
1/25/2014 17:45 – Facebook Post

The Great Experiment.

“Am I the Experiment?!”

Are we a Great Experiment called Experience Conclude Explain?”

Energetic Transformation
Echo Transformation
Physical Transformation.


I have this strange growing nagging suspicion that while I have been conducting a “Social Experiment” on Harmony and Human Evolution, as Humans beings being literal Equations
And the Dynamics between them and our physical interactions, creating temporal geometric patterns and flowers of life forms. While our conversations-Beautiful Exchanges, create the True Monetary Expressions and Unifying field of the Full Circle O.

(While Ugly Exchanges often with money- creating the Great Wall and sepratism as the great Human divide)

Thus, establishing the true Universal Lingua franca and “currency exchange and stock market as Beautiful Expression. Which raises and creates atomospheric air to breathe in light as Consciousness at the speed of light through lyrical conversation. The Poetry of the Universe past, set against the Harmonios Universal Expression (H.U.E.S) of the Northeren Lights Aurora and Space.

Conversation and Equations of Cause and Effect of the 12 Laws of Existence which litrally changes, morphs and transforms the Fabric of the Universe, physical reality and the D.N.A sequencing to evolve to the point of revealing why we are here and to fulfilling of potential through Action A-H.I. in J 1O1 in balancing inner and outer expression- Onu breathing in and out; what don’t say and what we do say, from what we hear through Vibration Sound.
Taking in All but expressing only that which is real- uplifts and rejecting all that is false and damaging.

Thus interfacing Original Vibration Intention Expression with Experienced Vibration Idention, now aligned in one (11=K)
Thus expanded to create physical transformation,
Evolution…full circle 12.
+ A B C witness Alpha Brown Condscious…13 14 15..
All the way back to P.E…
Plan E.Truth.

I have realized that apart from my non stop posting of the experiences of what has been happening to me by way of a nonstop expression and proving. Down loading and translating transmission and 14 years of a body being “occuppied” by forces of our collective and individual past as memory right up to the birth of Creation to the birth of Existence and beyond.

And find a force of these consciousness within me and outside of my which compel me, Emeka Kolo, the Individual in the present to align the two..into one in the present.

I have found many people I waa led to in the world who each momentarily became “Awake” to give me vital information to prove to me that not only was this experience real and Empircaly important, but that it is part of a “Higher” plan.
Only for them to either fall back asleep or go back deep under cover.

At first, all I tried to do was get peoples attention…
Warn them, alert them…
But most times they could not hear even if they wanted

Strangers in the street, people I met while in University in Nigeria, who trained me for a “mission” – people in London Spain, Vienna, Israel Istanbul
New York…kept reminding me of a mission.

And a few who literally told me that I would have to do this and “go the the very end” alone.

I could not concieve that “whatever” I was going to go through I would have to go through it alone.
I had already experienced the isolation such an experience I was going through hearing and seeing so many dimension of reality sitting here in the present.
A body which moved with a will of its own witbessed by many.

Yet no.matter how much I called out alerted people proved it to ppl…
It was beyond their experience, and even when yhose few who understood it.
Like my Host, they would shy away from it because they could not accept such a thing being imposed on someone to live..despite their not denying the evidence.

Until I realized I really am alone with this.
Especially after addressing the world on F.B only to witness that by being on F.Book was part of a script and plan.

What does one do when one is experiencing and witnessing something which everyone has experienced and witbessed and some point in thier lifes.
There are movies books about it… Even some people realizing it is true and actuslly jealous…Expressing “Why you?”

I was mors like,”You must be joking, your welcome to it.
Until I started wondering…But why not me.
I found that I began to take responsibility for the truths being revealed to me.
To the inner literal physical re weaving and twisting of my inner organs and muscles.

And the tranmissions I was recieving decoding.
I could not…then would not deny the truth of them.
I could not break the covensent which this consciousness revealed and affirmed to me.
Even if it cost me my Existence.

And I guess I have been in the battle of my Existence, not only to survive this experience, document proof and present it to the world with evidence as I am living in experiencing it…
But to battle each day with the isolation of this experience, and all the forces which seem to have been set up to test my confidence, shake it by seeking to take away any and all human support of this truth.
Even though I have witnessed the non stop support from sometging within each person I hsve met, encounteted lived with right ti F.Book.
It is true I am alone, so stupendously alone in the truth of this experience not experienced by others.
Yet within each person I have seen that I have the support of the whole world.

What does this tell me?
That people believe me…no, but I think people widh to believe me and by this play on F.Book and the doors opened to me…
That for 14 years, I have managed survive on Energy alone, without an income through the financial aid of those who invited me (as if directed by a script within) just as witnessed by this F.Book play that something deep in humanity recognizes the spirit of this journeu and my expression as Truth.

Belief nor faith has nothing to do with this play.
Just the vibration of my exptession which somehow deep within ppl, even if thier physical reality and conscious minds fight it…
Can not accept this, something in my vibration intention expression causes ppl to respond and recognize this unseen play by them but seen and witnessed by me.

And so, only I can hold onto the Truth of my experience. And what I am experiencing even as I fight daily with myself with the impossibility of this experience.
The inconceivable notion which even my host can not accept despite witnessing “supernatural” events of my science and research proving true for the last seven years.
But the horror of the indignity of imposing such a test on any human being makes his mind shy away from the implications.

This has been my daily battle for the last 21 years..Intensified to such a degree in the last 24 months and these last three months.

Yesterday Kimberly Brown sent me an codes she broke down which affirmed my conclusion..Butterfly Transformation.
And Code 26 8..which is my hosts address.
It was an code echo affirmation of Echo Existence.

In the physical realm my host is transforming his kitchen. The venue I lived and slept in for nearly four years, my Hells Kitchen where I created Altar Art on his tiled floor (which I called the lines of the Matrix as Einsteins theorey of space). Which filled half the space and which over a process of seven years and replicating installations in all the homes I subsequently was guest in…
Finally returning here to a simple equation I posted of An spinach Jade Stone from Heaven Elephant “Asteorid” called Memory or Ceres or Ka-Soul raising its trunk in Triumphant Victory with a golden Cup in front standing on a silver pedestal which says one. Set a wood floor and a deep sky blue velvet wall…
And yesterday he and I took away the floor tiles and today he is replacing it would wood floors and transforming his kitchen to beauty.

What do I see?
What do I conclude?

…Energetic and Physical
Transformation. E.P.T.

What Else can I conclude?
My body is transforming…not magically but rather uncomfortably.
And no matter my daily struggle with the impossibility of such a role.
No matter the same struggle I witness and know people all over the world go through each day.
That supreme battle with our selves in Light and the illusion of Darkness of “What the Fuck is going on!”…
Secretly, we know exactly what is going on.
Right down to the cause and effect.
But the trouble is to accept the Truth of what is going on….
It is so much easier to deny, to look the other way, even when we witness unimaginable human suffering and those who carry such impossible burdens.
And I have understood that it is not from a lack of compassion…
But rather the sheer overwhelming nature of people being given such burdens that we begin to wonder how can this be, is their really a “plan”, or anyone behind the Golden Ratio…
In subspace directing this play.
And how could it give a person such a role to play.

That we witness it and suddenly we loose all our faith…

I have no faith…nor do I feel I have any trust…And I defintely have no belief.
But I do know what I know.
And I do know what is truth…it is the experiencing of getting all the Evidence Facts experienced full circle.
Then affirmed Echoed back to you as solid by a force which you have absolutely no control of…
That is how you…
I have arrived at the Truth.

Even if there is no one in the world who understands really completely what you are really saying. Or none who has truly heard you…
How can you deny just because of these mitigating factors…that you know the Truth.
And aren’t afraid it..Even if the Truth momentarily denies you, betrays you to others publicly but affirns you privately…Just to affirm your loyalty to the truth revealed to you..And the Truth you know.

I just could not.

Perhaps this is how I the Scientists became the guinea pig of my own Truth…
Which was never an experiment.
It was my simply from age 8 till now never really being afraid to simply tell the truth…of my experience.

Taj Mahal
Ma Ha Ra Jah…
Home to the Palace built from the foundation of Beauty Truth is Love.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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