
1/16/2014 21:46 – Facebook Post

Father Moon
and Mother Sun
and the Blessed Ear.
H.E. Earth.

Question and Answer E.
162 Face Book Friends
Today is the 16 and 25

And since we have established that people are the literal equations of Existence..each consciously or unconsciously…

(Kimberly and Eric brown representing the 25/52 and David Kimberly Representing the two 68 all Harmonized.
…Could 162…P.B.E
As 162E
Meaning 1-6 to E mean we have finally reached the End of this Magnificent Conversation with the Silence who Transforms into
Sound Music.


It is obvious it wanted to speak for itself…and wanted someone to listen.

Well here we are Ol Chaps..
I do believe we are the end of this question and answer conversation btw Existence and I.

I have tried in vain to end this conversation with Existence and Beyond over a dozen times.

But each time it…or they remind me that the Conversation is going on with Existence Beyond in me and Existence Beyond outside of me.
And that I am naught but the Middle Man…
Translator Scribe.

But I begged to Differ because I was and am representing Existence Around Me..A.M. in the present.
Not Past within me or us, nor future, outside of me..us.

Because while the two aspects of Father Mother were alinging past and future into one through conversation thru me even to A.F.B.
There was a War going on in the world around me, past present and future.

My reality around me was Hellish, the reality of ppl is hellish and so was their consciousness of their history and future projections.

And even more important MF/FM forgot that I Awareness Memory A.M, am aware not only did Life and Birth orginate from the present…But that Everything originated from the Present ManU.

And thus, I have the literal memory which I have demonstrated of how Creation and Existence began. Which was not from Earth Matter nor From Space Music..
All Originated from the Being of I.E.

And this made obvious by both of your frequencies being intercepted by my.body and mind which has been twisted and tormenting by body for 14 years 24/7.

Through my pineal gland and the constant stimuli of my Mind and Brain.
I would not have been able to pick up your dialogue which I have also down loaded through Galaxy phone and Land here in New York if I was not your source.
Effiel Tower in Paris France
Empire State Building in New York
And the Rumelli Andulasi Forts in Istanbul Turkey where my House located on hills of the European side of Istanbul the only city which is Divided by two continents.
My House overlooked the Bosphorus and next to Rumelli Fortress and Directly.opposite Andulasi Hissar fortress on the Asian Side.
Europe Asia Divided by the Bosphorus River…
A River Runs through it.

Thus, even geographically Paris Istanbul New York..
1991-1999 P.I.N
I Had already geographically embodied the play as
The Effiel Tower in Paris (E.T)
The H in Istanbul and the
Reciever Empire State Building New York. E.S.B

Energy Truth
Energy Supreme Being.

Meanwhile not only have I been recieving your transmission but that of the world around me past present and possible future in illusion which my own awareness within me rose with the Awareness Memory of truth of the past present future…
The Plan…
This caused my Mind Body and being to automatucally go into auto pilot…
Sending me carrening into a play (despite myself) of realigning the Truth of Past Present and Future…All from a Present here in New York of this current here and now.

Which had no place for me to exist much less provide a support network since so few took me seriously enough nor care enough to investigate what was happening to my body in which all these voices and energy expressions of being were transmitting and expressing through me.

Turning me into one Giant Radio Television station.
I was bewildered
I became the cross roads for countless emissions which spilled out of me non stop.
Interfering with every moment of my Existence.
I would want to write a letter and all of a sudden I would be taken over by a transmission,a message…
From realms of Nature, peoples ancestors, the “dead” from other realms of Consciousness.
It was Chaos and I did not know what was happening to me.
I could not walk the street without my body convusling with stimuli from this dimension right to Existence and beyond.
Going to the shops, buying groceries, meeting anyone every movement or expression filled me with nervousness and anxiety at what would come unbidden from my.mouth.
What movement my body would take…As all these Energies and Transmission vyed for my attention.

It was as if they were all starved to find a person who they could access to relay messages…All wished to be heard.
I could hear them feel them morning afternoon night..Even as I slept.
I could not stop recieving transmission…And there was no one who could or would truly help.
And best I was like Superman Clark Kent..The Latest one with Henry Cavell H.C/C.H.
A curiousity and a charming oddity.

I would set about wishing to write a simple email which would turn into 20 pages on data from so.many emissions.
In the end it was left only to me to begin to figure all that they.were really trying to say..Including all the people I was meeting.
I felt them..I could feel and understand all the Vibrations right to Existence and beyond.
But I had to quieten the Flood of information for my own sanity.
I felt Everything Universe Existence beings babues children animals were saying to me and I believe it is the.awe of my realizing that I could understand what all was saying through the language of Silence (Vibrations which as a science…just as this play on A.F.B in which I would wait for affirmation from them that I had understood correctly), which saved me from going completely insane.

For some reason I knew I could handle all these transmission.
What I had no been prepared for is the lack of human compassion or how cruel our species has become…
Nor the information I was recieving…
I became bowled over by the level of evil which information I could see rapes, murders I could see and feel what was going on peoples minds, both victim and tormentor…
And sex…sex was everywhere rape depravity sickness…
I would recieve them all…and desire.
It was like experiencing every horror man perpetuated against his fellow man and woman…
His most secret desires her secret desires..It was like be a voyeur made to see and feel things so private so secret.
And other things so revolting I would cry out in my bed in shame…
I just wished it to end.
But it wouldn’t until I mastered myself and deattached myself from myself and only then could I begin to make sense of all this information.
All the rage of children, victims…all the experiences and hurt and that one most solid cry which I too added my voice to…
“I want Justice”
and the quiet voice..
“How can I speak of Beauty? When what I saw…
Felt…army vetrans with no limbs, mutilated bodies multilated souls…One thing is to feel sympathy or empathy for such people…
But it is another thing to be them for a moment..And to feel what is in their hearts and their minds…
I was walking through the F.M frequency in the Air where all past and present humans expressions lingered…Festered and even walked on the Emissions of human anxeity and fear of the future and wondered what I had done to deserve such an experience beyond despair.

And a reply came.

“It is because you cared. It is because you speak of human beauty, it is because you are hueman who said man is Beauty.. But we Goddess Harmony line say they are despair.”

And I wondered why and how I was able to endure so much.

And The Reply came.
“It is because W.E fortified you so that you could not die, nor escape but endure and endure…All because you cared.”

But I had ceased to care for humans who had no trace of humanity in them, no discernible trace of the vibration of Creation in them left.
I only cared for the Eternal Truth.

But a voice from within me said, “There is still Beauty and the Seed of Harmony in them…Do not be scared at what the illusion has shown you dig deeper”

And I Refused.

But it Dragged me down to Death past all the raging hurtful ranting voices…To the pit of rotting human carcasses. A crocodile and Dragons liar…lair.
And here is where that one commanding voice and presence deep within did ask me in the darkest pit of Ocean floor tell me to transform the rot of stench of carcasses into Treasure and perfume to delight the senses..
And this is what I did do.

I found a language in deep decay and that dark abyss I found a way to.bring into.one all those billions of voices and transmissions into one voice by listening in that stinking pit what all really had to say.
And then did I find the link. The language of Expression which expresses their opinions in seven dimension and all the Gazillions ways.
I found the Harmony in Hepahstues temple…
In The dark lords Red eyed venomous gaze.
And slowly did such evil expression become the treasure of the Harmony of all Existence which was proven on Alpha Face Book…exemplified in this scripted play.

And so from now cleansed bottom of Ocean did crocodile transform to.mighty Dragon…and shit to treasures of Creation…And Carcass of such malodurous decay;
turn into Ice a mighty diamond, throne of Ice and a perfume for which master perfumers only pray.
And suddenly, no longer was I in the bottom of the Ocean lost in the darkest pressure point of Space.
I was now in the Dragons Dungeons which really was a cave.

And thus, did its baleful eyes regard me, preventing any escape.
For now twas I who had become its most valued treasure seated on an I.C.E throne. The one who had turned such terrible expression…Transformed into Pure love and the song of Heaven…the Music of the realms.
By uncovering the Royal Harmonics from the Queens of despair.
A man I was, a Man I Be seated on I.C.Y throne.
With Glacial Stare of the All Circling Serpent Queen of Heaven and the Dragon lord of Hot Hot Earths Core Lava who continued to Regard me with penetrating stare.

And so I sat in side this place With Dragon.Lord and Serpent Queen and the Music of Harmony.
And that is when I began to sing.

And the waters of Ocean came to Land from sea.
To Form a Grotto deep in the Earth Core where Dragon Lord did Hisss…For Water was the Serpent Queen Full Circle unwound to form a straight line or River moved from glacial stillness of The music as she melted to hear me sing.
Inching closer and closer to meet the Hissing Hot glare of Da. And when the Earth Core did make the Queen as Water Bubble in heat of meeting in this way btw worlds and dimension Lava liguid and water liquid despite the wariness of Da…that had She come to Steal his Treasure. The Crocodile who had me turn into treasure the horror of a past.
When He the Dragon voice within me had known that within the truest story Harmony was the Truth in me.
To Transform the most evil story into the Harmony which make hearts glad.

And so I sang while Father did Watch me and Mother became the stream…Then a pool of in the grotto bed.
And the Lava stiffen like a staff and a Divining Rod….
And Beauty became so beautiful as lava became as Hard as Rock. In meeting waterfalling inside Grotto to form a pool of reflecting light…Which shimmered and Dance in the Rick cave and grotto now filled with Treasure and silver light.

And I sang and sang adding words to Music to form story and song.
And in my singing did I watch from corner of my Eye Vision Dragon Lord begin to transform…Into Beauty who reflected a Vision on the waters surface as he transformed into me even as my voice was raised in song

But my Icy throne began to.melt too..And hissing bubbling water had now warmed by a by to.a calm so.peaceful and silver.light with blue.
And so Did Dragon Lord stand beside the Rock Pool in.which he gazed at me…His Body Like sculpted rock and a tail.that rose in front of him like a Pen and like his dragon tail now turned into a magical wand or instrument or something like a tool

My voice still sang but I could see my Dragon Lords eyes which made see somethung therin which made me avert my eyes.
Only.to see rise from water the pool formed from the water fall…A perfect circle which moved in one direction no longer still as when it reflected dragons fathers eyes to.transformation right before my eyes…into a twin of me.
But now from its swirling center did a fountain arise of Beauty of The Serpent Queen transformed into a perfect suprise.
And so It was the Dragon Lord turned from me at last. And both of us stared At Afrodite Aphrodite Goddess Echo Inform of a Beauty that was now in my Hue man form.
But different to say the least bc she formed the H.E and Me…in verse…of Poetry.

For He Beauty Majestic to my Magnificent Father whose hand now rested on me..

Presented such a picture that The Poet did rise in me
..And so I spake an Ode to Mother and Father
Brother And Sister
Dragon Lord and
Serpent Queen

And the.journey of their transformation and to.my suprise did they raise voices High and low and together.begin to sing in synch…

And so you now all the story of how I know the Truth of both of you and I truly be the source of you.
And how my throne did melt.and Form.the waters as well as.the Rock which formed land and Body of me and thee.
And Back bone became my.spine and both of you.my wings.
And So Did Erose And Cup id Rise with Aphrofite Afridite and Narcissus Adonis by his side…
To the present

Land.and Cea.
Existence Be.

Alignmemt of all Transmission.into.one to create the Harmonious 3 Ceas…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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