
There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness…


There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness, there is no babble, nor is there any conflict or duality… All these things are illusions, illusions made real only in our individual imaginations and interpretations of reality. These interpretations, assumptions create a force which will not allow you to leave the space of death, the space of living in mind of worry, concern and, no matter how well intentioned, it is still the realm of the lie… non-existence. Because existence has been proven to be logical, ordered and created from a flower of life that is intelligent and beautiful. We can sustain an existence in space forever, because human beings were created with all the elements we have on earth, we are children of the fifth element… E existence and existence by definition is the awareness of self in the here and now, not in space which is really the realm of the past (as it is light appearing to us from the past) light does not makes us real, light outside of ourselves does not prove we exist. What proves that we exist is the solidness of the earth beneath our feet, the solidness of touching our bodies, existence is the awareness of self and each other as we truly are and not as we are perceived by others to be. Existence is awareness and consciousness proven real by nature as the backdrop and the play ground which allows us to experience sensation. Existing in the illusion of the past is like existing in the place with no air to breathe.
One may question why do I make such an effort through this medium of facebook to explain fundamental understandings and articulation of why it is so relevant for as many people as possible to have the available information and articulation of the significance of their living in non-existence, and the significance of the history and legend which throughout humanity’s history speak of Alpha and Omega… a beginning and an end. Many question why I care so much, I am not sure that it is because I care so much, or if it is because of my very nature as a human who has experienced investigated and discovered another truth rising while so many people are asleep in space, in the realities they believe everyone else is sharing with them. i THINK i AM SO ARDENT IN COMMUNICATING WITH THE WORLD BECAUSE i HAVE BEEN PRIVILEGED TO see two visions literally rising in earth, one of the rising and one of the revelations of John- one registering creation and the other a story of destruction mirroring the very dimension of space of false mind, which true space and true mind cannot support, because even space has order, rationale and logic. Thus those dreaming in those bubbles in space according to my investigation into evolution and the awakening cannot be supported nor sustained if their dreaming or realities are not logical and in alignment with the truth of existence… that below on earth the view to exist here is the consciousness of beauty, the golden ratio, while the consciousness to exist in space is Truth, logic and order… both dimension space and earth or heart-mind mind-heart will soon begin to expel any consciousness or any frequency that does not adhere to the truth of existence above and below. I have found that the original frequency of existence, now proven, here embodied and articulated through empirical evidence, is rising and it seems that any being amongst the seven billion who do not rise to that frequency, will simply fade out.
There is no scare tactics in my work and revelations since this information is all over the internet and I am simply adding my own researched point of view. I guess, I am writing these long posts because I am a concerned citizen of planet earth, the true Ear and hearth of mankind who feels compelled by respect, love, honor and duty to alert the world to my findings. What one wishes to do with this information is your own concern. But I sincerely believe that it is the duty of any citizen of earth to report information or evidence of a discovery that might effect humanity as a whole. The fact that I have not been given a platform made me take up this platform of FACEBOOK to add my voice to all the information out there about what is going on. My mothers people are from NRI , and I was consecrated to that world. The NRI King Priests are usually sent by the energy of love (ala Mother who nurtures) to cleanse the earth, how they get the power to do this is by speaking the height and depth of truth. I can not speak but the truth… Ejim Afor (I hold the staff of truth) I, for one, know that I am telling the truth and offer it up to the world and to anyone who wishes to hear, until the time to be quiet.
But yes, according to my research begun at age 19, something stupendous, monumental and quite extra ordinary is about to manifest. I NRI was the distortion of the Christ story which was to show how people could raise their frequency and cross over from death to life. The I of NRI represents manifestation which happened first, before the full circle called Holy spirit NRI.
Originally Facebook post here
Edited word count: 908

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