning my teeth, and yet I felt nothing.. As she continued to act it out, I saw that that it was only a little spit but it had gotten in her eyes.. I was surprised because it had been so little. But my response was cold, almost indifferent.. Saliva is Disnifectant… I said… She had been speaking to me again and again about an anecdote of Cleaning the Eyes.. She had experienced as a post on her page and which alluded to another same rep… 6:55 p.m.. F.E.E…

She had been speaking about Robert the White one and his work.. I felt nothing personal to Lisa about the play but rather an indifference to that which she was representing… Clean your sight… I am done doing that work for the World or anyone… Your on your own… And the to be of the E you must pass through my Door.. I am the one behind the Door…to Eternal Life.. Sacred Portal E…

And only those who are Truthful Natural.. True Nature have a Chance… and even then thy have to transform their Natural Truth to Beautiful Truth.. B.Z…B. 26.. B.B.F…

Beautiful Beautiful Friend… And right now.. I have not one in this World… I am E.. And I am Alone until the E who are as me Rise.. B.R.E.L… Ne m’aquitte Pas… 7:01 p.m.. They Never Leave ME..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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