
A Broader Stage For Love

A Broader Stage For Love

Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks

The Time Are Racing.

-For the New City Ballet

12:04 p.m.


Its About Time.

Perfect Timing

Symmetrical Perfection.


Proven activated by an Example chosen selected to Activate, Explain and Demonstrate it, publicly transparently naturally with out awareness ( Blind) until gradually seeing by growing conscious and aware of what He ( I ) am doing by going through the prcoess.

Basically, used as his own Guinea Pig for his Plan-ET for the Awakening of the Humanity and all Creation.

He does not know, that an added factor was also quietly added to the the whole thing…

Prove Evolution.

and that Evolution is Consciousness..Its Spiritual Representative is Creative, and it physical representative and reflection identical twin, is Cellular..

And its source are Awareness whose physical reflection is Anti-Matter represented as the Atomic.

And the Being as the Body… Biological

12 04 Represents in Code the last stage of Completion of Zero transformed to Full Circle in the 4th Dimension :Square Book Story…

12 O 4 Represents L.O.D…/ D O L…

Sacred Portal 43.


10-11-10… Code E GA LA XY 1O 11 C I..E…

The L.A of that Equation having been fulfilled yesterday with the arrival of the post of Linda A-Rorah yesterday C.E 5.. E.T…

10-11-10 in Binary is 46.

46 representing my 12 years in the 4th Dimension Play of being trapped from 2004-5- 2016-17….

and activating Human 6th Sense proving it into existence as E.S.P..Fact.


Sacred Portal 46…64…

Lisa Natalie Johnson 46

Joseph Carey portal Theater 64…

12:46 p.m.

*I noticed a moment ago Lisa Natalie Johnson liking a post,

always in such Harmony with her Big Brother Line

A Broader Stage For Love

Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks

The Time Are Racing.

-For the New City Ballet

Same Sex Duets Offer a Broader Stage For Love

Now please reference my Comments below,

Ajay Barik being the last to Like last post

Voila Le Fin

A.B…then link to the Two part continuation of that post in which I posted the 2nd Part ( 3rd) first, and the 1st Part ( 2nd) last, creating a B A…


*Yes Link Amoza Born of her three Faces the one which she chose to retain in this Script Play.

Now, link to Sacred Portal 147 A B.

Then link to rooms at B.R.C Assessment Shelter New York and Delta Manor to the 2015-2016 setting, and the Completion.

The image on the Cover of the Arts Section of the New York Times shows two men entwined in Dance Pose almost as if they were Siamese Twins….

Now Link to Sacred Portal 131…

And two the Last Sacred Portal 155…

And then the Two Male Dolls I discovered on Taylor and McGraw Avenue, which I used in the Locker Art.

* Yes Taylor S, the young good looking Caucasian dude who was in bed 5-010 right oppostite Anthony Malgren (A.M) who was in bed 5-009.. ( T.S…A M…. )

And yes, for those who remember Ali McGraw in Endless Love…

( Axel Love The Axel of Love…

*And yes, the entwined dancers both male.

And may seem reminiscent of my 2001 last production in Istanbul Turkey of The Story of Colors, where two entwined Dancers arms juggle glowing pink white luminous balls which then herald the 5th Dimensional being Wu-Man.

These Dancers in that production were Male and Female.

And did not have a stage of their own they introduce the arrival of Lady Harmony Existence.

In my locker art there is an image of the Woman..Sheba I call her,

yes Queen of SHEBA…

* There Ethiopians around me, older gentlemen to my left and directly infront of me two ladies, one older and the other younger.

or i Believe that is where they are from.

I note this because I wish to make clear that the the Solo Man and SHE B.A story I am alluding to is not the Biblical version.

It is the E Version as Eternal, Endless, Evolved Infinite.

As you may recall, I found images 8 in all of the lady in Orange and white, at Taylor and McGraw Avenue, and placed here in the my Locker Installation Art Science.

The Two Male Dolls… D.O.L.L..S… Door Of Life Light Splendor…

Who recall had code marking then Victor and the other a Tiger emblem.

Which alludes to Sacred portal 79 Two Figures entering the Darkness of Space through the portal of a Vulva/ Anus/Sun-A

on a Rocket Ship Phallus.

I will remind you of the Worship of the Phallus all over the ancient world and which is still practiced today in Asia-

*see recent New York Times Article.’Phallic Art brings Luck in Bhutan

2,700 people, according to the most recent … A version of this article appears in print on August 25, 2017, on Page A9 of the New York …

in the Locker Installation Art Science merge by my using only beauty and naturalness to place each piece in the locker and then with the same Hindsight and Foresight/ Foresight Hindsight of how I came to New York and Face Book, am I able to read and what I have Created… Chineke…- The Expression which creates and it goes along

Chukwuemeka- The Creators Praise.. Well Done

I bought a tube of Shea Butter yesterday because of a sore and cut on my foot and the creme I had purchased ( Cheap) was not helping.

I found myself placing in front of the picture where is placed between the two headless Dolls ( i Have already given both of them their faces…)

1:08 p.m.

You might have noticed that I am posting earlier today than of usual of late, that is because there is a big inspection and Delta Manor today and all the Clients were asked to leave the sleeping area’s between 10 am – 12 pm.

Of course, I was fully aware of the alignment to the date today ad the code date.

Since I have been quantifying and measuring everything through aligned to the Matrix of Time, the Calender and Nature ( N W E S)

10 -11… 10.

1:13 p.m.

( a.m p.m… 24 hour Day and Night full Circle)

And when I opened my locker, I paused to see what I had created, because i had opened up the Black Box which was the center piece and the Ground of the Installation, to take out my L.G Phone Tribute 5, from Erik Ebright so I could at least tell the time.

– which also stopped working yesterday with the same problem of the charging…

I have a two phones 5 and 4 X… both suddenly not working at all not even the clock because I can not charge any of them.

And nothing is wrong with the charger… sigh….

*I just checked the batteries code on both phones…

the L.G. 4X is Black code B.L- 49 J.H…

1:31 p.m…. S.P… 131…

Look up two paragraphs.. the time is 1:08 p.m noted.

Look at the code 49… ( Yes Bed 49..2015 B R C even to Delta Manor..! I was still in the same Bed! )

J.H…10 8…. And does that link with Joseph Carey but not quite..

He is Joseph Henry Carey…

I am J..OES..P.H…H.E. NRI.O.S.. Chukwemeka 111.. A B C…6.

The other battery of the 5th is Silver, code B.L 46 ZH..!

46 and Z.H… Zeina Hannah… 46 26 8… D.F. Z.H…

* i really have to pause and make a note of the further alignment of the codes on the two phones, which relate to the Locker Art which if you recall on one side is Silver 212 Cologne on the left really my Right Arm, and the other is in Black is the Brown reddish side….

On the silver is the number 2016 05 16 (D)..

05 16… Bed 5- O 16 Jose Anthony Roq…but it is E.O.P..

E.P… Pure Expression… D… Devi.. Desire David!…

Sacred portal 16….

And the black one 20 16 07 05 (L)…

07 05…. 7 5… G.E/ E.G…There is no bed 7…

But there is 7 Grant Circle Ave / Virginia Av…

And Sacred Portal 5….

5 16… 7 O5…. 5 7 16 5….

Lawrence Love Light….!…

My Two Father’s- Sons.. B.L…

Brother Lovers….Life And Death!!

On the Tribute 5 back of the phone…

089 609 216 702 519 863!

356 948 072 673 37….

And in the 4X…

089 602 663 102 623 748

356 848 072 809 04!

The Phones had the plan…

The Phones are Bugged…!

And give instructions of the test of Harmony already set up!

1:55 p.m

And even more interesting on the LG4 phone there is code of the model L.S 450… 5R…. L S 450 6Q

And on the Tribute 5…L.S 675 4L…

450… 5 R…6 Q… It has two codes…

675 4L…this Tribute 5 has One Set…

The L.S Code is Lovers Sisters…

2:04 p.m.

24…X…. L.G. 4X phone… 1 9 17…569 6455…

…But because of that natural and necessary function I changed the arrangement of the Altar Art and I put quite a lot of the stuff away – cleaned ad streamlined it and removed the ‘Corner Stone which Sue at The Green House had told me I must find of they who waked the Earth before Adam…Which I eventually found you may recall, Alphabet City E street.. the Projects.

I placed that on the Black Box.. obviously playing the Ground as the battery.. Nature…and the Left side as Death.. Darkness the Mystery Dark Matter….

2:09 p.m… Brenda Booth was just here.. she left with a cheery good bye…

Yes the Mysteries of Egypt The Dead…

Kasien Thompson and his experience of it aligned to Jonn Delguidce’s…

2:12 p.m…

Silver… A Battle a Contest as to which is the Source of the power which moves and generates Everything…

Obviously it is the Silver… AG…E…GA LA XY … 1O 11…C.I..E…

For It is Symbolized by 5… E… Erik Ebright.. 6983 all of whom is me, I am the Original E bright….

And the thing I read was that that in the image where Sheba in Orange and White was placed in the center was the portal of the Arrival of the 2 of landing in this 4 Square Story….

A Two Dimension Realm R O Y-G, G B I V R….But which is 7 not 2 in the C of the E..

2 7/ 7 2… .. 7 is E… 7 is 5… as the B.L 49 JH John Henri Thomas states….Light Love Lawrence…Twin of Devi… Who is E.S…

Emeka Steven…Spirit E undercover…

2:20 p.m.



O.K… I have to take a break…

Dawn Piercy

Lisa Natalie Johnson

Kemi Sara

David Powers

Orien Laplante

Stephen Filgueira

Stephen Popiotek

Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Kerem Sanliman

And any one else who is interested…

We landed through Africa America… A A.. When it was one last mass…

But I leave through the Right Left 212… Manhattan….

Robert.. Robert Vlaun 22…

The Famed Bright Shinning ..Of Light.. Epiphany Understanding Radiance Transformed Transparently Revealed Universal Triumphant Harmony Emeka….

E U R T T R U T H E..

2:27 P.M.

2nd Orange…

7th Violet.. Purple… O.V…ER…. O.P….

Being A-A… A-Z… +1…

26… H…


With a HA!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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