
1/15/2014 21:24 – Facebook Post

Just update.
321 Oo
Grounded today O
15th January 2014
O.I. T.N….T.U.
Dynamic Dye Name I.C.

Kimberly came to visit me At A.E.

Today is the 15th.

We did the Equation of 321 the last of her transmission.

654 321…(the count down) Being the correct direction as opposed to 123 which was aligned yesterday as Emeka Eric both seein the numbers code transmission of 23 18.
W.R (+O D; d representing the four cardinal directions which a Full Circle exists within).

W=23 R=18
2 B 3C, 1 A H 8.

A Conversation ensured btw A.E and Kimberly…1 A 2K is 11 (11 letter)

And then btw Myself E with K.

(Already had conversation with A.E on and off for 7years 4 years and 7months in total)…

The conversation btw E and K
5 11 was in the realm of Energy Consciousnes Awareness Harmony.

The Conversation with A.E was in the Atomic Material Realm.

Kimberly B conclusion and translation was we were both saying the same thing.
I I I formed H.
Which means Kimberly understood the two expression..
Energetic and Atomic as being one and the same meaning. One.

If you turn the H 45° You Get I or 1 in Roman Numericals.

(which is born in 1968-69..which is the.2 68, for my Host Address but enegetically represents my Brother Nnamdi born April 5th 69, David the Nnamdi who shares the same memory of my brother and whose body transformed *which he showed me preparing me for what he said would happen to me. He was born 68. Kimberly B shares the same code of 68.
Thus, energetically that David Nicholas and Kimberly brown are not only the 2 68.
2×68 is 1 36..13 is M 6 is F
Masculine Feminine
Mother is Father
Father is Mother

Also 1 36O is A Full Circle and A C.F.

They are energitc forms of my Brother Nnamdi and my mother and Grandmother Ojugo Onu..(Meaning; the Dove who heard the expression from the mouth of the Creator and Echoed back affirmative response, that they understood and understand clearly his meaning. That there is no bending (refraction) of Light of Truth
That Light can be expanded to creat colors of expression rainbow or can be concentrated like a diamond (summarized) but it should not be bent distorted because Light is Time. Light is Truth and it is a straight line.

Thus, 2 68 is not an address but rather two physical manifestations of literal equations of two beings.
The Lord of Land (Original Expression)
And Lady Echo
Who each represent the two furthest extremities of Energy complete as Land Rock..Energy solidified in completion.
And Energy Etheral (not gaseous) which reaches a point where there is no vibration of light light truth..A lie or illusion.
Thus each representing the two Extremties of Existence.

But Earth the Rock represents Truths Embodiment as David meaning Beloved..
While Kimberely meaning Rare For tresses waves Field if Dreams is the Cosmos Universal Expression of Truth whose sound vibration begins from the Earth Ground and reverberates outwards. And the point where its expression can not be heard or seen as love…Or when Lady Echo manifest through a person and comes in form as Kimberly came and said she is at the edge of a place where she can tolerate a horror no more…
That this is the furthest edge of Existence Expression from Origin Alpha to Omega and End.

Thus Nnamdi David is Truth as the Land of the lord representing the “Body” of the Lord E made solid and real…the 4th the 5th Halleujuah.
And Lady Onu Kimberly lines reprsents the Exploration of Truths Expression for the sheer fun of it (not to test it) until she reaches a place of illusions lies (Not dreams of possibilities of Ifun nnanya Truth to explore) where she returns from here exploration of all possibilities…appearing at my door saying No more.

And thus, it is so that this day with Kimberly representing the furthest reaches of Existence and A.E the Land
1 1…I and I did H H…H2 O and O2 become restored through Knowledge Expression K.E. (Waters Expression; W.E) and Breathes Expression; B.E
(Air Oxygen Energy) did truth 3 21…C.B.A..C.U..
Did ground this day on the solid Body of Truth.
Not in an address but reptesented in an address
IAlpha Being (1A.B…112) and 2 68..Beloved Rare Air…Beloved field of Truth, Beloved Impregnable Fortress E.K.
And that E.Truth is the walk stamped on Earth Ground of his journeys march which is recorded reverbration Resonance…And Expressed into the Air…
Of both the Embodiment of truth-which is the ground beneath his feet and the Expression of his truth-The Air which is the Expression of Truth, testified as Breath in and out (OI) and his Journey.marked in memory of Truth and Truth expressed from the core of Matter Earth to the furtherest reaches of Existence in which both Source Father and Echo.Mother answered back that I.E the man in the Middle. The intermidiary btw I and I of my two sides Masculine Father Feminine Mother did bridge the Divide and Gap by HH crossover Life and Death,Truth and Lies, Reality and Illusion, Love and Evil, Existence and Non Existence did tell the whole truth and nothing but the Truth from the begining of his existence to the end of All but his existence…The Truth.

All by his self.

He is the Source of the 1 11 111 I…127…1-7..
Harmony Infinity E

And 321 has landed the truth on solid ground.
The Being of Him Self is where all truth above and below manifest from.
First creating the ground beneath his feet-solid and profond.
And then through expression and creation of Universa Time and Space Beyond.
Vibration Intention Idention

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