
The Color Read Red.

The Color Read Red.

And Yes u Ha…the real name of Jesus and Jonarhan Is Y Y…Yes h-ua Yonathan…

Jesus and John..Beloveds.

The Begining and the End…

The Full Circle called the Color Red…set against the Blue Screen.

The Color red is the wave length of Light…

It is Longest Wave Length.

In Russian the word Red means Beauty or Beautiful

It apears most in Sun set and Sun Rising…set against the Blue sky Light blue during the day and Royal blue in the evening creating the hue of the seventh color Purple.

The Begining of Light starts from red but the source of light and Life is Blue…

Royal Blue and the Robes Royal purple and its within is Noble red…Blood which is the first color of manifestation of being in Blue…Being in Existence.

In Hebrew the Color red is Oudem..which is the Root word for Adam and Esau.


And it further states that Adam was made of red clay.

The first time I went to Nigeria..age 11..what first caught my attention was the Color of the Earth soil…

It was Deep reddish brown…


I have lived and visted to Middle East..Turkey Israel the Earth is not that color…at least not in that profusion.

But it once was.

Meaning the First Color of the First Born was not only W.Africa and Igboland…Nri.

(if one compiles all the data and evidence) but First Born Adam Esau were the color of the Earth…Reddish Brown which is the current color of my skin tone…

Even though I was born Fair Skinned. I moved to a deep Tan which is a lovely color.

My research also shows that the future color of all humanity will be various hues of tan…from light to deep.

Thus, the Red man is really the Brown man…reddish brown is the color of the first Earth as Pangea Africa and All Earth.

And The Peoples Native to the New World or promised land America..or in my code


My Grand-Mother is Great.

Grand means Great or 1000.

Great Grand Mother is in Nri Igbo…

My maternal Great Grandmothers name was Mba Afor Ocha

Flash of the Sound of True Light.

My Grandmother

Lu Cy Ojugo


My Mothers

Onu Abuchi

She Heard the will of the Creator.

Nick name C abd Aku Oyigbo

Seed of the White or Western World

My Sister

Nnoyelum Ijeamaca.

Stay near me beautiful movement..Energy.

Meaning that the Earths Original ppl were Brownish red in complexion not Ayran from the Causcian mountains.

But in this color is all the Rainbow color of Huemanity.

And this dream; these ppls were enslaved dominated, subdued or annihilated by the Ayran Superior Race..But even so the W.African the true past met up with thier future in the true present called the promised land…anyway.

The True Native African spirit metting the true Native American being in the promised land.

Native African N.A.

Native America.N.A.

Na in igbo means Home.

In West Africa began the Dream…ONri..the Spirit Beings.

Native America N.A

Home of the Brave where the Manifestation of the Spirit Body.

Supreme beings using Nature to understand the Supernatural

The Link btw the two..Both the true Beginings.

But one of a dream and the Other of a reality.

But that reality was conquered by the Ayran race.

Why…Because the Explaination of the great crossing and all inclusiveness of all Races being Native and part of the rainbow colored ppl.

The Arc which Links Past Truth to the Present Truth…Proven Truth (PT.PT.PT.) was not proven true to its point.

Which was not the Tee Pee.

It was the E.E.TT.

Meaning the Great Crossing from life to Death and Death to life Full Circle O To I…Manifestation 12 of the cycle complete (Chaynna Colon…Anerican Indian Name) had not been explained in and aligbened in the Seven Colors to 8..in 1 bright light of Clarity of Consciousness for All Hues of the Human Race to go A.H.

The crossing of the Atlantic from Africa to America was not the code.

It is the Crossing over of Atlantis..the age of Aquarius Vision…which is represented not by the Atlantic Ocean..But by the Dream and Dreaming in which through Sleep No Ahs Arc to Yes u Ahs Arc (the real name of Jesus being Y like Yohanthan…meaning Grace of the Creator…one can understand the full Circle of Crossing over from being spirits,light beings…or even Ghosts…to being solid alive and awake in the True present and promised land which is a conscious.

And lets not forget…that a rainbow is not really an Arc or Arch…it is a full Circle…

Thus, the true Crossing is not physical…nor was it the crossing over the Atlantic nor a physical promised land nor represented by Arch Angels and Religion.

It is a state of Mind a consciousness of seeing the Full Circle and the seven rings which merge to form the One Ring which unites all.

Light to see through the true source of Vision of world Harmony World Peace.

Ah. Awe…Harmony.

P.S Yes u Ha…was Fair is Fair skinned…Light Tan and Deep Tan.

*See Yonathan Yohannes F.B image. It shows a man behind A Flash of Light.

This is Evidence that like his Mother Lady Seble M.W that either Yonathan is conscious perfectly aligned with my weaving with Existence or perfectly aligned with the subconscious being within me and the tapestey which it and I are weaving into Existence…

…As I am a writing this, I walked into my Hosts room to see that he had put up an image of a red van set against green pastures some reddish brown… plateau mountains set against a blue sky with a streak of white smoke.

When I commented that I was just writing about the color red…

He said I quote wait until you see the post I had before

It was a picture of a tall slim Ethiopian man whose garb dress and setting was more Igbo or Ibibio (cross river state in Nigeria), who looked like almost exactly Yonathan.. My host has never met Yohnathan.

Yonathan is of Ethiopian Heritage.

Years Before he had done the exact same thing..pulling up a picture of a young mischieviously smiling young machine saying this is Nnamdi…I looked at it and it was a picture of what my brother would have looked like if he had grown to man hood.

In the picture he wore the hat of a magician 8 from W Africa.

I sent it to my Mother.


Red is the last color in the Spectrum and its wave length is 620-740…F.B-G.D.

Red Green and Blue create Light..

Red is the color of begining and end as in the Sun set and Sun Rise…set against light or dark blue…First Born.

Red is the color of blood carrying the messenger of life O2…Oxygen.

Red Yellow Blue are the Primary colors P.C.

Red Green Blue create Light.

Red is the End and the New Begining…

Blood red which carries the light called Oxygen..the source of light with H..Harmony.

My Color is Blue -Harmony

And Royal Blue-Energy Ethereal.

In the Bible story Gods throne word law and healing power comes through color blue.

And the Behining of the rainbow begins with the color red and ends with Royal Blue-The Royal Purple.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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