
Conclusion part two.

Conclusion part two.

Awakening and Evolution of Humans, the Planet and Universal Existence into one and what it means.

The Unifying field of the full Circle is a U.F.O is a Flying Carpet within each Hueman being called Harmony Infinity.

It does not occur outside of us but from within.

The Great play of interfacing with the Unifying Field O was to Harmonize Unify Energetically (H.U.E) Man kind through social dymamics and to access by understanding the Energy consciousness which links and connects us all.

I fun nnanya- which means to be seen…and know how to see Pi (I and Eye)

Onu-Which means to be Heard and know how to hear Phi Golden Ration (Ear)

Ecoute-Which means to know how to Listen-Ahtom which means we are all twins.

B.E. Understanding that Beaitiful Expressions is literal the basis of human molecular structure which is why music has such power to move and affect human beings.

The Word has a vibration behind it. The Word like the Body is an envelope or covering which recieves and emits transmission.

That behind the word is a vibration Intention which our bodies recognize instantly intention of harm or Connection (Open see same me)

Our sixrh sense like an Octahedron is a gate way and a tunnel which enables us to access the Fifth Dimension but only after we have been able to align and intergrate the four elements of nature outside of us and within us into one. Creating 4/4.

1 4=5 and with reason the twin of sixth sense of Energy as What Matters can we open up the portal of the third I..By linking I and I to the one All see I creating H. And thus listen hear and feel the magnetic pull of the First Elemental Symphony of Energy Echo Resonance Reveberation of the Blue Print whicj Enables us to travel back through Time and Spsce to the point of the Big Quiet Bang and finally to the Dimension beyond…Time and space by being in Harmony with the Original Universal weave and intention to enter the dimension beyond timevand space called infinity.

Thus Harmony To Infinity.

And Encounter the H.I of the One Supreme source Vibration of the Creator.

Human beings had been quarantined in a Nursery until they learn the vibrational frequency which unifies all Consciousnesses in Humanity and in Nature.

True Revealations is when the Quaratined Cover Earth -Radiate or Radiation..pass thro the Alpha Sun Consciousness of the first Sun or cosmos Gala XY..Radiate.

(which I call the Alpha Eg.G Sunny side up)

or pass through and be ejected painfully through the Black Hole Anus out of Existence.

*See Doughnut Post.

The Removable of the protective shield over the planet for so long will raise the vibration of the planet which rises in vibration and emission to match the Unfied Field of Full Circle of Existence.

The Hi way and trajectory which leads all things at the Speed of light (Consciousness True or the Consciousness and vibration in which all Creation was created from) to the point since calls the Singularity.

A.K.A. The I.D of the Eternal Dancer Creator.

This alignment of interfacing of the Original Vibration of All Creation including all planets will have an incredible effect on the planet and all its inhabitants.

It will bring the Orginal intention of the Earth and creation back to Its Created Orginal Intention…

Creating a new Earth a new Species of Man..through the Evolution of All to its intended point.

Everything which was and is not the intention of the Original Design and Blue Print will cease to Exist.

For the Unified Field of The Full Circle O8 (of Harmony) to be proven it required Unique Individuals to literal prove it.

By walking and passing through thousand of human portals, in at least 7-9 countries representing all cultures and states of consciousness, status, professions and consciousness of humanity and not only have them open thier homes and hearts to them but also express in that original vibration which cause them people to recognize it, and open up their secret gardens and align with the weave of the story formed by the I lndividual which each persons secret revelation adds to the weave of all other revelations.

In which for example I created a story.

The ability to sustain that vibtration is not the responsibility. His job is or was to prove that he could see the person right to what each represented Energeticall in the piece of the puzzle as a fractual of the One Picture which Fragmented after the Big Quiet Bang. And the affirmation from that person of it being correct. Irrespective of they being conscious or not or remember or not. Once it is Expressed and Affirmed.

The Laws of Existence Memmory, Dark Matter records on the blue print of E through Resonance Reverberate Indent Imprint on the blue print.

Thus, completing the gap e of each stage of the Blue Print or page.

Which after the affirmation moves us to the next stage Set up or equation embodied in a person and thier settings on the Universal Black Board of the Equation of Existence…

In Which each equation resolved becomes the Hand of the Creator moving and solving his own riddle of existence to move an entire species to Co Exist in Harmony.

For that is the point of the entire equation. This is what his intention was for All and this is what he saw in his first vision which he is proving rea Will Real.

Each Human being being a fractual and a clone of their original selves. Just as the Jet Li movies One.

Just as in life we divide ourselves, or create many roles for ourselves.

Father, brother, bartender, student, Boy friend, son, friend, Lawyer, Husband, assciate, surfer…

All these parts of us we have created and exists.

They are not fully realized because they are whole parts of ourselvrs, existing in a multi dimensional (multi tasking) Universe.

The Same thing occurs with fractuals of ourselves,existing through out time and space.

The Individual as myself, thus, walks through time and space called the Aftermath of the Big Quiet Beautiful Bang which created Light and Sound to the Dark Mass of human potential aligning and meeting fractuals of the same beings.

In this case a family of 01-9..

The Family of T.E.N. by linking and proving the interconnectiveness of each by proving the all have knowledge and memory of the same story.

Thus, proving that not only are they all connected full circle through my creating a story but that they are all fractuals of the One. Dispersed into 7-8 billions human fractuals and Trillions Gazillions aspects of Nature.

5th and 4th Elemental and Ethereal aspects of 54..9..

The I and the All Seeing Eye.


Thus, the black board is the moving through the human equation of time and space.

The Script..The world life ppl the situations, the set ups, the conversation. Each simply being a journey through an Equation of the Creator. In which the I.E becomes the hand of the Creator proving the Harmonious Truth of his Vision and intent made and proven true, with meaning and reason.

Which moves his Hand..the I.E by H-is unseen hand to his point.

The Alpha Unification of the Field Being and Expression

A.F.B..E…Alpha Face Book Emeka (for example or exemplification) of his equation proven as a man of All; the Field, the Beings and the Expression are all one Unified field of O O to the singularity…O8 to O9…





I Harmony Infinity.

And I as the Hand of the Creator, moved by the Unseen Hand of the Creator at first through the Will Real of Eric Brown- meaning the Eternal Ruler B-C rown..

Then moved by Ifun nnanya..(I.C) ), them moved by the Beauty of the Story, then the Beauty of the Weave and Equation…Then finally moved by Fury and Passion to reach the very end…

The Goal.

That I am the goal

And that by the Evolution of the Whole, creates to Evolution of the one and thus the revealation that

I.A.M. Harmomy Infinity.


Evolution is the silver tongue and the Golden Touch in which comnined to silver and gold..through the written word the Touch the Tongue and the Expression of Diamond Hearing of the E Brown Crowned at having reached its goal.

Evolution of the Whole.



Meaning Evolition is what I.E States,Touches Writes Expresses Manifest Transforms and Comes True.


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