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Broad Cast N.E.W.S transmissions by transcribing and translating E missions accurately objectively.

Not subjectively..

For all those who will start receieving transmissions (which I believe most who are vibrating now will begin to experience as I and others like me have experienced)

Do not add your subjective opinion to the transmission.

Just do your job objectively.

Relay the News but only after you have recieved confirmation that you have indeed understood the message relayed is accurate.

Harmony will affirm it to those reading…if not you are held responsible for spreading chaos.

And do not let personal feelings stop you from taking intel from others…

It is not about you..it is about the big picture. I

If ppl do not ask for clarity and assume or presume to translate the intel subjectively or distort it.

It is not your concern, your job is to make sure you have relayed the information clearly which Existence will Echo back clearly to you in affirmation..if it is good enough for Echo response Existence ur job is done.

Do not fiddle with the controls and try not to let your personal frustration get in the way.

I sincerely feel that many ppl on the planet will begin to receieve messages from our Higher states of Awareness and consciousness, verifying that my message and others are not from our earth bound present consciousness but from our highest selves.

This is what I call Evolution of Consciousness of Being.

Do not be afraid that you will have to go through the pain isolation and suffering of ppl like myself.

We defeated the Pain and suffering imposed on us by this consciousness by choosing to be elevated by the Beauty of the Plan and message.

Thus ending the eons cycle of suffering of messengers from J.C. Steven Biko, Bob Marley; Slyvia Plath, Billy Holliday, Marilyn Munroe to Hendrick to Leornado da Vinci and Alexander the Great

But nothing must be lost in translation.

You must step out of the way of the transmissions and simply deliver the message without calling to much attention to yourself to make yourself look good or seek reward or recognition from ppl.

The greatest achievement is getting the message through to those you were meant to.

Perhaps they will not even acknowledge you which can be difficult if you long for friendship comfort or acknowledgment of your role.

But be assured that it will come in the correct way.

But take pride for the moment that you are doing your job well.

This is for what I know is the next phase of the Evolution Awakening process which I know I am not part of.

My line will soon rest since our mission as messenger recievers from the 55 25 dimensions to this 123 dimension is complete.

As for these Emission, I sincerely believe that the whole world was being judged-myself included by each of our Individual and Higher powers.

I also know that the transmission I and ppl like myself have been recieving was a test for us (the receivers) to be brave enough and love the species enough to commincate and share the messages we recieving from our higher selves and the A lien council of the Universal umbiblical chord…or Worm Hole.

And because of the history of deciet and deception in the world, do the work and research to find a common language of reason meaning and common sense which provides evidence of our finding and which provides a common ground.

To be sincere (even appearing naked vulnerable but confident before the whoe world at risk of complete alienation of our consvousness while being embraced and recognized by being welcomes physically and by way of transmission into peoples homes and hearts that we ourselves exemplify the process.

By being being hearlt felt transparent like water, light as air and as solid as the ground beneath our feet.

Like Wise Children we spoke a universal language to reach as many ppl as possible by respecting each persons cultural ethnic background and Individual right as intelligent beings to decide for themselves without imposing our subjective selves on you.

Even if it was in an attempt to get your attention.

And most of all defeat the rage and frustration of ppls responses to our offering.

In 1977 a transmission came through in Canada

(sent by Will Real as a post with a personal question addressed to me..Is this real what do you think?

Which was then followed up after.

by an exchange by what I believe was a set up..Btw Danny V and I, in which the play served the function for Will Real, I believe to see anf discern perhaps… through my exemplification through the Conversation on F.B btw Danny V and I, Commendation then of Anger misunderstanding and restraint-resolution.

Anf for Will Real l, to come to the conclusion of a play he had witnessed before of my being insulted or challenged off the bat, to come to a simple but intelligent and powerful understanding thru a formula of understanding why I express the way I do, instead of rising in macho Anger…

He sent me a message the Day after the play btw Danny V and I

Negative Energy takes away from life it is a destructive force..Got it was his quote..

Thus, the play btw Danny V and I served a purpose, of not only his understanding the source of Dannys anger came from a feeling heart which is not indifferent to what is happening in the world and his country..But also the resolution of seeing beyond anger to the truth of ones heart.

Being a man is not necessarily keeping Face and Pride, which by the way does create the fall man from grace… to enter the realm of Pain and Suffering.

But that being a man is being gentle wise and strong, by being able to see beyond illusions our expression and emotions may create..but to percieve and see the heart of the matter.

And seek resolution without tolerating expressions going too far…

Thus the 1977 Broadcast interruption which disrupted the News, was News which reappeared full Circle.

It was not about wether you believed the news or not- rather it was about interrupting the broadcast to relay the News.

To get the message out as I havd exemplified on Face Book by interrupting the broadcasts on this reality on F.B to brosdcast N.E.W.S…

But who watches the News anymore..

And how can we discern anymore what is true when so much information is thrown at us, all competing for our Attention.

A singularity, an anomaly..an unusal circumstance gets our attention. And the Spin which reveals clean washing cycle of our dirty laundry holds our attention…Until the point is made clear.

Clean your dirty laundry, clean yourselves…Keep yourselves clean…of body mind spirit and even the costumes you wear..Be Clean.

This has been the one underlying message to humanity through the ages..be it through religious, philosophical to Health Issues and prevention of disease.

Keep your thoughts clean.

Do not spread disease or you will be quarantined and flushed down the toilet…You and shit.

1977 was the year my family out of the blue decided to leave Canada after immigrating there…

It was three years after I wrote my book of an E.T family which included a story of great destruction and restoration.

For 27 after, I found myself unconsciously then consciously enacting then expressing the same story over and over; repeating myself even on F.B in what seemed a never ending spin cycle. Creating the same message in so many ways and proving it true.

Clean Keep Clean!

The mission of my family was not to judge, but to provide the Information Knowledge and Evidence,

I.K.E…to the plublic to allow them to discern for themselves.

It has been difficult made more difficult of course on realizing just how truly selfish and indifferent our world has become… with most being in denial of it- which the Disney movies which inspire children and our violent end of the world movies sceanrios, offering an extreme contrast in how we see reality as children and how we have been grossly transformed to see our reality and future as grown men and women.

Despite our wanting to all believe we are Good people.

But it is the Good people whom I have witnessed create and excuse themselves of the most intolerable behaviour, horrible actions and expressions of Evil…which create chain reaction consequences which spiral out of control.

In which we vehemently deny we were the root cause.

Taking responsibilty here seems to be the burden of suckers and nice guys.

Believe despite my show of restraint and gentle manner..while not act..I am no sucker nor am I a nice guy.

I have tried for months to end this role of News Reporting, Weather forecasts but the transmissions kept on coming.

I was not in control of when I could stop.

And with each message link I am compelled as an investigative journalists to check, verify each lead and if all the information is true and accurate.

This is how I developed the break down of information and the Science of Harmony Synchronicity and cause and Effect.

This has been a multi dimensional play of Stimuli from outside and from within (and Fight or Flight simulations…those using power tricks, fear and bullying with sound vibrations money and threats).

And News Reporting, broadcasting E.T emissions live from New York; the Finiacial Capital of the World where the collective human past from 0 to present was being judged unseen by this realm- before we could move forward to the Future. present.

Woven right here on F.B.

But not before the fullfillment of all human prophecies ceated seen and deserved by human cause and effect.

I am not proud of the world, humanity nor what the sacred mirror has shown me of our species.

But I am proud of the Creator and his proof of the Harmony seed or chip planted in humanity since the very begining of Creation is indeed in place and working.

Which proves along with the evidence provided in this script designed to prove thst very point- that human beings chose to enact out things contrary to their natures and consciences.

This illness becoming the insanity of egoism and meglomania…prevading our world.

And its spread like a silent virus through thought, infecting the human spirit- which in truth can not be corrupted.

It is an Invisible virus born by thought…and cruel intentions and imaginations use to avenge grievances and a sense of injustice. Fuelled by helplessness frustration to move forwards and anger. Which would lie dormant but would rise when comfort security or control or ppl not getting what they wanted occured…Or simply pent up collective frustration of everything quietly conspiring against Nature and our true Natures.

Unleashing a fury so vile and so potent, quietly or loudly..with the power of A big quiet nuclei destroying Bang!!.

This is what I observed.

The News I sought to spread to the Four Corners and seven aspects of Creation 47 was Beauty and it was a challenge at time while witnessing the hypocrisy lies and deciet of ppl of our planet..yet understanding why they did so.

But still we can not excuse it or accept it.

But I personally knew that most are aware of the Evil in the world which comes from peoples expression of frustration.

Ugly Expression which is so easy to succumb to.

And so I resolved to fight my daily frustration at the impossible role I was given to play and spread instead the beautiful way and story, using the Feminine principle of lightness of and the masculine principle of the fencing sword.

Beauty is Victorious…


but what a price, this time we the messengers had to pay.

Emeka Kolo.

The Beauitiful Furien.I.E.~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153649487660162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153649487660162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153649487660162%3Atl_objid.10153649487660162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153649487660162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A5624621585862300209&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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