
Facebook Post..

The Illusion of Control.

In the Taxi on the Way into the City when I first arrived in New York March 20th 2001 and one…the Taxi’s radio was blasting out Janet Jacksons lastest Hit. Control.

In the back of mind I knew this was something, a message for me about my upcoming mission in New York which though with uneasy feelings goung on within based on the Intense circumstances so out of my control which had brought me here…I was calm.

I had achieved a degree of Self Mastery and Self Control after having gone through so many strange anomalies in my life…I felt what ever lay in store for me at 34 years of age…that I was ready…

That I could handle it…so I pushed the implications of the sound track from my mind and settled into the taxi smiling at the startling view of New Yorks Manhattan Sky line…

I was in Control…

I guess I should have paid more attention to the music I entered New York with as I was about to put through a lesson to such extreme as to who was and is really in control.

Not me nor this force, but US working together as One unit.

This is who I learnt in the end…even with this work on F.B is who is in control.

And we work together as I E.

As I was writing this post I observed a post streaming as I wrote…it was from F.B Friend E Bright stating

The Seeds have sprouted..

The Mission of SetH had now sprouted.

Which is what I knew deep in my heart was what I was actually doing on F.B..

E and Harmony working in tandem together…

Planting the seeds of E Harmony and feeding them water (knowledge) until they sprouted and can now grow on their own.

My mission was always this..I saw it knew it, but sometimes I would momentarily forget bc of the seemingly unsurmountable obstacles, the people disrespecting the work, the long process…the odds of doing this without money or income in New York City of all places, and using pure energy instead…

My lack of trust of such a way, despite of being the lone witness to the beautiful process…but most of all my longing and desire for this to be over so I can go home.

But the Mission was to plant the seeds of Harmony on the Ground…and then (the part I overlooked) wait for them to sprout.

It is done.

Energy Bright.

It is done says Existence.

Back to todays message.

Just realized there are 162 F.B friends galaxy phone does not allow me to keep score on this.

Though I am aware that I was at 163 and 164…

But this is a play where I am not in control but simply reading the codes and translating them.

162 Represents 16=P 2=B

2(8-88) 64 B… So this means it still equates to 64 in Being.

Nassim Harameins post about 64 D.N.A and then 66.

I Ching.


Also 1 6 2 = A.F.B.


1 6226 1…. 26 is Z in the Alpha bet which is 62 in the mirror. It is also the First letter of the name of my host and the age I saw the light Energy and which means 62 would be like crossing the other side of the mirror…

The Atlantic…

Is the Ocean crossing representing two sides of a mirror?

Meaning that if I witnessed the light in Paris at that age 26 that it is proving its truth as real by naming itself and proving itself real and true.

Talking to me, you, us by taking me on a journey which I could not escape from (and believe me I tried but it is like escaping your truth).

-From Paris via Istanbul (where I was led) then summoned to New York via direct message from Derrek Verret (1999-2000) and others, to come to New York. Which I refused until I had no other alternative.

At the same time, contracting this strange morphing condition and literal possession by other worldly consciousness- the subsequent loss of all income and work which forced me into almost 14 years of living working studying meeting hundreds of people and living all of New York with scores of people… No matter, how I fought to gain control of my life and become economically independent.

In stead I found myself behaving like and Nri Ancient priest who cleanses but who really is an E.T being who worked on peoples Spirits but was really working on the Energies of Trurh, because not only could I see the hurts done to their spirits but I could literaly See them and knew instantly Energetically with flashes of memory and total recollection and visual imagery of which vibration they represented in Existence.

Which ultimately led me to this address Albert E where I began to post on Face Book..F.B. Where I had to enter the soil treated like shit which had been corrupted and become an evil forest (no such thing just evil expression on thrown on it) which was barren fill it with the water of knowledge, remove the bitterness add food ferilizer, becomming almost a slave to the soil to soften the land, pacifying it adding nutrients removing all the abominations to this plot Peat, Fertlizer… Gardener.

Who goes into the darkness the potential of the Black Brown soil, story of NRI…

The seeds had to be planted into the potential of the rich soil of the past after being cleaned up and restored then cultivated for seven years Fallow farming…then plant the Y A.M seeds (King of Crops) and the Coco Yam (Queen) of crops…Which is the Way of Erie which became the NRI EZe Nri Way…

Until the Seedling..Hurman crop began to sprout.

Which it has.

Its not in my control means it was my responsibility in my hands Harmony and E.

Your hands and like parents who give a solid foundation to their kids who by the time they reach 7-8-9 they are now on their way having passed the age of reasoning things out on their own.

Time to let go…

Time to let go of linking ob F.B

Only now says Existence is the knowledge planted here able to flourish on its own.

Energy feed and created spirits and then became solid and real…Evolution Awakening work is now complete and as Harmony will manifest on its own with no more constant care from Constant Farmer.

Seven years of additional studying of how could something Literally take over my life, which caused me to study each cause effect link and each door which opened, each experience gained which each person I was led to and the knowledge gained.

I was suddenly the scholar and investigator of a force so much more powerful than I that all I could do to prevent myself from shooting myself or going insane was study each link, each person, each situation in which I would find the meaning. And it began to affirm each equation each link it got easier.

I felt less and less like a victim, but I saw that it was ultimate power and I had no choice but to see it through, and to make myself feel safe, grounded… I studied every situation it placed me in, in which I could not escape from, until each Meaning and Reason became clear.

Even writing this long on F.B.. At which I had really balked at… To be naked on F.B…But as many might observe, despite my resistance I could not stop.

My journey was to bring Meaning and Reason to what this Light Presence did to my life, (I did it for my own sanity and to be able to withstand the wave of public criticism and wave upon wave of blame, rage, wonder and judgement of others at it was my fault that I was in my situations.

Human being can be gentle kind and compassionate, but through this journey I also witnessed just how mean, hard hearted, cruel and even evil they can be when confronted with a man vulnerable, naked, often dismayed, or in ecstatic wonder at what was happening to me and what I was breaking down and understanding on this path -which so few if could believe I had no control of.

And the few that did wished me to complete the mission.

I could not stop fighting, and before I was brought to New York under false pretenses that it was to publish my books with Random House, a stranger had come up to me on a park bench and asked me why am I fighting to not come to New York.

I was not even surprised how he knew, my stubborn reply was what did they want of me and.. I did not believe any thing had this right over me.

His eyes were full of light like he was an alien, he said Surrender…

I did not literally know how to surrender.

He told me just as Derrek had told me… You will only create more suffering if you do not.

And I did.

Until one day, frightened by the immensity of what this Light could do when I resisted, I called him, having obtained his number.

He was now simply human, have forgotten the message he had given me, even his voice sounded different, but he was a gentle man, pure so it made sense why that E.T. Consciousness had risen in him.

I asked him.. How does one go about surrendering?

I really did not know how.

As my mother once stated, you have been fighting since the very begining of your life even as a babe and as a child with the rage of my father.

But I guess, it served me well, because when I finally obeyed the Light, I fought for it… and as you can see.. I still do not know the meaning of the word Surrender.

Thus, despite the taunts, the people trying to impose upon me their projections of what I should do, taunting and insulting me for having no income, and at rage with me for still doing the energy work with them which brings them wealth, saves thier life restores them to health.

And their confusion as to why I do not use that power to help myself, generate great wealth. Halt the suffering people sought to impose on me for transferring and exchanging energy in which their is no cost but what should be a healthy exchange…

And some do for a while, but with no witnesses, no contract…they can forget and turn on me..

To make me feel small… of little worth or value.

It was hard, and I would turn to the light battling my rage, for I am exceptionally proud… But it knew everything, the Light is me, but it wished me to trust it, even though I knew it wished to see and for me to see the truth.

It wished to see the truth of Exchange, recognition and acknowledgement of worth and value in each other for energy it witnessed ppl describe as Priceless… and would they betray it in the end.

I hated… hated this part of the journey, witnessing what has been done to fair exchange, to be a warrior who had to swallow his tongue, not lash out at ppl who devalued what moments before they had recognized as an energy and consciousness which had saved their life’s.

I also am not in control, even today, I was meant to be making a play for money and a conversation but I was directed here.

I realized that many of my posts on F.B were missing and was about to contact F.Book and demand what is going on…

And then I saw I had 162 friends.. I solved the equation and was reminded once more this is the play of the Light…

I may know the end play… but it is in the one still in control.

Of my Existence…E.K.

This others may dispute create illusions lies denial

.. but this is an undisputed Fact.. I know.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153639388060162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153639388060162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153639388060162%3Atl_objid.10153639388060162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153639388060162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A-2286306984949987736&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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