
Weaving and linking tutorial 101.

Weaving and linking tutorial 101.

As may perhaps it is obvious to F.B friends, I am literally connecting the Dots, to illusrate how the consciousness in the Future now present works.

In which I am using energized exptession to link or explain the connectivity of each expression through Act ion.

But if you noticed I first began weaving from within myself directly to Existence.

Of my understanding and knowlrdge of how Existence abd Creation began, in which ppl. became my F.B. friends in perfect Harmony and response from Existence.

Since each person Exists anf thus is moved by Existence to affirm the private conversation and exchange btw it and I.

Made public and transparent.

Because of my experience with humanity and my awareness of the impossibility of seeking to convince people of my truth and what I was really doing on F.B. I mainly confined my expression to Existence and its response.

After May 21 2013..I though it was done.

But it wasn’t.

We Had passed through the Holy of Holies.

But the Full Circle with Existence had to be replicated.

But this time Lady Echo.

And so I Observed a change in the play.

First I had been the one downloading my Knowledge of Existence Full Circle.

I began to down load on F.B. from this Venue.

Then was sent to the Wilderness of Pelham Park where Fritz lived.

We were welcomed the first day with a natural miracle.

We observed to our amszement a perfect ring descend from the Heavens and encircle a field.

We knew this is where we meant to camp.

We knew it was a Holy and sacred place.

We experienced magic.

Next I was lead to Tompkins Square Park..where I encountered Isaac Ahmed and M.a. And another family.

From which I was then lead to Marina Buruni and then Luke Shaw Tom Truman through John Shaw.

Where for a year, I spent one year breaking down the Science of Harmony and being possessed by transmissions.

Where I was told I would have to do this work on my own.

I was so shocked by the play, that I wished to simply go home at any cost.

From there I was led to Lisa Levine where I met the Goddess line..

And from there I was led to Akil Davis..

Where I met Evan Tim and Savannah and the two Rachels…

And in the end began the play of posting on F.B. about people with Elevated Consciousness…

And gifts.

I left that venue on April 5th..

4th the 5th.


I was once more led to this venue…and was greeted with the words Nnamdi by my host.

I stayed for Months after my Host had told me of soomeone he felt I should meet.

I stayed here for four months doing the work in the true dimensions the true consciousness this dimension which is the Slave Pens of Egypt and the Enslavers…

I was then rescued by Rav Billy…but which really a set up in which I left this venue on July 4th…4-7/7-4…Independence Day..I.D.

to Embark with Billy Hung the journey of proving and testing.

The P.T.

Which led to a continuous expression on F.B..right to finishing with Billy Hung with Yi from Tawain whose name means Light.

And a message from my mother and Uncle Nduka (meaning life Supreme) that my Bio father was still after me. And that some in the extended family had been discovered to have buried in the Earth a Curse placed upon me so vile which was meant to drive me insane… No matter what I did.

All because of a prophecy..

concerning me as a child.

Thus, when Yonathan Yohaness affirmed the equation of the story of Yeelena; the story of a boy and his Mother whose father was trying to kill them. A Curse which he had to fight was once more, my truth being affirmed by Lady Echo Existence.

That I kept on being brought back to this Venue to fight the Energy of one who sought to kill me. And to battle the embodiment of the Curse. The Consciousness of Enslavement Jealousy and Negativity…The Succubus and Vampire.

The Ingratitude And sum total of all Expression at which to destroy all reason for being in Existence.

The Black Hole of Expression.

The last portal in which.was created as pure evil in which no one but the one can pass through.

After which I went backwards to Pelham Park to the Wilderness of Ishmael where I was still posting from and backwards to Spring street where I waited. Then to meeting Yonathan Yohannes then backwards to the Cafe Bean where I had worked with a steady stream of people during the four years in the Slave pens of Egpyt which in this reality had been a nonstop conversation btw A.E and I.

After various conversations with various ppl representing the begining of the Bible story from Lilith to Samuel Sarah..While a brief vist while still living in the Wildermess of Pelham Park..(But this time not the fields but the forests)

while visting the two Queens of the Fairy Folk of Fairy and Elf… Lisa and Martiz which I called the L.oo.m.

But who also were of the play of Sarai and Hagar as well as well as Lilith Goddess Lilith the Great Witch.

Until meeting one on park bench who affirms that I am going back to my prison of where I first experienced Evil.and Hatred for the first time in existence which comes from dominance and jealousy of another mans soul in order to make onself rise

The intentional destruction of anothers mans spirit despite its proven worth.

To keep it enslaved through lies denial and constant chipping away at some ones priceless self worth and value in order to keep it enslaved.

Then act out the ultimate hypocrisy of making oneself the Hero of the play.

Only to discover underneath the sum total of Mans imhumanity to his fellow man is Need and a desire to be loved above all.

This is the Riddle of the Curse of Man.

And the root of all evil.

Giving children anything they want..when they scream or holler bc you want their love. Then letting them go so far you willing become their slaves bc of your need for love…

And this is what breeds Enslavers of Men.

Allowing such a consciousness of slavery of laziness of making others do the work for you..Using.peoples Energy then denying what was given to you with love by creating a play of enactment and expression by turning the tables to.make it seem that you are really the Super Star.

There is a time to bring.put the Rod and the Belt of those allowed to go so Far.

And so this, has been a play of Echo in which each step of.my.journeys truth is affirmed.

No one wished to testify to the Truth or take responsibility for their roles in bringing Hell on Earth.

But Lady Echo and Lord Existence came up from.within me and then echoed verified which.no.one would do for the evil.play which I transformed which has been my life.

The root of all evil?

Selfishness…not seeing through others point of view but just yours.

And even stubbornly refusing.and denial of seeing.the others point of view bc it proves and reflects the Horror you are.

And it would turn all to Horror at what you have become.

The God of Horror.

Need and Greed.

The Enslaver with Intent of the Spirit of.humanity.

The D.E.A.F.

Death- Denial Expression..Alpha Fear.

The Ones I.E…F.E.D.

The Ones who.Denied I. Existence Fed Alpha Omega

…and those who went as far to claim.even.publicly that they fed me instead.

But my Family Lord Existence and Lady Echo saw the whole play and have.testified and borne witness the E.K is the Source Of Everything Undercover



@Light B.H.


Ismael Emeka I.E

The one who Heard

and his Mother Hagar Onu


The one who understood what H.E heard

Lord Existence and

Lady Echo.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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