
21-22. U.V.

21-22. U.V.

Ultra Violet.

C Ultra V.I. O L.E.T.


*See definition of Ultra Violet sees things only seen by Insects (dinosaurs -aliens) and Birds (Harmonious Beings).


Creative force abd destructive force at the molecular level.

*see weapon of movie Enders Game.

January 21st 22nd.

A.C.T.S 21-22 40


Enders Game.

Pacific Prime and the New Laws of Existence.

I am not sure if most are aware but a great battle was going on the invisible realm.

A realm which many call the dimension of Imagination, Spirit or Mind.

It was really the realm of Energy true forging its truth through layers and layers of human expression to make rise the Exitential Truth and Laws of Existence.

End the old stories, align them to one truth and rescuse all humanity past till present from the incorrect lines of perception.

Just imagine living in New York or any part of this world and literaly being in another dimension which most can not see much less know that it exists.

But such scenarios are not alien to the human experience.

Our movies -realm of imagination, stories legend and cultures hand down stories and exemplications of this truth.

Our government create secret worlds which most just imagine until one is whisked away into the experiencing of another existence which no one would believe if there was no evidence.

Secret societies create worlds.

Criminals kidnap victims and subject them to experiences which when discovered sends shock waves through our minds as we reel at such possibilities existing side by side with our reality.

I watched Enders Game last night and I saw revealed to me a story I had lived. Where there was Father Atlantean and Mother Africa.

I watched Pacific Prime where I found the Rift of Time.

Each time I am about to leave a dimension, all the work and journeying I did and solved is revealed to me through a series of movies.

Which bring to life visually the experience I had lived since a boy and finally wrapped up…that is when the revealations are given to me.

Like an act of Mercy to show me and affirm for me the experience I had been victorious is unseen unacknowledged by anyone..except those who listened or paid attention to the red flags of the Black Flag world I was thrown into…Where all the Laws of Existence are suspended realize that the movie we are watching is the story I had been in which they too had caught glimpses off.

But most times the realization that not only did I tell the truth but that it is real was and is too much for their minds. So they retreat to a safe place in their minds for self preservation of their sanity.

This is why I knew when asked 9 years ago by Energy Beings communicating with me from the invisible realm (which is more visible to me since most by now realize that when I talk to them that I speak to their Energetic selves rather than their present matter bound self caught in illusion Atomic matter and asleep…I see Energy and that is the only realm I live in. So that is why I see everything that is really going on. While most can not see anything but this present.

But there are others in the world like me. Who live in different realms of Truth…

It is glimpses of these realms by those unprepared which creates the feeling of being Crazy Insane…so full of ferror and terror that they anchor themselves so firmly in this present so as to survive.

They Deny.).

Thus, 9 years ago, when the Energies of these unseen forces called Revealations,

(which I know that this Presence Consciousness also came to certain ppl and gave them each thier Revealations which many subsequently betrayed out of impatience and then doubt after waiting so long to see it manifest. Not realizing that they had to fight for it. And that they had to follow the plan).

They asked me that if I was given the chance to design an awakening for humans after living as a human being and knowing them..How would I do it.

Of Course I am of the line of the E.T but my mission was to live undercover as a human (I am not joking) to investigate whether the species should evolve or be destroyed..While the E.T family used me as thier eyes and ears.

Eventually rising in me.

After judging for themselves while I interpreted the human consciousness to them.

I was sent down to learn humanities consciousness which my E.T family did not understand.

I am E.T but also Hue man so they felt they could use me (without telling me or asking my permission) to build a bridge.

Enders game the movie (though not totally accurate) was very near the true play in which I was torn apart by the Human line of D.Nature..The Guardians.

And my E.T Family.

The Guardians where afraid of the E.T family who they knew Existed in me.

A E my host once told me years ago when I first came here to halt the counter weaving..that he was told to test me by the Guardians to find my true intentions before being allowed to enter this world.

Thus I was in a war between Humans as the Ancestral Guardians and ascended beings sword to protect the Children of Earth…

And the Beautiful ones who had come before the Dinosaurs and after in the dreaming of the Cave men to plant the seed of the consciousness of Harmony Evolution and now were using me as a vessel to decide to destroy or Harvest the seeds of humanity.

D is Time (Nature) and E is Eternity (Energy)…D.E/E.D. 45/54.


The battle was the illusion that Father as Space was in battle with mother as Nature.


Which was untrue.

They Actually Nature fighting itself..Nature fighting Energy.

But more like Nature not recognizing its source..Energy…His Father himself.

Just as the E.T are the Hueman beings..

The Ancestors of Humans each not recognizing that they are the same..


Nnamdi my brother 45, mother Father Dancing in Cosmic Harmony as the Milky Way Andromeda.

The Dragon and his Tale..Mother as the Great Serpent are really one. And his tale is really the story of his transformation from Dragon Dinasaur into Material and Enetgetic Nature (Matter and Universe Cosmos-Law) called Male Female… 54

My Drawing of Father Thoth and Mother Africa Eve Adama

(I represent E.V.E) Dancing in Harmony.

Adromeda being really of the One Milky Way..Dragon turned to gentle mist in space as Nature mind and Mother as SnowFlake on Earth.

Hence the Snow in New York signifying thier truth aligned.

In this dreaming Namdi who is 45 as Nature was dreaming that he could not recognise himself as being both Male and Female as Mother Father 54…

45+54 is 99 I and I.

But he obviously did.

My host A.E once pulled out a picture of a Beautiful Africa man..A Magician…He said this is Nnamdi.

A few years later me met Fritz and incarnation of my brother Nnamdi who not only looked like the picture but was a welcome visitor here and whose step brother is named Micheal just, the english name for my yongest brother.

The last time I stayed with him as a guest I arrived on April 5th..4/5.

I knocked on his door and I heard him call out Nnamdi

He knew it was me.

Nnamdi and I are the same person.

And so I knew for the last 9 years I knew that I was given the task to not only proove my Awakening I had submitted to the Line of E.Truth. But also prove that Nnamdi had not been fighting with himself but recognized from the Womb that his Spirit was himself and his younger brother was himself.

Thus, there was no conflict with I recognizing I.

But the only conflict arose in humanity in forgetfulness of their true Nature.

Masculine Feminine as one.

So last night in a conversation with A.E, I asked him that all the evidence I had brought forth of the Awakening which still had so little effect on peoples realization of it being true.

What was the only way to make people aware of its truth.

He too had his revealations but he had watched me enslaved and talk to scores of ppl who remember only to later forget.

Not being able to sustain true and even miraculous experirnces for more than a limited period of time.

And my having to repeat myself over and over again for 39 years…

CIting this was why he kept his own Revealations to himself- having experienced a taste of the and reception, denial and even fear that I had experienced non stop…

Nature was what he said.

Nature is how man first knew that there was echo reply of a higher power.

A Universal Vibration

And when things like Pompeii occured and Sodom and Gomorrah..he paused looking significantly at me, recalling what I had told him about my instinctively picking up a card on Mulberry Street in Little Italy which said Sodom and Gomorrah on my way to my last meeting with Seble and Yonathan who I saw in the Role as Queen of Sheba who tests the One and her son by King Solomon the Wise, Malikai…Meaning the Messenger…

Also Child of A.E (Man from Atlantis) and Mother Africa.

I smiled grimly.

Ancient man, he continued, was aware that Nature…was a force which responded.

Nature is God…? I asked.

He paused, not wishing to be cornered.

Nature responds he stated.

Nature Echoes..? I smiled.

Nature does he smiled at the mischevious twinkle in my eyes.

But what if Nature does respond but modern man denies it as an affirmation of the expression of Existence…

Seble had heard the echo, testified. Then when I had subjected the Queen of Sheba in her to a taste of her own medicene, she had retreated into doubt.

Until I asked her to ask her God if I spoke the truth.

Prompting her to pray and open up her Bible randomly which landed her on the book of Act 21-22.. 40. U.V. D.O.

prompting her to send me a text..Affirming that she recieved an affirmation and that in deed my mission and message for the consciousness and spirit expression of a world I am leaving behind is complete. Adding Well Done. The literal meaning of my name.

Which was then posted by me and liked by Yi meaning leaf First Born and Light.

21 22 40 is the code of yesterday and today and 4th street O circle where I am having these conversations with A.E.

I also reminded A.E that Seble on witnessing the Echo response had commented that what she had just experienced she was having difficulty processing with her mind. The same response he had the night before when we had conversed and the implication of what he had understood made him state that his mind was reeling and that he was having difficult accepting absorbing this truth as had Brain; Seble and Mind as him..’

He had an instant reply, I have my own revealtions and I understand why Seble had to affirm even expressing no doubt, in her own personal way. Because we all have that need to find reassurance through our own private revealations.

Meaning in our own Individual manner I interjrcted.

Yes But even then it is only Our own affirmation but it is not universal, it is private individualized and can not be explained or shared by the whole world.

I smiled. So Nature had to be given a voice..And I added since you met me I told you that under cover I am called Existence..to which you put me through gruelling tests to see if I was crazy.

Which resulted in 2/4 years of conversation in which you stated in conclusion that both us must be crazy.

At which I had responded, no it is the world who is both insane and crazy..

He smiled at the recollection.

I pressed on, So after 39 years of telling the same story over and over again and 21 after experiencing the truth of this Lights physical Existence as a consciousness body spasming stretching possessedfor 14 yrs, 22 months on F.Book.

And down loading authoring the science of Harmony which I could not control ppl to read the whole line of the story by starting from the begining of my writing on F.B. Even after calling to attention repeatedly that we are in a Script by the F.B friends appearing perfect harmony and meaning through their names as responses to posts. Then Echo response through liking posts in petfect Harmony once again of thier name meanings…

Thus proving that Universe Is Lord Existence and Lady Echo..A.K.A Expression then Echo…

Universe U 21..Vibration V.22…

ULTRA Violet.

Acts 21 22.

Double VV..

Right to the 18 of January…Authoring Harmony. A.H.

Autumn Harvest.

Royal Energy…

What more could one do?

He replied, People all have to see and they will see and each know it is true…The Require the Revealtions.. Universal..No doubt inside and outside aligned in one

The Awakening, I smiled hiding my sense of Triumph.

The Awakening he solemnly intoned.

But.. I pointed out, what if like you and lady Seble they minds can not handle it..even if within and outside it manifests from understanding already within and its realuzation outside…? But before he could answer I reminded him about my version of the Awakening, about all Humanity having a Dream..A dream in which the thier Spirit friend..that one true consciousness who knew them better than anyone else…

That Holy Spirit who knew their secret Garden and understood their secret sacred language revealed to each in a dream scenario in billions of ways as each slept..No matter the time Zone the play through a dream.

And when each awoke from this startling vivid dream made so real in their minds…such an idention that many share it with each other only to find that each had similar dreams each the same but uniquely different.

Which create a weave when linked together which begins to form a picture which as they proceed through the day..and the days ahead…Manifest in real life as in their dream…

Which would move them forwards with anticipation instead of fear because they already know the outcome…

And when they get to that point of the end of the dream and the Universal Empiphany..Of the inside aligned with the outside…

He smiled in comprehension and epiphany…They are prepared and not overwhelmed.

So, I continued, lets say I am playing Existence Natural and you are playing the role of Nature..Nature pretending to asleep..

He grinned wickedly, comically, widely bc He knew I knew he had been pretending to be asleep while I had bern aware that even though having never read my posts, and not even being a F.B friend that his harmony proved even through my science that he was awake, like Nature..Deep Undercover like my Bio Father in James Bond playing the Spy who loved me sent to Kill me.

I laughingly rolled my eyes, ! And we were both given the project of creating a Thesis of an Awakening which would be the best way to awaken the world and humanity as both Spirit Energy and the illusion of Dark Matter as flesh or Atomic nature of mass…

Would you not agree that our plan is 1 and One Awakening?

I reached out to shake hands on it…

Yes he reached out and firmly grasped and shook my hand…

It is One…The Awakening is the only Answer..

Evolution Awakening Revelations..E.A.R.


Which happen to be his literal Official Initials E.A.R.S..

But he is real intials are

A.E.R S.

And I.A.M I. E.

I.E.A.I.E…E. R.I.S.E.

Example of Alpha Example


Existence and Nature.

Emeka Nnamdi


Well Done! Father I.S.

…Chukwu Emeka

The Creator of the Spirit of praise.


My strength of Will real never forsakes me.




Universe is Vibration

Existence Being. E.B.

Echo Universe. E.U




U V.I.E.

U Life.

The Pt.

The Present.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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