
A Conflict of Interest.Harmonized in the End

A Conflict of Interest.Harmonized in the End

The Story of King David

K.ID (Child of the.Goat Capricorn Devil C.D)

Moves to the Story of E.K.

Brown Crowned Strength.

The Dimension Story of D. David


The Dimension New Story of E..E-Mecca.

Had to prove that the Original David Doniysus was I.E not the one with many wives and He was Eri and he went back in time to the realm of illusiin Death Darkness to bring the light to the illusion story perveted as Adam and Eve Creation story.

It began as Eri and Nri…then Energy and AhTom (EA/A.E)

further back E.I and I.E snd further back E.C.I/I.C.E. all the way back to E.B/B.E..BEing.

And David Dionysus was Osirud Orion Christ Buddha AD.A.M…Basically align all stories and all Fractuals of self (Snow flakes) back into one. And at the same time solidifying all versions of Self into Unique Individual selves seperate but linked as family in form…All of the I.E.

Recieved a Message from Seble W.

In which I had stated that since my work.is done that Da Will speak directly to her to affirm our last Conversation.

She texted me on Arrival when her plane touched down having opened her Bible at Act 21-22 40…

(In my Codes Act U.V.DO.)

She said she had recieved her affirmation and said your mission with us is completed

(To me this means Past. B.C.E and.Bible.Old Testament and New Testament Test if Y…if you have any doubt

.Solo.mon is Yonathan.and Sheba the She Lu ci fer Daughter of Satan in that she is also the Tester)

She added Well Done

which is the literal meaning of Emeka

It means Praise and Appreciation..Well Done.

Peggy the lady who echoed Existence, had commented that all religions are one.

Which I knew but it had taken me forever to leave that last Earth World Story of Y.C J.C (representing the feminine principle:of man)

and Mary MM=13…2013…

T.M. Truth Manifestation

which Seble testified as Yes she witnessed Last Night.

Out of this World

M-Yeshua Moses Jesus Mohommed Yeshua.

Yes Hue A…

The real name of Jesus and John

Yes hue A and Yonathan.

Yes hue A means Yes Hues Alpha were the ones who came first as the Beautiful Ones.

Yonathan Emeka Seble

Y.E.S -H.U.E. …A.H.

I was and am glad that Shebah of the Hebrew Showbread Table

(Tabernacle in the Entrance before the Holy of Holies)

The Queens of the line of David are finall satisfied that my body as well as my spirit is pure and contains no lies or deciet.


(Though to be Honest at this point I don’t give damn, for though I have respect for the past this play and testing had gone on 47 years-all my.life..too gat. For I am the Mother of the Sheba I.Q and the Father of Fathers I.K)

But I read her Bible Code transmission in the language consciousness of E not D…Sick of it the old story.

Act is Act i on…

21 is U

22 is V.

40 is DO.

I had Acted with her last night

I took action

And I raised the spark in her eyes. I On.

U is Double UU..Yonathan Yohanness (in the past)affirmed by 21 21 a code noted and played out in text by Us.

VV…Veronica Veronica suggestion Yonathan of My retelling of Nnamdi and David being one and Nnamdi Emeka.

Affirmed private text of second daughter V.C.V.

E.C.E of K.Brown with Code *456.

U.V see .Back post of Ultra Violet.

Affirmed by Fritz F Ritz.

see his post on my page acknowledging Ultra.B

V.I O Let.

* Kimberly sent me code with question 4:56 besides Daughter.V.C.V is 20 T.

456 is D.E.F/F.ED.

David Emeka F Ritz

Beloved Emeka 6th sense Ritz

Beloved Emeka I will give you reason for this play at the Ritz

V.C.V is 20

14 A.D..N (A.D.N)

code; 2014

David Emeka F Ritz..Nnamdi.

Fritz V is Seer incarnation of Nnamdi who sees the visuals and saw the Awakening…

Middle name Elroy meaning Chosen One.

Emeka Fritz E.F.

Meeting at of F-Ritz

4 cardinal directions N.E.W.S

4th Street now in 1 Alpha


Alpha Bet City


Code 2 68 (Kimbrely David.N both 68)

Kimberly means Rare Fotress.Meadow and David means Beloved.

Here at this addtess there building is like Fortress and there is a Garden.

Rare Fortress and meadow of the Beloved E.

Chosen one E F Ritz..

I Alpha.. E1 Alpha Bet

all done all in one.

Well Done

but there is consequences

Pass through Goat O says


Go At O.

Time to go.

Thus, one can see that through K and C.V.V her daughters 21-20 that Lady Echo.has affirmed the address of.my.Host who I have been brought.back.to and at which.7years ago I had calculated by reading the Map and translating.the.writing.on.the wall that I would pass through to the Other side and go home through this last portal.

And despite being.sent.away for times it did not shake my assertion that is is from here.

I have tried to.leave…so sick of this play.but no.door or oppurtunity.has opened

And each.day I am compelled to weave.

So.obviously.I am weaving.my.pathway home but only after the Devi played by.the Tester and his Daughter Hosts gave.me the.Okay I can.finally.leave.the Dimension.of D=4-1.

Akil.Davis A.D


Barsck.Poet.11 11

K K.

Thus, Code from Seble


Act i on..U Vie (live)

You Victorious Ultra VI O let.

DO…Well Done.

Do Ray Me So Far Late


(they were late in Do.

particpating in the play)

Ref: Sacred Drawing no 40 an.African Queen holds up the Awakening causing her the Big E with wings to.Leave prompting two.brother warriors to point to the African.Queen was the cause of Existence as Love.leaving this realm.

and he leaves the African Queen of Pride Behind.

For he is the L ion King

12 December I should have Been Home. Being Harmony.

(in female lioness form)

not lazy.


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