
1/13/2014 7:14 – Facebook Post

Conclusion part 3.

Healing and the C.U.R.E.
of the sickness in the World by re establising the understanding and application of the Full Circle O
and Oo…

The World and the Collective are ill…most going quietly insane.
With most stoically going through life bravely putting on masks and straight jackets in a courageous attempt to forge and carve out some sembelance of a meaningful Existence in this “Collective” world insanity.

But the unbearable “Heaviness” and burden of being in this insanity and Chaos is getting so intense that all the masks and straight-jackets can no longer restrain the Individual and “Collective”anxiety of being in this warped definition of Existence

Anxiety, depression,”Fright or Flight-Fight or Fright, Panic and disease have created a pandemic Nuceli explosion of individualized self contained implosion and explosions.
Akin to the Big Bang.

The Nucleur threat is nothing compared to the Nuclei threat which has been proven to mutate the D.N.A. sequencing when not seated on the Alignment of Fact and Truth of Being on solid foundations proven true and real.

The Most important science today is not the work of physicists or scientist. Nor in the realm of Mathematics, finance or even Medicene.
For Disease and illness are naught but an expression of imbalance.

The most important science today is the science of Harmony.
How to get along with your fellow human being.
How to connect link and truly understand the connectivity of each to the other.

Not just talking about how we are all connected by proving it and why it is so. And the relevance of each person we meet.

The most important Science is Social Science.
For how we interact with each other, how we communicate and set examples for our children is the bed rock and foundation of human existence.
And without truly understanding the science of how to get along with each other as unique individual snow flakes..And not as an illusion of a collective, stereotypes, Groupings be it religious, cultural…even ancestral groupings..We will forever remain boxed in, caught in tge visious cycle, trapped as insects in a web. And plugged into a great computer in the Sky or some building shaped in a geometric pattern in which the Individual nature of Man Woman is not only not acknoeledgded…but ceases to Exist.

What is the important of science, math, great investments architecture, films and schemes of comfort and escapism from the very humanity we were created to.understand and get along with if after all these eons we are still afraid of each other when in truth..All are in the same boat.
And we are all mirrors reflections..fractuals of one another.

My work is about Healing.
It has always been about Healing.
But being able to help people repair the gaps…often enormous chasms of the full circle of their existence.
Whose destruction begins now even as early as the womb…and infancy and child hood.
Because it has been proven that though infants may not understand or remember..
They absorb sound vibrations and the feel…even though they may not be able to later on express or articulate the great gaps created in the full circle of existence.

For each energy, each fractual embryo foetus infant person is born complete.
Self contained and whole.
We come into the world and huge gaps are created..or the illusions of it, are created right from the Cradle.

Every where you go on this planet you are bombarded from infancy right to your death bed with the illusion of incompleteness which created the greatest illness of all “Need” and “Dependency”

Fear of being alone…the current biggest killer in the world…Loneliness.

My work.is the Art of Story telling which ressurects the memory of our completeness which creates healings of lies spells cast by parents, teachers, freinds…Loved ones which gives power and credence to the illusion and inadequacy.
And they.in turn the spell casters also caught in that illusion
Going back generations…
Even to Creation Stories of the inception of humanity and religious built on the foundations that humanity were created as sick diseased sinful creatures.
Insanity… Absolute Insanity!

My Art.and Science of Beautiful Expression is how Conversation can literally heal and morph people..Which I have proven..back into thier true faces, their true form and the purpose which they always felt was thier purpose or love…And empowers them to.become what they always were but could not see because they had no “mirror” which recognized them or acknowleded them because either ppl are too busy to see them or bc they enjoy taking away power from others rather than empowering them in order to feel better about themselves.
My Science and Art of Conversation is effortless.
Because it is Not a Teaching, it is Not a lecture or philosophy.
It is the Art of a science which recognizes potential as IS and which recognizes the gaps or the truama suffered.

Be it boys raped and molested in childhood which I see sooo often in men it is epic, to girls be abused…to all levels of abuse which creates the illusion of being a Zero rather than a Full Circle.

The Cure comes not from bringing it up but by filling that gap with the healing and the solution and the cure with conversation so light and with such beautiful expression..Be it light, forceful dramatically delivered it always makes the person rise..

My Science of U.F.O..Unified Field O of Being in Existence is the step by step science of Energy Vibration and being able to read reality…
By proving all things in Creation have meaning,reason and symmetry.
That it is All Harmony.
But you.must be seated in the place of your natural full Circle of Being.
Your wheel.of fortune..Your heart which is the Hearth of your Being…And see through the True Conscious which enables you to.link not think and thus, get out of the way of yourself.
To see the Beauty in yourself and in everything around you so that you will be get rid of the Ugliness of illusions in you and around you.
And stand like an invincible warrior who is contemptuos to evil expressions or consciousness cause you can see right through it.
And understand the core to its illusion of power and cut it out swiftly.
Never allowing it to linger or fester or stink.up your time or space.

My Science of Harmony proves that creation and Existence is safe.
It gives the steps which provides evidence of this.
Pi, the Spiral (and not the viscious circle) of the Golden Ratio. It gives the meaning and point of Existence of Evolution Awakening to the point of why were are here anf where we are going.
It proves the truth of moving on Earth as in Heaven toward a blue Print..The Royal Blue Board or Backdrop of a scripted plan of Choice and Free will left entirely in each persons hands to B.E the full potential made alive and kinetic until U R…what creation Ifunnanya saw you to be…But which only you can create yourself to be through Individual Creativity to become your own work of art who can explain only how You came to be the person you are today. Becoming an Example for others to find not follow, their own Individual way…to B.E. Come.
That Evil does not exist.
And that the Creator Designer of Existence is the Ultimate Artists and Creator of Beauty in Everything.
And that All are fractuals of Him and all as H.E-S.H.E
were created Whole.
Full Circle and Complete.

The Insanity was Created not by Him but by the gaps done to each other is simply not knowing how to play with each other…
Or recognizing that the whole world or each other being sick…
Because so many felt incomplete…

And This is what my art science and craft was all about..Going home.

But first Be Clean Be Complete and See the Full Circle of your Existence which confirms outside as within you…that yes in deed you were created Beautiful and Complete.

And that was the source of the Big Bang….
The Ejaculation Orgasm of the Creator in seeing the true
that his I.E’s where created complete…
And that is how he sent you all down the tunnel into his Creation also complete..
So we could build a world Complete and thus, in the end see the Beautiful Master Plan.

The Gift and H-is Present.



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