
A Quick note.

A Quick note.

A friend called Will..just gave a very simply put but brilliant equation about Existence…

He spoke of negative energy and postive Energy and negative Energy as Hatred Anger being destrictive forces of life…

Which is true.

But I wish to point out that in actuality, that there is nothing in Existence that is negative Energy..Everything is postive like thenuniverse constantly ecpanding. All Energy is made out of light..And Dark Matter is simply potential which transforms into light.

Even Anger Hate are postive when used in the correct context and are postive destructive tools of illusions.

E.G I hate people who abuse children…or Anger used as a beautiful sword to cut out evil.

Or her rage was beautiful.

Of course in this current reality the Great Battle was between the illusion which negates life. And postive Energy which is life and adds to it.

In the natural worldt, this balance is the natural law and is self evident is the governing principle of Harmony.

Humans were being asked to govern themselves by learning from nature, by learning from its example;

function, balance, beauty Symmetry, equality of distribution of resources (no food chain no pyramid rather a sign of Infinty and harmony overlaid at right angles to form a four petal flower if the four petaled c-lover which isbabsymbol ofbGood fortune (Meaning of name Shubhi Guatama). Thus, each having a function none more important than the other.

And by learning the steps of Nature Humans were being given the chance to learn the laws and nature of Harmony their own way.

(Before they could govern)

Almost like the animals were the children of Nature in kindergarten…meaning they had to be taken my the hand in all things.

While human beings were meant to be in elementary school…Learning from nature to self govern by first learning to master them selves.

Then graduate to Hi School; understanding the full circle of things which Awakens Memory. A.M

Then University…Study of Universe. And the Unifying Fact Organically U.F.O.

Then Mastery (Masters)

of Existence and Energy.

I fun nnanya (F UNE in the eyes meaning to guard the flame is to guard the Twinkle in the eyes…lightness)..

Then finally Doctrates in Harmonious Existence between all species.

Healing Energetically and being able to morph and transform physical matter.

And then Principles, Creators Deans, Conductors Weavers Directors/Defenders of the Symphony Tapsetry Fabric and play of Existence-the Matrix, the Web, the Illusion and the Universal Script Alpha Omega Alpha..IO 1.

Of course the diversion from this plan …was of course due to conciet of many.who decided they did not have patience to learn from the Silence and enjoyed distracting others from their lessons..Since the teacher they thought was no.longer present.

Which led to Bullying Violence Oppression Revolt and Mutiny…

And still thinking no.Teacher coming except gentle ones they…Declared themselves Masters of the Universe.

Beholden to none.

And thus the illusion, the power to destroy became real, in order for another a different but very valuable lesson to be learnt.

See the manifest result of Negation versus postive and you decide.

Of course this then became a collective responsibilty to fight to bring that balance and then graduate it to Harmony…

But we all knew what happened

All it takes is a few beautiful people to do nothing…

And so the Illusion and illustionist were gaining the upper hand to such a degree that Nature began to wonder if humanity were insane and aware of the implications of such actions and the consequence…Sending warning symbols.

If sent emissaries who reported back that many were aware they were creating imbalance and killing off so many of the species and that when informed…

Most said that they just did not care as long.as they had their comfort.

Nature said Eh! (Literally) and prepared to kick off this species It had once adored for thier beauty and potential to be leaders…the Fifth Principle…off the plant.

(Of course It as Nature had a battle of its own on its Hands with two illusions of itself created by Men and Women in illusion

God and the Goddess cult they names Almight Father and Great Mother Nature..Rhea Gaia…Nature has one name..Beauty and its two aspects as Masculine Feminine is not gender baded it is principle based.

Father isvTruth=Love

Mother is Love=Truth.

Love is Ethereal

Truth is Solid

And combined they form Life.

Love Light and Laughter

is True Life.

Is this not why ppl have such hope in Life…because of those truly magical wonderful unbelievable moments?

But It I.S… with sadness based on the Laws of Nature and Natural Existence l, It was decided Human animals- not even a species had to be kicked off.

It was based in the Law of Cause and Effect…

But Nature, though knowing in fairness to all its other children had to.balance out the Laws of I.S… Nature

Still believed in Humanity and knew that they had mis read the music of Pan..

Because they had not paid enough attention in the Classy Room.

Outside in Nature.

They had not learnt how to read.

But the equation of – + had to be balanced out back to O.

But the debt was so great who would pay the cost?

To.put that burden on the responsible ones seemed so unfair until Nature decided he found the Solution…

He would call his Father Erie.Air..and ask him for advicr,

he would know what to do.

But Erie had already moved on or evolved to.the end game and had come down under cover as the E.T line, since that story of Nature was done implemented and was the part of tue past..

He came down with his family to.Boogie and for the great union..


The Awakening and Elation but got kidnapped and imprisoned by the Ancestors the Ele mentals: Chemicals Mass trees gravity tue building blocks of vreation who were so outraged by Human behaviour they demanded the line if E to pay and answer for Man Kind by the Mmamdhu Man was held ransome.and the fine was extinction by slow suffering of spirit by sapping all his and his lines Energy.to pay for every creature who humanity had abused and for all their use of Nature including all the building.blocks used to finance and build their unholyrace and world.

Oh yes..This is a true story.

So if you went through hell yet U were responsible and conscious…

Nature did not wish this but sought a compromise…

That to bargain with the raging elemental Titans, his army in revolt (*See Alexander the Great and such) by making his Father and all his E.T line.re educate the species by giving them an E manual in not only.how Nature and Existence Natural worked but demonstrating the truth.of it and its application which Nature knew the E and the E.T family would quietly at the same time access thier powers which they had left at the door.of this dimension when informed that they could.not enter Earth School Class with.their true power.

They had to come in human form only.allowed to keep thier personalities.

Their power, they.were told by.the ancestral Guardians would cause panic amongst the Earth Children and destablize the balance.

*See the Prime Directive Star Trek JJ Abrahms 47.

Mother…As Mba Afor Ocha knew what was happening but she also knew that it was a play of Evolution.of All and it was a lesson designed to once and for all demonstrate the Supremacy of Harmony.Infinity

H.I…How one treats.and welcomes guests and strangers.

So S.He told all the E and E.T line from Beyond Existence to comply.And they did; after all they trusted her..This was the end of eons of work.

The First Famalies of Existence and beyond had not seen each other in full incarnation.since.Mba Afor Ocha laughed and Joyously Orgasmed into being as Light C.

Even Nne Mother and Father Love and Truth had vieled their sight from the how it would all play out.

Nature Natural Existence kept an Eye on things so did the One Beyond It.I.S…

Nature Natural Existence was concerned about the ambitious nature of the play of a Unified Evolution of All Existence to the first Big Quiet Bang which would unite to Extremities Existence past and the Frequency Future Family of E who existed before the idea of Light or sight-(two eyes I and I had been formed.)

While the Z…or the One Beyond…Eye


Watched quietly…smiling but not amused.

All seemed to.have forgotten one importanct fact….none had asked his permission.

Y he murmured to the Nothing Something…its is if my opinion does not matter to them at all…

In Fact, he had paused..It is if I do not even Exist.

(It was in that pause 1992 did he summon me on Christmas Day…25..Y..B.E.

O.. Full Circle

(O B.E.YE).

And that is the truth of whose messenger I am of in this play.

Anyway, my hosts spirit informs me (-he being a child literally of the spirit of Nature and its rage and love) that the Pan I.C is over and the accounts have finally.balanced our to 0 and O…

and positive is now adding more to the account.

There is money and seeds of Harmony in store. (Ojugo-Unaku…Dove House of tyebseed-wealth)

Just got to put the money in the bank to see how much we are now positive…

in the Royal Blue..

with the fruit of Light.



The Treasurer Umu NRI

Lord D.N.U.

Umeano P.A.P.A

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