
1/16/2014 0:16 – Facebook Post


Whew…have to complete the play

Kasper Kimberly
K is 11

KK is 11 11…4 1./1 4.

H H.
H is actually the I with two River banks representing a river which links the two.

“A River Runs Through it”

The River is musics expression.

The Bridge are seven notes

Universal Harmonics are the waves of Music.
As the tresses of a womans hair floating in the waters.
Afrodite and Aphrodite.

Connecting the two sides on Land.
As one crosses over to the other side-we build a bridge over the river…
Rivas. H2O
Brown; Land

Bridge of Calm (no longer troubled water but now calm and quiet.)

E.G. Araon and Moses
Promised land

We had to build a bridge to Cross over…
From 1 land to 8.

I land to Harmony I
Harmonious crossing.

1-7 is the Body..
7 colors of the rainbow.
7 energy points in the body.

But I-7 moves us to leave our bodies, to see outside of ourselves to the Infinity sign of the Magician.
Thus, allowing us as being of Individuality, (Snow Flake) is Infinity…Harmoniously to I.

I did a play with Kasper
Ser up recently but from long distance;
New York to Den Mark
which was completed yesterday.
Today with Kimberly Brown.
In person.

Thus one was with
Energy Ethereal across the Ocean.
And the other, Energy Exptession Ahtom Manifestation.

Thus, K.S. +K.B.
K.K… S.B.
11 11. 19 2.
4 1 21…38
For One D.A U C.H.

DA.vid (B.E LovEd) for one Universal Consciousness of Harmony
or D.A. U C.H.
DA You the Consciousness of Harmony.

The Code was completed when Kimberly asserted that she has been seeing the number 11 11 her deceased husband code..B.Rivas.
(Echo J play).

Be the River.
Which she has become.
Which you can swim across or walk across.
To the land outside of your body, the land outside the woven womb of woman in illusion as Lady Harmony Echo exploring all the possibilities of her big brothers Truth.

Thus, having the H signifies crossing over from the land of Spirits (or illusions)…within through the 127 1-7 steps to leave the womb and enter into the promised land of Light…
7 colors in one make white light to C.H.I.
All by understanding the consciousness of Individuality which creates Infinite expression (possibilitiies made real unique rare, as snowflakes) yet all harmonized as one Expression…Called Snow. The White page of Winter which dissolves to reveal the writing on the wall (ground) as Spring…the Realm of imagination made real.

Thus K.K.S.B.
KK Supreme Being.

Is Affirmed through Kimberly seeing 11 11 of B.Rivas father of C.Rivas.
A river runs through us…stream of conscious.
Even if an Ocean seprates us.
Kasper Ser up in Den Mark

All is connected Unified Field of O is a Consciousness which links us all.

The Code them is
K.K S.B.

1111 is Four One.
Supreme Being.

Ocean Pacific.
Rivas..Brown but transparent
(once it is calmed quiet and settled down)

The I aligned with 4 1…Full Circle as both Ocean P River.
O.P.R who.makes solid abd real the Truth through Act ion F act…(Action is knowing how to act with each other) is the Source of Being.
And the O.R.E of All Existence Being and Creatuon.
Who went back into the realm of potential who existed as illusion in non knowing.
By travelling through his creation and beautiful illusion called time and Space.
As a Spirit Messenger of Energy Expression to prive to Potential illusions P.i how to be Potential Real..P.R.
By turning potential to Kinetic Energy..E.K…By simply following the rivers flow (stream of consciousness- the things you say-by listening to the words which naturally stream from you..that in deed you already know the way…through beautiful Expression leads to the Garden gate.
That you already know the way.

Expression is the throat Chakra..you must express the truth within you…And not block or damn the river which runs through you..
For it must also not be allowed to run wild or it will carry you back to the Ocean source and not to the other side..
Of 45/54 where Beauty be, waiting to welcome thee.

No longer in spirit form, but as Energy now informed by Energy made Kinetic by your journey play through Walking and Expressions way.
Stand tall and straight with supple movement which is called grace.
And with expression even righteous rage be expressed in the beautiful way…
Poetry…which is the way of the wind and makes even nature sway…
And bow to your will real is the Natural way…


1111 in 1 is 1+1111.
5 in one K. 11
E.K 11111 11
C.K. 111 11

Energy Creator Being B.

5(1) 2(1)

And so in Clarity we end this play…in truth I do feel there should anything else left to say…
But my Word V III E.K

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