
A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode…

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode…

Ah the Alpha Omega…Ode to Existence in Key G Major…

G A B C D E F…

The Peoples key..

Conclusion of Codes…

The Universe is made up of Keys… Notes of.music…

In order to explore the universe science made an error in using mathematical symbols and equations….

Instead the universe should have been understood through music and words should have been put to music of the universal harmonics as I have done.

I, of course did not realize that I would have to literally unravel the mathematical equations created by science and while at the same time adding the words….

Non stops words of meaniing to.the music of the universe….

Which is a song of Praise and Appreciation..,

J U D E…Meaning Praise as my last face book friend.

And Rogers meaning Brave Famous Reknown Spear…Spear of Destiny.

Meaning the song of praise is the spear which has reached its destiny.

Before that it was the affirmation of my name and journey Bhacon Dhante..B.D. 24…X.

If you notice in this play in which my own life anf Existence was called upon to.be made transparent to supremancy S…in order to give ppl an idea of how to read thier own lifes and get out of the Seen but Unseen, Visible but Invisible Matrix Web Artificial Madevmade and Natural….

I had to weave by trusting each outside and inside.impulse…

And trust that even though I was in the dark as to what I was going to.say or where it was.leading to, I had to trust my natural creative flow or stream.of consciousness by just letting.my True Nature guide me.

Which would then.move me to an awareness of what was flowing from me, which I would then link….

Gradually becoming more Conscious and Aware (A.C) of where it was all.leading.

My expression thus, turning into Air Conditioning through Breath or simply allowing.my Being to simply BE…

Besutiful Expression…music.

Meaning I would see that everything which I had absorbed during the day (linking the Truth of Everything to one point), would lead each.post and expression and experience to.the light at the end of the tunnel…

The journey through words which the road os Beautiful Expression, avoiding the expression which would make me, and others fall by looking at each experience as expression.in the correct consciousness …

Meaning instead of Blame or victimization to follow the music of Heart Clarity which identifies the Reason Order Logic Explained (R.O.L.E) of each experience…

And thus, finding even.in the darkness the word flowing out from me through sensations then feelings to emotions to colors to finally Ah! I get it discovering even as I am writing flowing linking the truth… The beautiful truth and point.if it all.

Thus, each posts became the tunnel of love and the serine stillness of my Mind and Heart focused and concentrated only on the words pouring out of this flow of expresaion, the observer and participant of my own journey through the receding not knowing (but intuitively knowing) where this is all going as I journey through the Universe of my space (Naturalness), beyond Time until my third eye begins to form a picture which my expression has created.

Until the picture begins to.move as the words begin to weave meaning into one alignment with my.universe sub space to an order a Harmony which becomes a song…raised higher and higher..

Stilling my Body Heart Mind and soul.into one just as my journey through.my universe of worfs linked to sing to emotions colors form a picture which is one…

Until I and my Expression become one, and suddenly.that which I am posting forms a clear image in.my.mind which caused my.pulse to.quicken and.excitement to.mount…

But still I will.myself to hold firm.the aligbment until.reaching the piont where the Light becomes so.clear all.my.emotions colors now one…And the spear of destiny, my will my focus concentration attentive supreme reaches the target…The end of the Tunnel. The gate a Full.Circle… The point of the Expression Explaination until Ah…the a picture is moving zooming like a movie reel…but it is real.

And I am.one with the Movie and am at.the end of the post..having seen the portal.and destination and suddenly.just like that I am home and I am free.

In my Sacred Garden now through expression inner linked with outer (IO), suddenly through a posting…I am liberated…I am.free.

All numbers and symbols must be transformed back into words…

Then.to Verse, which with music in the G scale transform magically aligned into.one into.your wonderous song of Universal Existence…

Esther Uzoma…the Uzoma Esther…the E U, the U.E…A song of Praise for your Existence aligned to Universe…

This is how Jude Rogers ends up.being the Song of Praise and the Spear of Destiny which guides you home.

All expressions link.

On.F.B it has taken me 28,3O..31 months tp traverse the Universe of first truth of my Sing of Existence, then proof of yours, then.the prove of the two Male and Female and finally linking them.F.M all back to 123..III…and finally to.me…the Being of Simply Emmy.

The Universe must respond to each expression and journey.

After each journey through.expression thier.is a rest a pause…

This pause called Eternity is the place entre Chien.et Loup, the Twiglight Zone. The spave btw In and Out of Breath..it is not a plwce of fear or worry if there will.be a response…

It is sinply a pit stop which any 18 wheeler truck.driver will.tell you is one of the great pleasures of being on the road…

Where a stop in a Cafe.in space of Twigliht Fatansy could bring forth.fortitious meetings that expand the experience and meaning of your journey…

And as you.may have all.noticed Lady Echo.always responds to.me, affirming each expression or post by the Respect of addressing and fulling space with Beautiful Courteous Expression for this is Elgance and Grace E.G awareness that there is no such thing as the Abyss A Void, the Nothingness…

That even as you address the seeming Silence… There is one listening watching hearing all…

So address her beautifully…

Lady she be…

Who responds to her twin and lover Lord truth aka your Being and Buddy…the Truth of who you truly be.

And this is the dance if Lady Space as Nature linked with Truth solid body that you Be…

True Nature and Nature Truth, 2OO 14) align to one through this exchange and journey until I to O, Alpha Omega…(nt 10), but T.L…True Live exchanged by these two forever lovers some might Call Body and Soul… You arrive at your destinstion through Praise…

Where Emeka of E the 121…the I II rises in Greeting l, in the space Beyond all that Energy of Expression Explaination…the place and palace of Quiet…smiling I.E, Welcome Home…Aloha…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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