
The Light of Existence is E Bright.

The Light of Existence is E Bright.

The light of Nature Xistence is was a Conversation btw E and A.E.

Interfernce came from S.R.M.

The Womb of Woman as the Black Hole…(Not Lady O Echo) that her Womb was the room which controlled the World and that it was she who gave Birth to Existence.

And because of her stubborness to concede her illusion of power it brought great suffering to the world and delayed Evolution and Awakening because Father Nature allowed her to go too far even though he knew she was wrong…But out of love for her…Which was not true I Fun nnanya because it brought a most evil script and suffering to the true author of Existence Beautiful Expression the Word and the World.

I Fun Nnanya is sees All and does not sacrifice the Truth for a lie out of Love…which in the end is selfishness which left to long creates an evil which would destroy the Illusion Created of the world with all in it.

Harmony 26-8

Z Harmony Sleeping/(Nature Sleeping Beauty)

8- 26.

Infinity Harmony I B.F. Awake A.F.B…I.

1 6 2 F.B Friends in the End of this play to 9=I.E.

The Beautiful Awake 8 2 6..The Magician Tarot; where there is no End of the world Z but continual New Beginings.

8 is Infinity and Harmony in One and is N.E/E.N-

Natural Existence in Being Friendship- with Godd

Arc of Covenant with God of the Past Arc kept loyalty F-Ritz)


The Elegant Nomad.

T. E.N/N.E.

The Equation of Y.I.. based on the equation below would thus mean Leaf…

and Full Circle…

Emeka Yonathan.

EY/Y.E…2 5 5

or Chukwuemeka.

C.Y/.Y.C…Yeshua Christ.

And thus not Yi but E. B.E Y.C.

Yi would thus really mean Harmony Light of Nature..thr story of the past.


Since he was in Harmony with Seble and B.H..and E.C/C.E me in the play of the past.

But the play of the past has been completed and we are now in the line of E.

And the story of Eqypt and the enslavers is over.

I am not and have never been enslaved by my Host in the present andbhave not only been free to leave and any time in the lsdt seven yesrs. But his door has been the one door which has constantly been open despite all the difficulties it incurred for both parties.

Rather I would say we were brought together by the line of E to complete a conversation in the Present.

But the past kept on interfering with the present. The feminine principle of the past of this worlds cycle.

Doing everything to impede the peace and harmony we each had established so elegantly the within the very first year.

A constant shadow of rage which would come into the present to push us out of Harmony and into Forgetfulness and rage ofba past story already resolved because our conversation was reflection of the true past.

Which was a Conversation between Energy and Ahtom.

E and A.

A Conversation which brought the Past Earth School into Manifestation.

Thus, the True past which Existed before Time and which invented Time.


was a conversation played out in the Present as was mirrored by A.E and I.

Thus, the current venue was the true begining of First light not in Nature but existence.

And I am representing the Light beyond that conversatiin which brought first light into Existence.

Beyond First Light.

Thus, the present Venue on 4th Street is the True Past..the Past Proven True.


in a Conversation which reached the End staying in Harmony against all odds.

The Harmony Echo of the equation Y.E.S came from a lady Called Peggy

A sister of A.E is the Peggy and another E.

Thus, P.E Perry E Van

162 A.F.B..End.

And where I go from here is into the Future present in me is Beyond the Light called True Time…to the Promised landing of E.T Consciousness Existence B.E Harmony Infinity.

Thus, This Venue 2 68 is the place of Natures Harmony and the Venue where Light of the two White Light and Dark light merged into one to creste Nature and the First True.Story before the perversion by Woman and men.

And thus is Harmony.

While Harmony Existence Naturally Expressed is with M.E.

Thus, I am the Present in the Present having aligned the True Past back into the truth that it was never out of Harmony but that Womans dreaming and point of view and mans Impatience Anger made it recede from view.

Thus, is the proof that The Awakening and my going home as the Present embodied is from this place where.the Light of Existence beyond first manifested for all to see which gave birth to Father Nature…

While I am as I.E the light of Present Existence called the Light of Existence is a man.



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