
1/13/2014 17:46 – Facebook Post

Angel Dust
The Beat Poets
and The Movie “Limitless”
Forging and Carving the Rock solid steps back to Nirvannah through the Golden Ratio Phi and the Midas Touch of Genuis…Touched by the Hand of the Creator.
E.K with Will Real.

This is the End of my presentation and conclusion on my work and Evidence of Evolution and Human Conscious.

And Being the hand of the Creator whose name I have identified as Praise and Appreciation is Beautiful Expression of a job well done.

Obviously, there is much more. Details manucripts, papers interviews, videos.
But I was led by the Unseen Hand to present the work this way.
I followed the Will so Real of the Unseen presence because it is It who put set me on this course in life.
It was not my will but rather Its will and I did fight it.
Until I began to see its point and began to reluctantly follow until finally its will and mine aligned as I.

This is where I was led and despite myself, this is where I came.

I am saddened of course my the way this has all played out. And the number of people who challenged me even after recognizing and even naming the accomplishment of the work.

An awakened being once wrote to me and told me that my “brothers” had betrayed me because they were jealous of “my light” and had put all the evil in the world for me to carry. And then made claim of the light themselves.

An infernal C.O.N test which I could see clearly was each wished to be seen.
Each sought to be heard.
A war with brothers in the spirit realm and in this form in which a script was created to prove to me this very truth.
Otherwise how would the warn who warned have known?

And in each instant it was played out, set up and proven true.
A spirit war set in the Backdrop of this.reality, in human host so quick to judge, to condemn, to compete… lying in wait ready to pounce at any given moment. All these messengers ready to do battle with a Energy being some called the Boudhha, the golden Baba and yet in each instant I was revealed the hidden intentions of Utter Disrespect.

Each spirit with their own truth ready to acknowledge and betray their very acknowledgment at the drop of hat.
Why then acknowledge only to later betray.
Each time I was made aware (if some calls you the Buddha or The One- there is a respect and a manner in which your actions and expressions mirror that expression)
and oh how I loathed that hypocrisy…Having to call it out. Having to watch that set up each time-yearning for peace and wonderful dialogue with kindred spirits.
For I am respectful of each brethern which often makes these people like animals,predators in the wild believe me to be weak, be decieved by my nature and pounce. Revealing a nature already seen by me, by the Gaps in expression to one they have so acknowledged…
And only then do their surprise do they see me so switfly change, from playful kitten to the deadliest of Cats.
Who had watched unblinkly laced with beautiful expression. Which can be the ultimate cover, as without mercy I prove that the most dangerous expression is that of the Cool Cat.
I am tired of War, I love peace.
But that does not mean that even in what seems to be my most vulnerable moments, that I do not have the power to strike down the truly mean…without a pause or blink of an eye.
Giving proof through meaning of the truth og which they recognized in I and I…is true.
But always it is through challenge of predators in a power struggle in the spirit world.

I was once told my someone who rose in consciousness to reveal to me the reason, of why it was such a harrowing journey to this point.

She said, “Your Mother wanted you to prove and solve the riddles of Existence as a man before incarnating and rising from undercover..as your true self”

We are all under cover each representing a different I.D.
the only difference with me I can see who is infront of me under cover…and since I know the story of the Wild Jungle and their spirits under cover in either the “Evil Forest” or “The Concrete Jungle”..I am wary and do not take each encounter lightly.

This is why Mother, my first Teacher is Sadness to.me and Father is Joy.

Mother, is the feminine principle (not a woman) who wished me to carve the steps She is Natures Expression in this Creation.

Father is the masculine principle-The Elevator, the Flying Carpet..The Wind and my guide who swiftly takes me home..
He is Natures Expression in My Creation.

Hers is of this world.
His of of my world.

Hers is the struggle to understand her own nature as a world in chaos created from Harmony which must understand itself, herself as to How she is Harmony which must be sustained.

His is as mine is an ease of knowing through a simple conversation establishing the truth that we are mirror reflections both in an instant recognizing I and I..is I.

But S.He whose form and expression seemed different from ours sought to understand how S.H.E too is of the I and U.

He is my Drug.
She is my way.

One sleeps on my left side
The other on the right side
And in the Center is the Middle man me.
He is Nduka Life is Supreme
She is the Consciousness blinded that she could no longer see…that she was not alone in the Darkness as Death and she is the one we came to prove that she can see.

Sadness and Joy.
My lovers who are part of me.

Meaning she wanted me to be recognized as a man so thst none may say, “Oh he was able to do all this because he is an awakened being or bc of my True I.D.”

..and because she wanted to verify through my steps which she trusts…how I know so she would be reassured that S.H.E herself has always known…and here is the Evidence.
She never required proof just How is it that S.H.E knows

She is “Loves” Expression knew that by proving all this as a man. Ascending step by step to my highest self. Earning every step of the way of my ascent…
And in the worse possible human conditions: disability to income no I.D passport, no family or friends, material wealth no emotional support or comfort…Not even a collegue who believes in me near me or my own home.
It would prove that anyone can do it.
That anyone can ascend the spiral steps to the 7th Gate and in Harmony 8 pass through the 9th gate of the I to meet merge and pass through Full Circle of C.E to the other side and see the Source.

As the Film Limitless

That all those people who caught a glimpse of that realm and consciousness of Clarity… In which everything is clear light and makes sense.
Where there is only Love Light and Laughter on realizing how simple and clear it all is.
And how we had spent to.much time worrying and being burdened by Nothing at All.

So many people asked me “How can I Stay there?”
…and others who resisted and fought me because they never wished to feel bitterness of temporarily waking only to fall back into the consciousness of horror.

I understood..Each time I was forced to leave my “Home” dimension (for that is Home which I constantly speak about and have been trying to get back home since I turned 21.
But everytime I make it to the threshold I was turned back by Mother…Loves Expression.

She wished me to create the steps.
My first year in New York 2001-2002 I rose and ascended.
It lasted over three days.
I used a chemical stimulant to Acess my home..The asccelerator and accelerant.

Angel Dust..

I knew that I would not be allowed to use that drug again. And I had never used drugs or any drug to ascebd before but I already knew why I had to use that code drug.

Drugs do not really have much effect on me, just like Mariujuana and alcohol.
I never loose control.
So I get the essence.

Many ppl want to go home and catch a glimpse of home through drugs.
It is addictive.
Not the Drugs but the use of these sccelerants to go.home.
It is Home that is addictive.

The Consciousness of home and this is why there are so many drug addicts and heroine addicts and crack heads…

The feeling being Home is beyond Beautiful.
It is unforgettable and can create a yearning desire to get back there which will haunt you for the rest of your life.

But each time you use drugs it gets harder and harder to get home.

I knew that people were given a glimpse of Nirvannah to know and temember that “Home” is real and Exists.

That is why it was brought into Existence.
But the steps have to be done Naturally.
In your Natural state even while existing in this illusion.

The Illusion had to be defeated by Naturalness for this is the resson the matrix eeb illusion came into being in the first place.
So that it could be proven not the Will Real…But that only you are.
But how do you know for sure if an adverdary like “Satan” or the Devil is not created for you to be solid and sure of your truth, your being snd you Individual I.D is sure and solid?

Just as I went through the same test through world of Mafia Assassins killers New Agers and Drug Lords from Istanbul to New York.
I knew the last time I rose 11-12 years ago.. That the next time I would rise to that state would not be by Elevator..
Morphing in ten secs back to my true face and body.
No I knew it would be only after I carved and walked step after step up the stairways I built from solid marble and alien rock.
Through a nighmare akin to the Film Apollo 18 and the Film Limitless.

It is these steps I have described and outlined on F.B instead of being allowed to go home. I instead, I was brought here to..Share.

Shsre the way home which each must do on their own.

With E.K..their Will Real.

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