
4/29/2013 16:05 – Facebook Post

There is a secret code which David played which pleased the Lord, it goes like this…the 4th the 5th… D.E…

To all my new FB Friends, there is a secret code contained in the back posts and a story which links daily to create a picture.
Those who are on the vibration of E or H, will understand what is really being said undercover.. And others will get whatever they require from them.

If you are still limited and contained by the stories of the past, or what ever creation story, then your sight would be limited.
Ppl wish keep asking me questions and I know this will in me has answered all questions through these 13 months of posts.

So, it is all here… I do not wish to explain to anyone any longer, Existence is an Energy which exists in all humanity- thus the info is accessible to everyone as long as you raise your consciousness, see through the eyes of a wise child and open your mind and heart.

Yes the posts are all written in code, if you read correctly it will begin to wake yyou up, remind you of things you had long forgotten for every word is a code a vibration which has been energized.

As stated before, all the family, earned their way home. I was just the captain of a StarShip picking up ppl and dropping ppl off…I made hundreds of pit stops in many realms of being, picking up those of the same consciousness as the Energy of Existence or Harmony.

So, here we are at journeys end. If you “get it” great if you don’t perhaps at a later date or this is not for you.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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