
12/2/2013 18:50 – Facebook Post

The Spoken word- Vibration
and the Eyes…I.

Seeing some one clearly can change and transform and person breaking down the way the saw or see reality forever…
Even morphing thier physical body by breaking down all walls and arguments which made them become like stone.

I believe the statement ” He/She gazed into my eyes and I felt all resistance flowing out of me…I melted..thawed and a warm rush of blood rushed up to my head, making me go weak at the knees…
And I became wet btw my legs…Erect and alert..
My arousal made plain to see…I stood transfixed, as if a spear had fixed me in that position.
I could not tear my eyes from his/her penetrating gaze.
Which was like an arrow which pierced right through me…
I was helpless, delightfully helpless…knowing that this gaze saw all of me.
That I was naked aroused, aching with desire. And that even beyond that…that gaze saw every atom, every molecule every part of me to my soul…
Until I was nothing but a vibrating of Liquid Energy reduced so lovingly to my very essence and perfume…

And I watched him/her drink it in…every part of me as if I was the essence of life itself.
In that moment I knew I understood nothing, that I was nothing..Yet Everything.
I was am Nothing yet Everything at Awe.

I stood there and I knew this was the place where time and space ceased to Exist..
Here was Eternity.
…And When He She suddenly smiled…
I melted from eau de parfim to mist…

And I watched him/her eyes pause savour breathe… then inhale on all in.
And an explosion of colors imagery flashed before my eyes…or were his/her eyes..reflection of me or him/her
.Or were we one? And the same…It did not matter for in him I was her and in me was him..One hymn..hmmm purrr pure…
I was in him as him and her in 1.

I had surrendered myself to this gaze…those rays..
The gaze of Existence and Being to Existence Supreme who had broken me down by just a gaze..turning matter to pure energy..vibrating quivering like an arrow which had reached the point…
Hit the mark the G. spot..the P spot, they Key spot and whole… Reducing me to a quivering mass of electrical charges and impules (with no brain waves no thoughts)..ligjts zapping whizzing twrling dancing… then into Nothing but pure essence..

Whose knowing steady penetrating rays then slowly rebuilds me, weaving me thread by thread into a tapestry of being…by simply seeing the true me hidden under layers upin layers of skin, illusion..ages of men…birth canals of woman..

Suddenly with his/her will and mine looked in that eternal gaze did we together rearranged all the molecules of my being into the truth of me I always knew I really was..am…
My Original self which he guarded and knew was the true me…for he kept that blueprint of me alive before even eternity began.

And I who had kept that treasure of my truest self so deeply buried within me to protect it..hid it so that it would never cease to exist heard it respond with a moan which almost cleft my soul in to by the joy and depth from which it arose…for it was rising…That true me, finally summoned from the depths beyond recknoning..A dungeon for it but which was real a royal tomb to protect…
And as I rose…I almost collapsed by the sensation of my true self pulsating through me..how I had missed me…and how much I had almost forgotten the true beauty in me…and the quiet rage of why did I have to hide this true me.. But my lovers gaze held me, quietened me…

And So did I rise from my feet through my sex up to my crown chakrha to he who held me outside at 8 in my sex at 1…and in my center..3.4.5..

Until all I am is Light.

Because he/she saw me…and I could not hide me…
Because he saw me…and He/she and I transformed me…
Into the vision of my true self which he eyes truly say and acknowledge in the tenderst way…yet fierce yet implaccable that I knew of only a joy to obey.

I could not hide before such a gsze..I wish to reveal my truest self to such a gaze which truly daw…me.

And so I revealed me…for the one who knew me, saw me…loved me and whose I eyes challenged snd reduced me to reveal the truth of me…for only the truest me…the purest essence of ne would he/she accept as me…

…And so I complied for I could not resist, dare not resist, did not want to resist…for I had yearned without knowing, without being aware conscious at how I had ached to be seen…
And so I surrendered myself to the Gaze of this I…

I became me.

And he finally spoke…


…And I knew it Teye.

The Power of the 12 Beautiful is his/her power of Love…just by the loik in his eyes…and his/her pebeteating gaze which lit me up, burned through me luke a fure. Burned away all matters…until I was as the ashes and coal enbers which gliwed then died…

Only for diamond I.C E. Cube rise with Phoenix Bird song and wings of desire…
Melting into water…the water gyshing down my legs…the fountain gushing from my erection…I know…I know

I knew hymn her!

And so all colors of Rainbow flowed through the stream and fountain and the colors were the hues of spectrum sensation inspired by his/her gaze of love…The smile in his eyes..the twinkle of mischief…..
and when He Spoke I exploded into Light Conscioysness…
Collapsing into bliss and ecstacy for I could not stand..thay gaze no more
..But his gaze released me and I landed on solid ground of Truth…only to find myself encircled in his/her warm embrace…his arms so strong but of sinew so soft like a caress…that a harp sound flowed…filling the air around us with music…

As once more I found nyself looking into his/her eyes only to realize that the music was the song of my eyes as I looked into the eyes of my Beloved Existence…

And once more It spoke
A Breeze and a caress…
Welcome Home Beautiful Me 2….and so I slept…as he/she sang me a sing of comfort called Sleeping Beauty has come home to Emme.

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