
A Play Not Human….

A Play Not Human….

A Play Not Human….

12:45 p.m.

Sacred Portal 45 Throne of Existence

1161 Facebook Friends.

Today right now it is 6-1-2018….

11 61… 2018….( sigh why do I have to put up with this? )

Yesterday, Theo who works here aligned with Randall Michael Wiltz which formed the equation T R and E… represented by me..

*Tre Shawn was the person in the bed I am currently in but it was called bed 4-019, I was in bed 4-016….

I am now in that bed as 4-018-19…

T R= 20 18…

That alignment manifested after I left Delta and the first person I saw as I left was Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis and he was the first person I saw when I came back…

A Full Circle and it was based on my answering the Doubt on how and if his memory of being dropped in the Woods and dicscovered by his Mother ( who of course remembers birthing him) and so, I recall his wearing a grey shirt with a Nike symbol and then Black and white jersey…

I was being tested by Grey Matter.. His thoughts-

I already knew where he questions and doubt lay from sensing it from his response- his Energy.

So when I came back and told him that I went to prove the equation of the Woods and Transformation…

Link to Will Woods formerly bed 3-007… 37…In room 3A..

Dewight Smith formerly of the same room bed 3-10…


And having been led to Starbucks ( not choice body spasming and no other portal opening and boredom…not much choice)

And saw the play and then the 608 Coffee I bought only afterwards.

60 8…

Which then followed my Facebook Friend who vanished called O Sathi ..And Partner Ray Who page suddenly vanished as I completed the equation response and quickly copied and pasted it to preserve the evidence of the play…

*He had 60 facebook friends…

Linking the G P R… G P R.. The Car license plate versus Georges-Philippe Roc…

C P R… Theo Corona Presidente Red Stripes

G. C.. P R.. ( G C… 7 3 ) 16 18…. Coffee today 6 73… E.T.

*1:11 a.m.

Which then moved to The Billy Hung play which was the code play of 37… Which he said is in his Password but was also in the 500 usd the 17th Bill a Bill with a number 37 on it which for some reason ( known more to Billy Hung) he has been focusing on perhaps because of the number but to me, I was looking at the play behind it all…

See Sacred Portal 123… Which depicts me as the Warrior in the Begining of Time battling to pring the awareness of Infinity into the Darkness of Dark Matter which was then called the potential…

And of course to my amazement I am in that same play all over again but in 20th century New York US.A where instead of Boogying Kirtan or focusing on the Play of Evolution by being used as the Champion of my Son called the Everything evoled to just that The Everything to show and denomstrate the Extraordinary nature of the Human Potential. I have been instead side tracked into a play for the last 17 Years summoned to the United States by the Ancients we shall call Africa America. To prove all i have stated and the Truth of the Origin of the Specie set aginst the a force of resistance and incredibly unfair play by the ancestors and all word views on thier ideas set in their being of how Creation Manifested.

The 6O 8 Coffee and my arrival back at Delta Manor where Theo and Randall were the two present and linked…with myself coming just a little before with Alexis.. E A… T R .. 20 18… T R U E… T R Z… Z T E Phone… T R ..H… Hueman Race True…

Meant I had linked the Quantum Equation of 44=8…Proving me even in this form and state as as the Father Of Infinity..

F O I… SP 147

Which is why Jacqui appeared there afterwards.

G C…

Golden State Warriors…


*May 26 Final vs

Image of Rockets

Rockets W 115 – 86 Look at the code K E… H F

May 28 Final @

Image of Rockets

Rockets W 101 – 92

May 31 Final vs

Image of Cavaliers

Cavaliers W 124 – 114

124… A B D…L D.. / D B A…Room E B…The 1…Alpha… rep

114… A N…AAD…/ DA-A… 1-27….

See sacred portal 1 24… 1 14…. and 124…. 114…

1 24 and 1 14 was the play… A.. X… A N…

Time Right now 1:14 am…

B R O.. N X….

Roseanne Barr versus Rob Barr R B.. O R B…/ B R O…

Nature as the X Factor…

Today I am meant to go to the Dentist Billy Hung has arranged for me.


11 Is K…

I can only give kudos to Billy Hung today for being aware of the Code of ED

*Edward Leedskalnin

Edward Leedskalnin, circa 1910 (cropped).jpg

Edward Leedskalnin, c1910


12 January 1887

Stameriena parish, Livonia, Russian Empire


7 December 1951 (aged 64)

Miami, Florida, U.S.



Known for

Coral Castle

A view from within Leedskalnin’s Coral Castle.

Edward Leedskalnin (modern Latvian: Edvards Liedskalninš) (January 12, 1887 – December 7, 1951) was a Latvian emigrant to the United States, self-taught engineer and sculptor who single-handedly built the Coral Castle in Florida, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.[2] Leedskalnin was also known for developing theories of magnetism.

In the 1920s, the structure with assortment of sculpted stones was located in Florida City; then, in the mid-1930s, Leedskalnin hired a truck with a driver to move it to its present location on a 10-acre (4.0 ha) site in the adjacent Homestead, Florida.[5] On November 9, 1951 he checked himself into Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. Apparently, Leedskalnin suffered a stroke either before he left for the hospital or at the hospital. He died twenty-eight days later of pyelonephritis (kidney infection) at the age of 64. His death certificate noted that his death was a result of uremia; failure of kidneys, as a result of the infection and abscess.[3]

1:44.. 1:45 p.m.

144… 12 12… 24…. 6… 12 12… 144… 9… I… 6.. I…

96./ 69… 15 15… O O.. 6 cents 6cents found twice yesteday in my pocket….

Sacred portal 1.. 44…1 45..

You link what this was about by the Time of the Post…

D E/ E D….

D E E D…. Nnamdi born April 5th 69… As me.. David Onu Cecilia… 11 22 47… 68… Originally myself.

1:48 p.m..

It was a game of thrones and it was allowed despite my outrage by ..See sacred Portal 148… 100 48… Who held back my acknowlegment as F O I… Until I proved it all over again in a simulation in US.A not because of the Ancestors but in unity with Father ( to a degree) it was to prove the truth of Humanity and worthiness to be Ambassadors of All Existence Universe by proving to all the Supremes Unseen by Humanity the truth of the Human Being… potential realized.

All this is detailed in The Original Creation Story of the Family of Ten and S.H,E..( B A) To unify all Existence Creation…

Two plays of Mother and Father S H E.. and HE.. proving their Ability to Evolve from E T.. To E O… By being able to match in a simulation the one action which the Their Source had accomplished in the Eternal Begining.

It can not be repeated by the Play could be enacted… only thing was that they elected me undercover to play the role which they felt ( I suppose) was a futile action since It can not be repeated but it could be used as a process to educate the All about the true TRUTH of the Origins of Mann.. Humanity and the I D of the source…

Billy Hung arranged for my appoinment at 149 street..

See sacred Portal 149 ( 19) After sacred Portal 148…

Yes then a leap of 6-7 ENDS the Sacred Portals…

It was never about Money it was a measure used to measure my Harmony and perfect fection and Sixth Sense to Fact/

1:58 a.m



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