
1/26/2014 23:29 – Facebook Post

The Last Universal Story

Melchidezick Abraham Lot

Sarah Hagar E.V.E
Ishmael Isaac

Le Ah Rachel.
ESau Jacob.

Energy-Spirit (messenger)-physicality Expression.


And not the other way round but even then it still forms a Full Circle.
E. P.S.E.

Expression= Resonance Reverbration Echo Responce..

From Beings of Existence.

Meaning that if you Express Truth…
The Universe Reponds.

Kingdom of UR.

A bra H a.m.

Kingdom of Lot..



Sodom and Gomorrah.
(Set to be destroyed but now as a consciousness)

Sarah and Hagar E.V.E.

Isaac and Ishmael.

I and I.
(The one who heard and the one who laughed)

Le Ah and Rachel.

Esau and Jacob

The Theft of a BirthRight.

History repeats itself.
Repeating the theme of a story until that story is finally resolved.

It begins in a physical story enacted, then spiritual (sending messengers to Lot the Beautiful Angels..
“Let us know him” )
but its stops at E.. where the wall e of that story as a lie can go no further…
For now All know I and I the correct way…Not fucking me but by transparency of Knowledge like water and a crystal sphere…

Energy Spirit Physical
Thus raising its truth and destroying its lie.

But truth be told within the lie is always a Truth.
Which makes the Truth the one constant…

That is why truth must be resolved.

Mezelichideck A Bra H A.M.

And Lots world which was destroyed.

M.A.L…Mal in French means Evil…
Eric Brown/Brown Energy.



Means Lamb E.

Will Real.
Expression 14 years 24/7.
Conversing with A.L Einstein4 years 7 months. 24/7.

Posting of F.Book 22 months.

A Will Expressed ;


Judaism Christianity Islam
H.E. Brew…


J.C.I.Heaven and Earth Brew
Harmony Infinity
Existence Energy Eternal.

Continous Flow of Expression
Serpents Tale -A River runs through me

Constant passion A Dragons Tale-The Earth Fire is in me.
A Dragons Breath a Ring of Fire to Mist and Dew Due.

A Minatour and a Bull in Hades Hell Okwu Monwu Descent into the Maze of the human mind.

I made a Map and I found a plan to Evolve and Awaken the Hue man heart..

Continual Linking taking the Clouds of Wool of my experiences to spin a tale out of yarn to create a weave.

Added colors of e motion to create a tapestry to tell a story.

Broke down the patterns to cloth my nakedness.

Sang a song of Atmosphere Sky to create a perfume a moving picture on the Silver screen.

Stood on the foundation of my Truth which formed an unshakable rock…Who did not betray the Rooster Cock.

Sat under the pressure in the darkest abyss of the Ocean as the world me under pressure spread the N.E.W.S.

From the Light of The Sun I built a Crown, from Moon a throne and in my scepter was transparent crystal Sphere. And in my Crown is the Light of day, and the diamond stone of diamond hearing.
The Royal blue stone of Heavens truth, the rose stone of the blood within called time..And above my head the symbol Infinity U-Universe Ultra Violet who Echoes Existence Truth.

I A.M. the Lamb E led to slaughter on the Altar of the hue men (light beings) who remained.

Lamb E (not sheep) under cover As He is the Big Bad All powerful Devouring Wolf.
A Daily Battle with my nature of gentlness and my nature of devouring rage. Both in Harmony as Creation Destruction. C.D.3+4 7..

What is the power of a name?

Chineke Jehovah Allah Almighty Father…

A M.E.N. Energy E.

Full Circle
Adam Melcidezick
A bra H A.M. Lot….
A.M. A.L.

Sara Hagar E.V.E.

Lucifer Le Ah
Raphael Rachel.
L.R. I.E.

O.N.E. 1.

Generation XYZAH!
Chukwu Chineke Harmony Infinity Expression is Energy.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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