
A Brief understanding of how t

A Brief understanding of how to read the Play Script.

Since I have nothing better to do right now, I am taking my cue from this Script.

3:16 pm

C P.
C A F … E.

Jae Sherman shared with me her dark green bricks of coffee
Cafe Lallave.

L.C L.

*A variant of the Spanish word “Llave” which means (a) something to open a lock or a key (b) device that controls the flow of something (c) move in wrestling or martial arts. The word “Llave” is a feminine noun. – harold”.

*Harold is the name of the person who was with me in the shelter bed 008, who gave me the two books, first Enders Game by Ernest Cline.
E C.

Jae Sherman received some intel from the manager Scott, yesterday, while at 1642 Facebook Friends, about this entire building be sold or placed on the Market.

There fore ending the Saga of this building, its history and story.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr has yet to be informed.

A very simple Examination and test of response.
FEAR. or F-E A R TH- E.
It did not test Kim.

But it creates a window at least for the End of everyone’s stay here.
And it is Being in Perfect Harmony.

6-29-20-20-1. 2021= 41.

You may recall the Money Code with the serial number 6 29 29.

The Date Code is F: B I.

Now you may have noticed my post yesterday of sacred portal 44 at 15 44 C-Town Parks Ville.
The Confirmation of codes 59 affirmed as “End Of The Story”
45 “Earth Planet” 4.5 Billion years old.
45 Age code Liberty C Liscomb representing the World and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr representing the Story of the Earth, aligned to E-A RT. H. E.
Earth E.
13.55 USD in the Ego Oge ( E.O, 5 O) play Sacred Portal 50-
Ego Oge is the Forest People rep of the story of the past, while E G O- O G E is the actual play of the present.

E G O 5 7 O
O G E O 7 5,
Confirmed by Haris Babic and the 94 USD Money code he sent me.
37 his age merged with 57.
His Birthday 5-7.
There are 5 Oceans and 7 Continent which make up this planet Earth.
or 4 oceans in One, and 7 Sound and Colors.
so 45 USD left in my Perry Ellis Wallet.

Then it became 28 USD aligned to the 28th State confirmed via Stephen Johnson and Alicia- Dakota A.D./ D A
Sacred Portal 41 “Eleguah- Eshu and Elu” Meaning crossing Guard and The Elect”
That is where Kim Arthur Hinds Jr works as a Crossing Guard of a Night Club- Security and there is a restaurant Kim told me about his always crossing around C-Town.
I saw it, the other day, It is called The Chosen,
And nearby towards C-Town is a billboard with the sign “World”

* You might have noticed that we attained 16 42 Facebook Friends and have stayed there even after it was confirmed by Rainer Ostendorf of Writers Artis etc.

Then in the movie series called for the 4400 when the Ball of Light Descends from the Heavens at Mount Rainer and drops them off, the 4400 from every timeline in the last century, the oldest from…

*An 8-year-old girl named Maia Rutledge, who disappeared in 1946, sometimes has visions of the future. Eventually, she moves in with Diana. ”

Mai Rutledge. M R. * MR.E.
8 year. * Wrote the story age 8.
1946. Code 46. Sacred Portal 46 to 64.
Bull Olive Oil, ( Olivia Burgos) code 846.

Now, see sacred portal 46 ( a Man with an obvious Penis, straddling the world from the Heavens and the first 3 Drops from his Penis, which landed on the stillness called his Mirror Reflections- ( M.R) which created the first Motion.
Stillness Motion, SM.
Then observe sacred portal 64, A Sensei. observed by the All-seeing Eye and tempted by a Serpent his Penis and Sexual Power- his erection but forced to contain it by living like a monk.

Both 46 and 64 have penis’s meaning he is both Male, and The Creator, The H-G-OD, and “A Man”.

Jae Shermans is age code 46.
But this has nothing to do with Creation as Time.
It’s about Symmetry and Meaning.

*I just received a message from Liberty time code 4:45 pm.
Age code 45.

But Jae Sherman is 46 years old.

As I stated, s-he was not meant to be in this play.
Nor was I meant to be here past 2020 at South Whitney, The play was meant to end at 29 Lincoln Street.

Tel Code Haris Babic,
929 575.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr has 37 Mutal Facebook Friends.
Haris Babic is 37 years old.
The Money code was meant to be sent to and through Kim, instead, it was sent via Jae Sherman who happened to be present as Kim not and who did not have “Veneno” yet.

As if the play was waiting for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr to be confirmed and aligned at AWE with Haris Babic’s comment and then Kim lead to see the wall, “Awe’ on the Brick Wall and the numeric code of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr court date- 6-22 aligned to F V, Fact Victorious and Fritz C Venneiq vision in June- July 2010, as I told him a story which made him fall asleep and awaken with such excitement having seen the true earth as Eden, calling Nature a poor Carbon Copy of its actual truth.

That was in 2010, June July.
I left Arden and their family on July 21st-2020.
That is why I do not acknowledge the year 20 21.
2020 Vision was confirmed in 2020 by John Mack confirming the Truth Staya I had spoken, after visiting about 48 States in the USA.

And so, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr won the custody battle for joint custody of Serenity, then Queen handed in a form of why she missed the date and I read what she was accusing Kim Arthur Hinds Jrof, including sexual molestation of Serenity and the most horrible, truly vile accusations which allowed her to gain re-open the case of the Judgment already given.

Why is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr being sent back as he said, and noted even today, the feeling that he was being dragged back into the past. Who was doing this The Time Keepers as I witnessed in the 3 episodes of Loki I watched last night. or it something an someone, somewhere which even they took orders from?

Note my comment to Alexa Vertefuielle yesterday of continually going back into the past.

Note the play where she was, by a Lake- King Arthur but also his sister Morgana-Vivienne.

Morganna *”Morgana is a girl’s name meaning “circling sea”, “great brightness”, or “bright sea dweller”. It is related to the Welsh and Old English name Morgan.”

Yes, the movie 4400.
The Jewel rising from the Sea, but also, the Gem-Stone arriving from the Heavens, * See the meaning of the name Jade.
Aurelia and her best friend Jaden.
A J.
Gemino means Gemini- Twin.
Ying Yang.
From Below and from above.
69/ 96.
15 15
A.E AE- O O.
O O as O/O= 1. A
Adaola, “Jewel from the Sea” Mary Jane I hooked up with her in 1987.
A Mary Jane MJ
/ JM John Mack.
Adaola is also Arden.
Poise I Don.

See my New Facebook friend- we were dragged backward back to sacred portal 16 41,
Agbenyo Emmanuel

And immediately back to 1642 Facebook Friends.

Vivienne means *”The name Vivienne is primarily a female name of French origin that means Alive. Vivienne is the French variation of the name Vivian or Vivien.”

You may note, it does not mean “Life”
Door Of Life D O L aligned to me, even though this script on my page. Sacred Portal 43,

And the obvious conclusion meaning we should be at 16 43 Facebook friends called 16 P Perfection of Life.

Instead, we were sent back to Elguah Elue play “E E”

The name Viviene means “Alive” as if something was dead or not living and now it is brought back. “It’s Alive” as someone had been underwater for so vert long * Noahs Ark Arkansas… 25 State in the realm of the X Chromosome as a story, and by breaking the surface, passing through the mirror, the Ice, breaks the lock and comes Alive.
By having connected to itself as Y.
24 25= 49 then / 94 ID come back to itself from Amnesia Forgetting to Total Recall.”I remember who I am, everything has come back to me, I remember who I am and my ID.

Breaking the Ice,
Leaving a story of 7-1 1-7.
711/ 11 7.
Back to one’s senses.

So we are still at 16 42 which is the perfection of the story of Time, aligned 6/6 Fiction Fact.

When you start a story, you are already at the Origins but you go down into a story- go underwater “Sacred Portal 46 First Drop ( F D= 6 4) You don’t not realize what will happen to you, or why the story was created and narrated to you.
But you listen to the Story Teller, ( at the Bank and at the Banks of a river?), Let’s say your a Light Being with no true sense of your Value, True Worth and Self. You just Being Natural.
But after experiencing the story of Inception Cee.
When you re-emerge after hearing, living, and experiencing the story, your no longer simply a Being, you emerge now with that Being transformed into A body, after experiencing Time as 45= 9.I
I am!
A Fact.

“I was not alive, I was in the spell of the story and the Narrator, and I almost got lost, I thought I was Lost, that Paradise, all my Lucid dreaming was simply a dream, but it was not. and only now do I realize, that what I thought was Living was not Life, now I know with these Sensational Feelings what it is to be alive!”

I am Alive!”
Woken up from The Dead.
But I was not really dead, you recall, I was in a dream-dreaming am I real, is this real True or false and I could not make up my mind!
What was Fact or Fiction-, and if I did not wake up, I would not simply be dead I would cease to exist because this is not simply the End of The Story this is actually Exist or Exit.

“Oh dear Joy, you exclaim,
I am alive with a Body now, one of solid fact”.

So yes you began as Original Truth at 6= 6th Sense.
then went into a story- mirror world at 6/6 it was complete full circle. But you do not return to what you were before you experienced the story of EK Eternal Knowing. 5 11 = 16 of your own Individual Perfection.
* I P-T.P
You emerge via Fact to Fiction aligned as a different being.
6/6= 1 A.sacred portal 1A.
with AWE.

Then a trip to the Pegasus Fuel Station, 519- ES ( EOS0 “Dawn”
= 24.
24/42. 66 * The Door at Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.
He has 37 Mutual Facebook Friends.6/6= 1.A.

*Other names. See also. Arthur. Artur is cognate to the common male given name Arthur, meaning “bear-like,” which is believed to possibly be descended from the Roman surname Artorius or the Celtic bear-goddess Artio or more probably from the Celtic word artos (“bear”).
Meaning: Bear-like”

*Meaning:bear or Thor, the eagle
The legendary King Arthur, who formed the Round Table (with his knights) in sixth-century England, made the name popular in the Middle Ages. Yet there’s not much agreement on what the name means—everything from “bear” (from the Celtic “artos”) to “Arnthor” (an Old German name that means “Thor, the eagle.”

*”The meaning of this name is unknown. It could be derived from the Celtic elements artos “bear” combined with viros “man” or rigos “king”. Alternatively, it could be related to an obscure Roman family name Artorius.”

*”Arthur is a traditionally masculine name with many different language roots and meanings. Its Scots/Celtic root is “artos,” meaning “bear,” and Arthur is said to mean “strong as a bear” — in Welsh, the name specifically means “bear hero.” Arthur also draws from the Roman clan name Artorius, which means noble or courageous, and the Irish word “art,” which means “stone.”

Now, the Roman meaning aligned to David Roman Nicholas 11-22-68 gives the meaning as “Noble Courageous.
N C * see post with time code 14.3.N C New York- Connecticut. 11th to 5th State aligned to year of birth of Aurelia- Aphrodite Line.

Stone – Peter means Rock Stone.
Stone from Heaven. * Jade.
Art Stone,
Art Science.
The Art of H E manifests the Stone Rock -Asteroid Meteorite.

15 44.

* you do recall that the Electricity bill here, is 59.44 USD right.

15 44 CTown/ 20.3 years in the USA./ A S. U. S= 19 10 =J and U 21= 3 C.
A J.C.
A A 10 10 3 3
A.-A T CC,
A A A; A C. C-A.
3rd Planet from the Sun or from the Center-Sum.
See Sacred Portal 16.

15 44 is A E DD. O DD, O8 OH O I.. F.I. 69 – 15 O RB.

You may have also noticed that the play of the Bear, aligned to the * Bear and Wolf blanket.
The Bear, who appeared in a “Tree” right on the Deck of 900 South Road.
They Hibernate- half the year…

*Black bears can hibernate for up to seven and a half months without drinking water, eating food or defecating. Grizzly bears typically hibernate between five to seven months.”

7 and a half month.
7.5 out of a year.

5-7 months.
5 sees and 7 Continents.

So why did we go to Sacred Portal 44 Goddess Bliss G B
when it all began at sacred portal 46?
Well, this is not simply the story of Being.
It is also the story of the inception of Nature Creation.
Nor was Humanity present on earth 4.5 billion years ago- but they ( you were present as the Wave) 13.8 billion years, ( 8 13 is 31= 3 C) C Speed of light beings moving through that first Orgasmic Big Bang.
And that moment of the inception of a story as Rock Stone pebbles.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just showed me a picture on the pavement he took with the words “Welcome Home”

6:12 pm.
F L. O W F L O K I.
Watched a series called Loki last night.

F A B.
Fabulous 4.
The Fabulous Baker Boys.

Man… I was literally thinking of Arden when I saw that time code.

Arden Eden- Nature.
**Frank (Beau Bridges) and Jack Baker (Jeff Bridges) are brothers who have performed together in a small but successful piano act for years. However, their lack of ambition hurts them — they begin losing gigs, and are soon relegated to run-down venues. Attempting to infuse new life into their act, the brothers audition singers and choose the stunning Susie Diamond (Michelle Pfeiffer). The new lineup brings success, but a growing attraction between Susie and Jack threatens the trio’s stability.
Release date: October 13, 1989 (USA)
Director: Steve Kloves
Nominations: Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, MORE
Awards: National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress, MORE”

* 10-13- 1989. J M A I -HI.
F B & J B.
Real Life B B & J B.
Susie Diamond SD. Michelle Pfiffer M P “Cat Woman” C W. SD=23. M P= 29.

23 USD in my wallet at Y.

Tell me which code here is the one constant?
J B. is it not.

J-A C.K Baker.
J-E-F.F Bridges

…Fact to Fiction-Fact.

A W A K E= 1 23 1 11 5.= 41.

16 41 and through a play of passing through 1544 C-Town supermarket in this Model of the World simulation of an Architect Planner Builder of 13.55 USD from 59 USD to 45.
to 28 MAN and finally to 23 USD, which I now have in my wallet.
23 W. VV.
Sacred Portal 23 B C. 5/ 32 CB = 5.
Sacred portal 55.
13 is M Nnamdi.
A C is Arden Cecil-IA 4242 =1 84= 85.

SoL We have moved from AWAKE 41.
16 41 Facebook Friends.
Agbenyo Emmanuel
Arden Emeka
To AWAKEN 55 EE 13 55 USD.
to MAN 28 B H- B.I
to 23 W. VV
Ikemefuna 85. Victor
Fred Knox. F K 6 11- 17
6 x 11= 66.
17 +66= 83 H.C .Harrington Connecticut. Harford Connecticut.
8 is 9- I C.
66 6/6 Origins meeting the story in the mirror and two merging into one, recognizing each other from Origins and then inside the story.
= A.

P.S FR ( Ferrill Reilly) RED-FR-ED 54 ED.EN.
is 33.
Knox is KNOX = 64.
Fred-Erick. 33 +46.
* Eric- 35 by the way EMEKA,
ERICK is 46.
Erick 46,
Knox= 64.

33 The Universal Body 33 Vertebra. F-RED.

Erick, by the way, means
*The name is thus usually taken to mean “sole ruler, autocrat” or “eternal ruler, ever powerful”. … Eric used in the sense of a proper noun meaning “one ruler” maybe …”
Eric means *”Word/name. Old Norse. Meaning. “sole ruler”, “eternal ruler”
Meaning: “sole ruler”, “eternal ruler”

Same Thing.
Frederick is the 33+46 = 79.
Yes, Blue -Print of Existence sacred Portal 79.
Stephen moved to the 25th State from West Palm Beach ( W.P B- Beauty Particle Wave)
Meaning before the play of the creation of 46 Erick the Eternal Ruler to sacred portal 64, 64th Portal. There was already the 33 as the Universal Body.
Globe covered in water- another story but of Creation Nature. PI.
Before man, or any living thing walked the earth when the World was covered in water, but a Globe O 96-69 O- OO-OH arrived and caused a Jewel to rise from the bottom of the sea from an Orb of 8 as 44= 1 8 16 A HP A Higher Power 1 24= A X? A BD A Being Doing with Sixth filled with Reason, Logic- Facts ( R 18 L 12 F-6. 6 6 6, 66, 6 ( 36.O) 6/6.
A- Awake and Aware.

The 8 can not be divided, so how is 15 44 O DD Goddess Bliss possible.
Is it possible that there were two stories going on at the same time or one before man walked the earth?
hence 69= 15 and add 44= 8.
Red Truck at 900 South Road bought by Chris and Liberty.
C L.

Two Stories which created Gods and Man.
GM G E M Yes the two boys at the Fair, soccer jerseys. * Leander plays soccer and was present. I played soccer in England before we moved to Canada Yes Anubis Man. “Bun in the Oven”
I use the Stove and Oven a lot here.
7 13.
20. T. with W as E = 5 G E M.

Arden 42
33 + 46. Fred-Erick. 79.
Knox 64
Gemino = GEMINI =O is 57 O Perfect symmetry.

GEM IN = 48 add I = 57.

Haris Babic 929 575.

GEM.I. N O is 63.

7:04 pm.
Arden = 42 The Story begins.
Fred 33 The Body. Eric 35
and his twin Doppelganger 46.
Knox as in Fort Knox Fred Knox?
Knox is 64.
Gem IN. I. 57 Confirmed
Gem, in O 63.

O T W O.

I and O

57 +63 Gem in I, Gem in O = 120.
L O.
A.B F- Harmony. I.

Eternal Harmony I and I.

Inside Outside,
Inside I manifested O- All.Y, All-DI/ID. And then Outide.

In Perfect Symtery the Full Circle in Perfect Symtery as ERIC ALL Y All I.D. E.A Fact.
Including My Beautiful Youth A F K G. 25. E R I C K.
Eri C.K Clark Kent. Chukwuemeka Kolo and Emeka Kolo.
Emeka = 35 PS.
born 8 pm
Kolo 53= 8.
I 8pm.
I 35=8
1=53= 8.

8- 88 = 24= 6=8.
86- 8 88 8.

7:17 pm
G Q.
That goes way beyond the 5 8 seen all over the place by Andrey Klebano A K 1 11

Arden Kim.
Arthur Kim.
Alexander Kim.
Arden Kolo.
Emeka Kolo.

A-A. K K. 11 22= 33.
Frederick Douglas. F D 6 4 Firth Dimension.
46= 10 J. A.F. A C-T “C Town”
64 is 10 J. 55 is also ten. and 25
10 25= 35, C E = PS/ SP.

7:21 pm.
7:21, 2020.

Two Twins Dopplegnager in a story, how can you tell who is the original if both did a same exact score of Perfection 111?

I would think that rather simple, it would be the one telling the story and Waking every-one, every-where, every-thing U.P!.

But not Any Thing up, only that which is recognizable and so A.NY THING.
A.T/ T A
can only be recognizable as One Thing.
The End,
A T T A C K!
The Lie and once again In perfect harmony as the one I becomes Two I & I then
I I I =3 in I, in ONE, who attack! the idea of 4… in One when it’s all about the story about the I the One who is Two
I I.
and merged all back in One. I.
Outside Inside as he did Inside Outside.

42+79+64+57= 242.
Yes..I smile.

42+33+46+64+63= 248.

Yes- Eric Ebright, 248 Green Street Brooklyn, May/June 2006.

42: + 79+64+ 57+63= 305.
C O E.
/ E O C

35 C E.= 8= I.
3O5 is 365- yes One year=14, A D/ DA
No more stories about Nature Creation.

7:37 p.m.

Critical Thinking.
= Conscious Linking.

Conclusion Summary.

Maia Rutledge.

Maia *Maia is a Greek feminine given name often used as the feminized form of “Thomas” in reference to Thomas the Apostle but it may also be in reference to the mythic mother of Hermes. It is also a popular M?ori name meaning “brave or confident.”
Meaning: “great” or “mother”

13.55 USD.
Mot-H ER- Earth E.A RT. H E.

*Meaning:root ledge; red ledge. Rutledge as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Rutledge is “root ledge; red ledge”.

* (English) Dweller at, or near, a red lake or pool. —”

*”The name “Rutledge” is a place name. It meant “red lache or pool” from the old Anglican words “redd”, meaning red, and “loec” – later “lache”, …”

Yes, The First Color is Red- Longest Wave.
Adam Red Man ( R M/ Maia Rutledge names MR clarifies what is a red Man- Read Man)
Mai A is the 5th Month 5=E Eric =35. and Erick=46.).

Arden called me “MR.E”

4400 A Ball of Light arrived at a Lake – The Beginning of the story of Adam full circle completed.
White Transparent Light at 8 ( I) then touches the Completion of story 42. Sacred Portal 42 and The Meaning of Existence. 42. 2hich is Two Four 2-Being.
242= O-8, OH! And OI!
24 42= long path but it equals 6 6= 1, A via 12 3-to 1 23.
O I.A… O I A I.. Infinity goes on and on ETC…

Maia M A I A
June J- UNE. One in French as Feminine.
J-UN. E is Jay One E. Masculine.

J-Joy- UNE adds the Sacred Feminine to the original Sacred Masculine.

Something Added when we wake up.

V I C T O R by the way is 87.

Ikemefuna Victor.
85 and 87.
H E H-G.= 172. A G B or Q.B.
Queen Bee SP 18.

Victor Y= 112 S P 112 Krishna Ha!

VICTORIA = 97 S P 97, John Mack.

Victor, I OUS is 151 See sacred Portal 151 Magnifying Glass.

and Victor+ E 92 929 575.

Victor+ E K = 103 J C.

Victor + E P= 111. Perfection.

Agbenyo Emmanuel A E.

*”the life is good
A submission from France says the name Agbenyo means “literally ‘the life is good’ in Ewe language from the Ewe people from Togo and Ghana”.

*Immanuel (Hebrew: ???????????? ‘?mm?n?’?l, meaning, “God is with us”; also romanized: Emmanuel, Imanu’el; also ????? (‘Amanuel’) in Ge?ez and Amharic, and Emmanouël or ????????? in Koine Greek [????? ????????] language of the New Testament) is a Hebrew name that appears in the Book of Isaiah (7:14) as a sign that God …

Agbenyo Emmanuel A E.
Agebenyo Immanuel A I.

Life is Good, ( Because)
God is with us.”

8:42 pm.

smh.. I was a vision of myself in a spacious place, clean sheets, excellent service.. cool…

8:43 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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