
City of Ember.

City of Ember.



Cause and Effect.

Hello Everybody…

The Unfied Field O full Circle is the space around us called Air Energy, Linking us all to Consciousness by the Air Breath Consciousness Da Vide (father of the Emptiness who filled it with O2C) Energy Full…

A B C.D.E.F…which enables us to see G ODD Everywhere through H Harmony to I Infinity Full Circle O, that everything was created 1.

I am very aware how confusing this concept of my saying that I am literally addressing and speaking to peoples Spirits souls or subconscious. And the Illusions (Some even evil Spirits) of collective human thought patterns.

And that in order to reach

where the family of light or your true highest Enrrgetic selves dwell, I must by pass these illusions.

The Great wall (The Truman show) in order to prove that not only is there nothing wrong with humanity…

But that we are one family in Harmony who are fully aware of this script and play.

I acknowledge the human host of course but the whole purpose but most times they get in the way of the play.

Since the age of 2-8 till now, I have been living in the realm of Energy (the future present abd the present) and at the age of 21 was consecrated dedicated and spirited away to the realm of spirit to be a messenger and medium between both worlds…without my being aware and without my permission.

Which is in its self an abomination and grave sin because one must ask the persons permission.

Especially, since the age of eight I knew I was here for a mission which transcended this dimension of D or time and the ancestors.

Thus, this kidnapping and spiriting me to the realm of the dead and spirits memory of non existent past…Some call ghost or residual memory of those ideas which have already moved on simply interrupted with my true purpose.

Of course, ancient cultures all over world are aware of the dance humanity has engaged between worlds…or dimension. But the advent of modern science has obscured the investigation of Alternative Dimensions.

These alternative dimensions are though false are real.

False in that they steer us away from the present which aligns us directly to the future present and the actuality of the past present…As with the ground beneath our feet.

The one true measure of time.

Ask any geologists…Forrestier…

Where Past present as the ground beneath our feet, future present as in the Atmosphere and sky…and finally our selves present as the embodiments of Brown red Earth, Transparent Air water…Energy All…


Thus Past present-present-present-future-present…All form a Full Circle.

All here now and present.

While space is simply the Machinations of Logos Cosmology Past of the Working of the mind of the Creator.

Meaning Space is a representation of that which exists within us.

Also known as potential Dark matter (infra Red and Transparent Royal Blue Blood)…Potential made Kinetic through act ion momentum brought to life.

The past present as the ground beneath our feet and the space around us, (The True one and only Unifying Field O of the full Circle..Air and Breath we breathe which links us to each other rather than seprates us) and the sky above us as the Future Present…Have always been present.

But the gap…the true missing link especially the western modern man was him not bring present but lost in Space of The Stars where there is no air to breathe.

-Creating mythologies and Creation stories of the Sun and Moon Gods in the space beyond the present…

Living in a realm of self created false myths about the Galaxies… Icarus.

Flying so high to reach the stars he forgot the truth and to appreciate the ground beneath his feet.

The true present.

And even his systems of government right to this day are founded on non existence, not even fact based representations on the true past of the Cosmos.

Naming planets, Stars Asteroids after fallible Gods of his imagination when the Cosmos in unfallible, perfect Harmony…Logos Ordered and Beautiful Design.

Thus; my journey into Space was to bring the one true bridge btw the past present and the future present…

Humanity lost in space not of Cosmos not of Space…But in a non existent realm.

Nature abhors a vacum.

And since humanity, the true bridge btw the past present and the future present wss absent..

The role was alloted to the One and the Ones present.

To act as the bridge between the two realms which allows the wheel of Time (the Past Present) to reach its Future Present…

Evolution to H.U.E men nature natural and naturally.

While at the same time having to bring back absentee humanity back to thier five-six senses, which ended up turnining into the battle of Existence by thier refusal to acknowledge or pay attention bc of an arrogance conciet and sense of superiority…All based on the most ridiculous premise of Brown skin and how many degrees and which University did you go to or which school of thought did you go to…

When Albert Einstien belonged to none and created as I did his own code and symbols which only Eddington to the time to decipher decode and then prove it true..1919 in Africa.

It is better to listen and Hear for this is the secret to the golden ratio and how the City of Ember was saved from going up in flames (Sodom and Gomorrah) and instead found a water way out and a tunnel, created by the Original Builders Creators Designer which Explained a way out back from living under the Earth in Darkness bsck to the Light….

E Harmony.


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