
1/2/2014 6:25 – Facebook Post

*Foot note.

*Urgent Bulletin on Hell..

J.C. said Hell.is real…

Been there.


It is.

-An Invention of Man and Womans fear of Consequence and accountability for unrepentant behaviour…
Not Created by Supreme Existence and never part of the plan.

And just how far they would go before it resulted in something not real, which never was… becoming manifest and real…

(P.S.It never stops)

In consequence to the Laws of Cause and Effect by the repeated destruction of the laws of Peace and Harmony, despite the intervention of messengers of Beauty Truth Love Light and Laughter.

Thereby creating a corressponding Echo equivalent response of those sounds and expressions.

J.C. did not lie…
It is real.

But it is an invention of men and women who refuse to take responsibility for bad behaviour and who defy the laws of Natures Cause and Effect.

I was sent to investigate the truth of the Existence of Hell, these realms of Consciousness and Being, of lies and Denial, and how and why J.C./Y.C stated that such realm existed…and if true, how they came to be.

He experienced it…

Perhaps this is one thing which had to be seen in order to believed.

Its True..
Men and Women invented Hell…
but for others (not for themselves)- for those who loved and fought for them.
Until Existence laws of Cause and Effect could no longer be held back by Grace and had to respond.

Hell is real…an invention which spreads its infection to all but its indifferent perpetuators.

And it began in the story of Blame…thousands of years ago
Adam and Eve.
Man and woman in illusion and Blame of.each other but not of themselves.

Man alone as Male and Female in One, Created Existence Creation and Harmony, Ifunnanya Grace praise appreciatiin gratitude for All
To Infinity and Beyond.

Man and Woman apart created selfishness-Hell beyond imagination for others to endure who loved them.

And Existence responded by giving back to them what they created saying “this is not my creation…it is yours.”

Which became known as “Hell” (Given to the Creator and his Creation for the Gift of Paradise) and its was not only woman who was responsible…it was both refusing to see.that they are.one. and the same…not for real.
Or Truth True…lies.

Or simply let go…
of evil expression which brings corruption and disease to the worlds mind body and soul.. by creating Sounds and Expressions which reach even the Ears of Existence Supreme shudders to hear in Creation which was
created out of Beautiful Harmony Truth and Love.

To find out where is that terrible sound coming from and sending messengers to find out the Cause…and warn them about the effect.

For Man and Woman were meant to be symbolic representation of Self Love “Reflections in the Mirror” of one love and one Law for all…equality…and Harmony..
not war and blame.

An infection with words and thoughts and actions so vile it causes everything to run away in shame to hear such expressions of ingratitude to Creation..Beautiful and so generous.

It becomes the meaning if utter and total irrevocable Shame…that only Lady Echo can Respond.
Because Lord Existence.has gone deathly.silent on.seeing the.vomit spewed on.his Spirit of Generousity of Spirit that the Punisher and Vegeance Lady C rises.

thats enough…

Good night…
this should be it.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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