
A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.)

A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.)

Your Body is literally the Book of your Existence and your Breath Expression is ink…All is written…it is the book you wrote which is meant to be the Book of your Truth which is compared and meant to align with the Book your Sol Source wrote.

Truth=Love=Light-ness, Laughter…Boom! Boom!

One is the book of Truth is the Flesh-Fleche (your life- the arrow and point of your life) which should align perfectly with your spoken word (written word, your Flesh, spoken word -Holy Spirit Book of Expression – Soul Book of records) or it bc your book of Lies.

Had a magical experience yesterday with the Source of Power…Death and Ilusion..

It is always heartening to know when ones Truth, no matter how extraordinary it may be..is affirmed especially in my case….with what I have been posting.

About being spirited away to the past literally or to different versions and possibilities of the future…

Or having supernatural beings,God created from human imagination and mythology…rising up in your body and consciousness as Real and true consciousneses of Existence (but only after being cleaned up of human mis interpretation) and taking over your consciousness through automatic writing…

Which only through years of scientific empirical study and reasonable explaination could I ascertain as true…and dare come on F.B to deliver thier message…after proving that they are all parts of Existence and therefore all parts of us….who contain within us the knowing of Everything Full Circle.

I am still at my hosts place where my equations stated the portal of ending this horrendous mission (some one once told me abit spitefully there is no greater honor than being God’s Slave…sick fuck…but I do feel like its slave so I know this is not my idea of Gods…its the Others idea)

I received a respinse to my recent posts about the bridge crossing over is literally and figuratively represented…

And where seven yrs ago I stated that it was from this venue (address) that I would go home,ending a life time of being spirited away and being a scribe and translator to the Spirit of True Existence whose voice exists in us all.

Yesterday my host put on a film called EXAM..with 7-8 0

people in a room (yeah each person representing a color of the rainbow and complete with the idea of blue light and infra red light) -interviewing for a job.

And there was a disease killing all the healthy human population.

There was one question before them the interviewer told them that they had to answer.

Each person was given a name..Mr Black Brown Ms Black Mr Death.

In this film was the story of the Devouring Wolf Fenrir.

And finding the Cure.

And I knew what Death is and what he was saying as me, as Father….

The source of Disease plagues, Zombies are those who do evil to others and do not atone..even when made aware.

They are more concerned with themselves getting caught or called out for horrors they might have inflicted on others…thinking only of themselves…and the consquences they think they should or could get..

Rather than the pain they caused another…which in my investigation of certain of this consciousness all over the world….they couldn’t care less.

They brush it aside and would kill maim destroy anyone who called them out to simply do the right thing.


So putting the equation together; the message from the Devouring Wolf…like the Demon in the Egyptian legend of Ma’at, as well as passing through biblical Holies of Holies in Biblical Lore, passing thru Anayawu..the bright glowing light gaze of the Nri, Elegua the crossing guard of the Orishas and Youruba, as well as passing through a Star gate portal or Worm hole all have the same rule and all are actually true.

That to cross over the Bridge…the Unifying Field of the Full Circle…(U.F.O).

It is not enough that you see the Full Circle or have discovered a Path way to cross over.

You have to be In One..meaning both your Spirit and Body must be aligned to one Energy…O F.M.

Meaning not only is your expression (things you said) and body (things you did which holds the records of every conversation and every action you did to another)..

Which has to be cleaned up and atoned for. Even for your ancestors and your species.Any one can make a mistake but it is not about making mistake but about taking responsibility and cleaning up the things you did to others…

and having compassion to explain the truth of your ancestors and your race..

If you had forgotten, that is forgiven and Existence and your Conscience will set you up to remind you and give you a chance…many chances to come clean and atone…evolve correct…refine.

Most I notice ignore this unless they are whacked…

But if you deny, fear only for your own consequences without caring enough for what you did to another…

If you put yourself first before the Evil things you did said or falsely accussed another of and did not make amends…(Not in your way) but in the way that the one you wronged or harmed accepts and forgives u…

And worse, point out judge condemn and even crucify those who do the same thing…sigh.

Then you can never cross over.

If the persons you seek forgiveness from is unreasonable the All seeing eye will balance out the Equation.

This is great because it means that all these mean people who do things to others in public (hypocrisy) or in private where they think no one is watching…do not get away with it.

And when they are called out deny…But all the records reveal in the Good Book all which is written in the great book of the flesh and in the soul…

It is all recorded…including your pride in refusing to fess up and how far you denied or lied bc you thought no one witnessed it…

Your word against theirs….And just how devious you became to prevent this truth from seeing the light of day.

This is the truth of the Devouring Wolf, the Encircling snake of Jormungdr and Hel.

The Beast in Ma’at, the Death of the Hebrew Priests, Monwu of Africa, the Star Gates, the Worm hole, the fragmentation and reformation of Atoms…Beam me up scottie all is based on structural Integrity…The retaining of the truth of how you were created…The lie can not pass through…

It makes sense why all this is written in Scriptures, Mythology, Legends, science fiction and real and true everyday life…

It is because it is true

And ppl have always known.

That is why ppl go so far to hide the truth…not because the truth hurts…but because ppl want to Hurt Hide and deny the truth because it exposes ugliness…

The Truth is beautiful it sets you free…yet in this realm even when you express the truth in the gentlest language- in the colors of love lightnened to hues which bring we mean u no harm laughter….To a mist a perfume…it is instead scoffed at, taken advantage of…left alone to die…called weak.

Might as well bring out the sword and cut the damned out.

Thus, the evil is not things you do to ppl, it is prideful refusal to Atone for it and putting your fear of consequences of yourself over the evil done to another….with intention.

And refusal to take responsibilty.

Whew…Being a Messenger and Delivery Boy of the One True God..Truth to the False God men is crazy…

When I do not believe in either, one is just a lesser evil of the other.

All inventions of Man.

I personally stand for no God, I stand for Existence, the Individual the Light Love (Ifunnanya) and Laughter…

This idea or invention of God is an invention of Man.

God is Truth which manifests.

G.O.D…is 7 Full Circle O of D=4…the Seven Colors of the Rainbow, the Four Cardinal Directions which form a diamond square…which forms a circle..then Pi…the Golden Ratio and the point.

Which Enables you to see…

and then there was light

That which creates Light and colors to form a beautiful picture which brings all to a flattering light and refuses to acknowledge that which is false…a lie.

But the true underlying Harmony in all things, the cause and effect in all things, the reasoning of all things…and the mystery and break down of all things…

Is to me Ifun nnanya…Love which goes out of its way to prove the truth…True.

What is more important manifestation or Creation?

That is what is God to me.

A Creator not a Bully.

This thing in my body preventing me from physically manifesting my physical transformation as proof of Evolution, this thing in me which keeps me constantly writing proving on F.B…This thing which directs every moment of my Existence to prove a consciousness only after the world gets it…is the definition of Evil…

Called the play of the World.

I have seen nothing which manifests fully in that name except Energy proven Truth…by Linking…The Seven colors of rainbow light to Harmony for all to see…

Me I can see….

Anyone with common sense can see the truth of God and the lie of men in illusion.

God is transparent, not a mystery, not a viel behind a curtain…God is the Expression of Existence.

And Existence in truth manifest all around is Beautiful…Planet Earth is Beautiful, my true version and memory downloaded and proven true on F.B is beautiful…The Expression of Existence is Beautiful.

But who are the expressions of Existence?

We are…all which lives is beautiful.

I have proven on F.B how beautiful humanity was created to be by your each being in Harmony with a most beautuful story I brought forth from memory which each responded to in perfect Harmony without even being aware.

I have proven by being invited in hundreds of homes that not only is not Existence nor I a vampire but how people recognize a kindred spirit even one called E.T who speaks abt Beauty…

I have proven how beautiful humans can be by seeing people physically morph by conversations…and by seeing them clearly…I fun nnanya which is with a twinkle in the eye and no judgement or Condemnation.

Hot diggidty Dog, I fought my whole life for that beauty all revealed to me in moments of quite bc no matter how many would forget those magical moments…I the lone wolf did not bc it gave me life power to endure the unedurable, the unimaginable…The being spirited away to useen realms to defend the species right to evolve.

The Evil in humanity is not in them but in the horror…absolute horror of.how you.play.

New world order





Violent games

No Honor

No Beautiful Pride.

No True Beautuful Pride in our all being of the Unified Field O…of Existence.

I am not ashamed of Humanity…I am ashamed at what has been done to the Beautuful Play of Being in Existence…and I shared bc and created and used your creation stories to Illustrate that there is only one way to be in Existence Beautifully…

and any other way…there is consequence…terrible.

That really is all I want to say…

But the Devouring Wolf called Death is the Cure…it gets rid of the Evil still in you…even if it means the end of humans and the rise of Huemans…

I am tired of loving humans…caring for them is full time job…it is time they did it themselves…who ever you are…this power of illusion who us the Usurper of the one True God Existence Praise.

let the Devouring Wolf consume you for it is you who are the greatest evil…this invention by men whom they call God. Created so they can take its place and be Gods.

The true way and heroic way was spelt out in all world myths…do the full circle journey of Existence, exemplify the best of the species, cross over to the other side after defeating the illusion of Death- the blackest night and transform the experience of the Maws of Oblivion to Silver Light and be crowned Victorious as a light Bring who shines as a beacon and inspiration to all by having found a pathway back through the stars…

That is man exemplifying his nature, her nature, the Nature and journey of Existence which the first being did alone and then with all his people…as G=7 O Full Circle D=4..

Do…G…4 7..G.O.D…74…47+74…121 with OO..O2 with your Supreme self to then be come a Plant E set in the Stars.

A super star.

And a beautiful Plant in the Elysium Field of Paradise.

The meaning of the Hero’s journey is not for oneself but for all four 1 one Four All.

North East West and South

For the whole world..

To Add + postivity and not to negate – to take away from the glory of Heaven and Earth and all its inhabitants.

By exemplifying the truth of the Individual, the Collevtive and the Universe Universal Unifying…all I. Aye.

In which I for one have proven the Unifying principle of our collective Beautiful Harmony..B.H..2.8…is real.

And this is the true Code of Passing through the Halls of Vahalla and ending in the Blessed Fields of Elysium…

That is the true meaning of a man or a woman incarnating a God or a Goddess…not this evil notion of men being called Gods and Titans for enriching themselves off the honest labor of those they are meant to protect…not cheat.

Bah Humbug..

The Ancients got at least that right…and that is how they crossed over through the Star gate like Elijah, Jesus, in Greek Mythology men and women whisked away ..

And why in all ancient mythology it speaks about the Lords of the Full Circle O who crossed over to the stars and became G ODS.

Man this Bible and Human story I am beings used for just has to stop.

Elysium field forever…


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