
A Begging Bowl World…?

A Begging Bowl World…?

A Begging Bowl World…?

Begging God,

Begging The Wealthy

Begging other countries

Creating 3rd Worlds,

2nd Worlds, 1st Worlds

How many Trillions of Dollars Owed?

Terrorists are Beggars

They Bully and go that far to get what they want.

Is that not Begging is all about

Getting What you want

and extreme form yes, but still Begging.

For Begging is a form of manipulation

The point is getting what you want,

Or think you need.

A World which Begs…

To go to school

To get a job

To create change

To eat

To buy or keep a house

But a car

I do not hold it against my mother,

Or Traishon…

They are but Pure..A Pure reflection of the choices of the World.

Like 45th President Donald J Trump

Begging him to show you how to make money.

Fair Trade…

Equal Exchange

Fair Exchange…

I truly understand the Value of Money

Believe me, I do…

16 years with no I.D.

No money to fix my teeth.

Eat House and Cloth myself

Never meeting my Nephew and Niece

Not seeing my Mother in 28 years

No means to Hop on a Plane to see her

Or show her the World

No sex, no friends no life

In a Mental Health Shelter because none could conceive why an intelligent well educated gentleman would endure such a challenge..

In New York

Capital of Capitalism…

And I gave seen the response for not having money…

But I Don’t Beg!

I B. E.G.

Not even with what… if you can only imagine, that I speak the Truth

Of what I am really or have been literally experienced and endured experiencing literally the True Depravity of travelling the sum total of Human Expression especially Subconscious Thoughts which ppl think no one can see…

Just to reach One UN Conscious Stream which Links All.


And then have Death be transformed into the Death of Truth.

Then having to change it back from Evil to Live!

Jay Livesay…!

I offer Fair Exchange..

Fair Exchange IS the principle of Energy.

And I never forgot that I am the Source of Energy, Expression …

That which drives money.

Value Worth…

And By Jove, I have tipped the Scales in these last 16 years in New York and the U.S..A.

Anthony.. He sits besides me now,

The name which has followed me Everywhere this last years..

Anthony means Priceless, of inestimable worth, highly praise worthy!

On my other side of me sits Adam,

And I was just sent to room 5A to sign

for my bed.

Where it all Began Room 5A Bed 5019-69-15-6-F A C T.

Adam 5A Anthony..

I have Five Face Book Friends whose name is Anthony

Anthony Bienke

Anthony Spencer

Anthony Pitts

Anthony John

Anthony Rosemary

And Antonella Robledo Irigoyen

Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim

Antoÿnÿ Laurent Machado Daví

And 3

Room 5A Room 3A





Believe me, I see myself quite clearly through the Filter of you all-my true reflection… And Value and Worth.

I do not require a silly FaceBook play of the world mirror reflecting my Energetic Signature back me while living penniless day by day in constant insecurity of money to buy a simple coffee just so as to partake in this Tom-Fool-Eri.

The symbol of Existence Energy is


It shows a continuous Fair Balanced Exchange.

That is Energy

That is Money!

For Money to Exist

It must have a measure of Value.

A Fort Knox

( Becca Knox B.K

Bilal Khan B.K

Barr Kolo B K



Purpose gives this…

-Value, Measured by the Benefits each Contributor brings to the A L L

Not just Money quantified as Value by How Many Zero’s

And that Fear of Need…

Self Created Needs

To fill a void abyss

Black Hole

The Literal Center of This Physical Universe which maintains balance

In a Homeless Shelter Mental Health


The Children…

People of the World

You have No Choice


To the 5th Dimension,

Really the Eternal Plane

Of E.R I C… The Eternal Ruler

Actual Manifest

Beautiful Truth

B T. 20 2… 22. V. Vie

E B T. 27. A -A… A

Its inevitable.

Just as it inevitable that your children will grow up,

And leave the House.

You can not stop it.

Resistance is Futile.

You Evolve.

The World is not an enormous Begging Bowl

Nor is the Universe a Galaxy a Basin.

It is a Clay Wooden Bowl of Water

From a Universal Pool of Reflections

Which Reflects Everything… True

And not that which is False.

And can come and then, begone in the Blink of an eye.

Simply by proving it has no Logos

Log U E R. I C

Mauro Loguercio

And therefore

Can not Exist.


10:45 pm

Simply by Some one going to the very End

Completing a circle of Truth of what can be real, and what cannot

proving the Point of Existence

The Beautiful is all that is True.

Hence my Question and Riddle I had posed to all of you

Can you tell me why you are Beautiful

To me?

And why that Beautiful Truth is not reflected back in the World.


1:32 am Edit.


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