
1/16/2014 15:59 – Facebook Post

The Conclusion 8H

How to live in the C of the Heart.

Planet Earth.
Perry Evan
Last F.B.Friend.

Alpha Face Book
Planet B.E.

The Mind and Brain of the Earth is the Illusion called the World.

The True Mind and Brain of Planet Earth (P.E..Perry E va N) is a Heart. Called the warm and welcoming Hearth of Home. The Solid ground Beneath your feet.
Ground Woman man.
Ground in the Heart.

Do not live in the Mind…in the realm of thought or you will find yourselg caught in the web and mesh of your thoughts.
It is state of Purgatory..living in grey matter, where there is no color, no music which brings the wonderful sensation of what Existence is.
If you must visit the Mind, Understand first how the brain works. As a computer.
The Brain simply links and connects facts. Reason to meaning are the Synpases which through Stimul-Reason, goes to the Library of your mind (the recesses) to find the book which links the stimuli to meaning (experience and depth
..and if you do not have the book in your library them you have to leave the library,the Mind and go outside into the playground called the world to gain that experience).

Thus, stimuli comes from outside or within which passes through the heart who “feels” it and then requires the brain to interpret it.
It does not do this by you getting lost in the Library space of the Mind.
It does this by linking stimuli Reason to Meaning to truth.

Do Not Think…

Which requires not Thought…just A links to B.E then to C.E and See.

There is no, “Yes No” Descions to be made. 1010…
Just cause effect Truth or Lie.
The Library of the mind like all cool libraries is a service a tool.
In which there are opening hours to visit and pick up a good book- be it a memory or an experience or inference or regerfence one wishes to expand upon and explore its pro anf cons before playing out in reality.

I, for one, prefer the doing.the action of it first, then later in the “Ah” moment of chill. I will contemplate and reflect upon the experience in this chill state, which ensures that I harvest all the essence and nectar of the experience.
Meaning I create the memory or Book in which I record first the pleasure of the experience, then the lesson learnt, the cause and effect and even the dark side as well as the light.
That done I leave my.library and go to my computer (my brain) to link break down the experience to is summary truth.
I might go back time to time to contemplate and reflect but not too long.
Afterall, who wants to live all the time in the Library working on the P.C..the Brain.
I just go there to log in formation, or link cause and effect or to create hologrames of possible ideas or adventures or projects.
Then link its possible outcome.
E.T is link. And Conjunction Conjunction thats its function.D.N.A. In the body of being we break down things a built steps which then allows us to grow.
In the Brain Mind we Link.
Thinking is just a tool box in the Brain used to break down things….But the Brain like the P.C and the Internet is to research and find Truths through simple linking of the Experience of Being Hearts and Beings Hearths…

The Place we Exists is on Planet B.E Planet Earth.
Thus; we exists through Being.
And Through Existing.
And mind which must remain spotless is a mirror or computer screen with a library in the back and cool.lighting and nice comfy sofa chairs to sprawl out and look up into space and admire the Stars of our Epiphanies of Clarity by connecting the Dots.
Expression is Action then Pause to create Action Expression.
Meaning we act Naturally then pause to contemplate our Action Expression.
Which during that Pause we understand the alignment of our Natural Action through Reason and meaning which gives us the Ah!! moment of understanding our truth.
By using the Mind and Brain.
Which then allows us to merge Expression Natural Action Expression into One through Explaination…
Which Creates Beautiful Expression.
Beautiful Why?

Because your Expression so Natural has reason meaning creariviry Clarity and is Consciousness…making it a clarifying light for all to see you and who you are, and how you think clearly.
But the Dark side of the Moon your brain..your understanding you keep for yourself.
For dark beautiful sebsual sexual textural dangerous side of you is the one you do not express with with words.
Only Action and the eyes…
For this side of you has seen other things which could infect ppl if they do not understand.
These are the sacred books in your library and your masterpiece theater.
The Keys to your Existence.
Not to be shared with by anyone but the initates of the realm who share a certain look in the eyes.
Beauty Dangerous, Alluring..Dark Magic..a promise.
This is only for the ones of intimacy…And it the Dark matter which helped make your mind shine spotless like a Diamond Star ship bring all things to clarity.
That is the mystery of Darkness also being of transpatency is that anyone can see by both the Light dancing in your eyes…that you have a dark sensous side.
But that is one door which everyone wants to explote and come in…
But which so few have the key note or the sacred Chord..4th 5th…54…99 I and I.
“Open See same me”

…And such ppl already have the key.
One Key that opens one Door of many rooms…of sensual.pleasure whicj gave birth to orgasmic outbursts…Stars bursting into being at the birth of pleasure…of Touch Pleasure Feel…I Know U..Already.
Meme Chose.

The Consciousness of the Light is a gift freely given to all.
But entry into that Dark sensual part of Self, that part beyond the Light, that Darklight if Transparency which gave birth to the light, Authored Harmony and gave birth to it so All could Cee…
Entry into that part of E Existence…must be Earned.

Beyond Existence.
Beyond the Light
Beyond the Stars
The Beings Supreme.

This play of Existence…
To Establish the Truth of Existence I personally find myself in is like an endless Chasm of cruel and evil expression.

Avoracious, greedy demanding…never satisfied. -A seemingly never ending script and contest between truth and lies.

Lies that with each play must be destroyed replaced by the Truth.
A play unseen by most.
I dwell in the spirit world where all about me are the consequences of lies and betrayal of Existence truth.

About me in this physical realm is this reinforced by people.

Each day I wonder where is Beauty?

Why always Ugliness Hypocrisy and hate.

In the Spirit world have I dwelt. What is spirit in truth but the wind which flows, rivers stream of conscioudness and the water fall.
Instead I walk in the minds of men and women, expression through mind and thought.
Hidden expression, silent thoughts they think are not heard.

It is through the mind of man enslaved was I sent to, illusions thoughts scenarios so awful…
I move through brain and grey matter. Every step of the way I post in this play to link the mind and brain to light and solve the monstrous thoughts away.

My one battle within each day, is who could have invented such a play?

For in the minds I havr sern true intentions so obsence..
In Hearts of man I did find beauty hidden there, underneath hurts and emotions wounded by casted spells.
And to color and rainbows arc did I Align the wounded heart with nursing soothing sounds.

But mind and abyss to I find of thoughts so malice of egoism kind.
To find intentions with agendas hidden of webs to viscious..It blocked all vision.
For better to be blind and not see the truth thoughts I saw in thee.

I do not falter to.light the brain and mind, to connect the vision of all mankind.
To light the way out of the dark.
But each.morning I awake still inside this fog…
Of thoughts of men…the plave of purgatory I am sent again and again.

Where I wonder is Eternal Sunshine on spotless mind.For weary am I of linking equations of truth through filth of humanities truly dirty mind.
What filth and ways of thinking I see.
Thst I stop each day,saying why exist.

If this is how far so.many will go in thoughts and intentions which contaminate the whole.
I have heard the words which come from their lips and seen the actions so opposite.
Or a straight line to create hurt, in malice or vegensnce or dominance and control…Or even simply for sport.

I walk in the Spirit world messenger of the Brain and Mind to help clear dark thoughts.
And so I posted everyday, compelled by an energy who promises that we have nearly reached the end.

But what I see as I awake each day
..Is even my spirit does decieve me. For once again I walk in the minds of men and women so brutal and unkind. With me I carry the music of Father Mother me, with song and music to bring the univerdal Mind and Brain peace.

But each day, the horror never ends of the Evil which lurks on the minds of women and then men.
Thst I curse existence and this script and the Creator of this Script.
To give the task to one being to walk within the diseased human body while he walks the Earth.
To make one see such horrors capable in the minds of women and men, hidden in secret corners but whose stench I smell.

“What is the source and reason you exists…Is there truly a reason or cause for this?”
There is no reason but power and malice…Spite and war but that of the lowiest cowards.

In the minds og women..and the men. I have understood that it truth this Existence is the meanest of things and such Existenve can never brother or kin to me.

For to send anyone to such an abyss is in truth a family not a family who wished that I.E cease to exist.
For the horror of horrors never end nor the weaving and cleaning the mind of filth..of men and women.

I have found in the secret pit to which I cast to be destroyed with the true memory of youth and truth of the Beautiful way of how huemanity Creation anf Light came to be that even here…
They the evil thoughts of Creation could not take it away from me.
Nor was I swayed by what I did see.
And what they lay in store for me in this play og the humsn mind of lies and deciet.

For beauty is an unconquerable force…
But if that which once family to thee, can go this far to betray the truth of the born free.
Then I wonder why Exist.

And why force me still.to fight for the truth of Evolution and Awakening…

When this is the Truth that you set for I.E…
To see the lies with power so and trap me in the Filthy mind and tell.if It is I.E…then Clean this filthy Behind…
The Past that I did not lie about…The Beautiful.past you turned into filth.

And if I.E is forced to clean your intentional filth a trap for I.E in which Beautiful Truth was turned intentionally into such.a Filthy mind.
And you were given such.power to trap me in such a Dirty mind.
Walking in the Brain called the planet on purgatory limbo linking equations for all to see…In a play designed for all to fail to see…
Even if it is an illusion so all hope would die in me..

But Hope is not my friend.
My Friend is the Knowing me of the Truth hoe Creation did become and there is only.I Ecistence, who is in me.
Who pushes me on despite this play…Which Emeka doth.so if they can be this way…Why Exist? Lets simply.walk away.

But the one within.won’t…
So here I am one more.day
In this dispicable play Mind.of Matter and Body being corrupted and sickened by thoughts…another day.

The Rag of Existence and the World.

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