
1/28/2014 19:13 – Facebook Post

For anyone who has fought for a Truth to come out be it a family secret, Local national to international…
From Snowden to nuclear waste dumping in Africa…

There has been opposition to the Truth coming out.
Often oppositiom so fierce that one finds one very life and existence in constant peril.

In my case it was the realm of the illusions who fought me and perhaps still fight me.

Why are so many opposed to the Revelations of Truth?

I will sum it up in one word.

So many people have Secrets Shame guilt of things they have done to others, which they deny or excuse to even themselves.

They fear the judgment and condemnation of others more than the hurt or the damage they have caused.

It becomes about “saving face” and brushing aside thier role in damage they have caused.
And the lengths people will go to cover up the truth or prevent it from coming out is astounding…phenomenal.

When the simplest thing to do was admit your role and clean up your mess.

But historicaly, right down to present day the idea of being seen…Literally seen, without make up, without our masks fill people with fear…
Of what Judgement.
And thus, not be of worth or true value which the illusions they create of themselves, inside and out have justified crumples to reveal the true person…Who has been taught or has the spell of “Not Being Good Enough”..

The fear of not be loved for themselves.
Of being alone.

The greatest fear of majority of people in the world… being alone..being lonely, ostracrized.

Thus, it is the double edged sword which has been fighting this Truth of the Evolution and Awakening.
The desire on one hand to be true, and the illusion mask of denial disbelief crucifiction of those messengers of Responsubility.

The fear of Revelations of all secrets, removal of the madk to stand naked before the whole world, as I found myself to exemplify.
But it is not so bad to be seen.
For to be seen naked may not always inspire judgement or rage in others forced to take a long hard look at themselves through your reflection…
Instead it might inspire I Fun Nnanya as Lovina Silver expressed.

To be seen as who you truly are is the first step in allowing oneself to be loved.
Truly loved for who you are.

To stand alone, to not be afraid of being alone, or lonely might actually bring true friendship, love companionship and a family eternal who will never leave you alone.
Because they “know” you, have seen you human, superhuman, vulnerable and yet so heroic.
And in seeing you knowing you loving you…They recognize you…
“See Same Me!” They exclaim.
And thus, you are never alone ever again because you have understood what it is to be alone.
And in the end it is not so bad after all…being alone with the beautiful truth called you…
The you who had to be refined alone.
So you would be worthy of the family you deserve.
And they worthy of you.

So it is true that I am aware of the great battle I representing Natural Energy, Natural Resourcefulness, Natural Expression have faced with illusions.
The Masks, Armour and illusions of self deception of a world who yearns deep within to each individually years to simply be allowed who they truly are. To finally breath an “Ahhh!!” of relief of taking off the heavy masks and the yoke of what each had been told we must strive to be…
Or those who are caught in the rebellion of doing the opposite of what they are told they must be.
While each nurses within the secret desire to be themselves, often turning selfish, cruel and angry, lashing out at others in anger, not even remembering why they are even resentful and angry anymore.
That it is the Will to be Real which fights the illusions of themselves they have created.

A hypocrisy that deep within they are aware which breeds such a self contempt and self hatred that the idea of they being Beautiful as I state, the idea of an Evolution Awakening…
The idea of being fully seen, exposed…because something they fight tooth and nail against.
Crucifying and tearing to pieces these messengers of Spirit who remind them that they are seen….
But as they tear these messengers to pieces that can not hear the messengers voices that to be Seen is not to be judged or Condemned it is Ifun nnanya…I see you through the eyes of Love and Love Understand Expression.
L.U.E…Love Lu (reads) Energy and it does not condemn but it does not excuse or accept excuses…It simply says “Clean up your mess then come home for dinner”.

But if you refuse to clean up your mess, deny, and say you did nothing wrong..Or that everyone does it. Or it was done to…Just as the young aristocratic french man I met in the 90’s in Paris who justified spreading the then newly discovered HIV (Harmony IV is 4) virus to everyone because, some one had infected to him.
This is what we as a species do, with our falsified stories our falsified version of events our falsified versions of our selves…and our private personal vendettas.
We spread our hurt our rage our indignation our “shortcommings” are greviances…our disease and decay of being “radio inactive”- meaning instead of listening to the transmissions and emissions from the Universe, world and people around us..We veto them, in order to indulge ourselves in momentary rage to make ourselves feel better…

But this chain reaction of nuclear reactions…The opposite of the Transformative Butterfly Effect…When will it stop?

When a nuclear reactor as the one in Japan responds in an Echo Cause and effect response…when it is too late.

As my mothers last message to me stated,”Emeka, they said you are about to go beyond…so Far Emeka you have gone so far…” I felt the immense sadness in her voice,”Why is this happening to us, why us why you?”.

And yet at the same time as she blessed me and I made a joke of not being able to get rid of this Energy speaking within me…and how I had tried…
She laughed with relief, that wherever I was going to next that in our sharing a joke that I would go through it, and I had relived her of the motherly instinct to worry.
In a way, that moment she no longer had to play the role of my mother, she became my little sister Harmony whose big brother was going away of a mission one last time.
25 years after saying “see you soon.”

“I love you” she said quietly..
“I love you to Moms…”

I knew I was going beyond.
Beyond to what? I did not know exactly at the time…
But I know now, I went beyond what a being of Existence can endure when I said no matter how much this force within me, outside of me, present in my bodies daily spasms and torment hurt and provoked me to rage with this continuing story of posting giving me its revealations of Evolution awakening which it then made me prove to me and the public at large then frustrated me with its continued delays. Being made to feel alone with this truth while it feels like everything in Existence is conspiring to make me lose my cool and turn into a wild raging beast of malice and vindictiveness at the injustices done to me to carry such a responsibility, make me give up in being me…

Taunting me in my refusing to lash out and spread the disease and infect another…

My host once told me that he had been instructed by the Guradians of this realm to test me the point of insanity and murder, to see if I too would change and turn into a monster.
For four years he tested me in a way I did not believe humanly possible…
So brilliant and so cruel.
But I stayed until the end.
Until he told me that he could test me no more and that there was no one who could endure or pass the test he had put me through…and that none one in the world had the right to test me anymore.
And with that my host spirit expression changed from wanting the destruction of All Existence to coming on my side of Creation and Beautiful Truth.
Because he said “I tested so many and had said if he could find one man who could pass my tests, endure my rage and malice and not change but remain constant to the true nature of man as beauty, I will not bring destruction to the world.

This was real.
It was not the human host who was speaking to me and who had tested me.
Rather it was the one ppl had named and even told me on the streets of New York that I was being tested by the Power of New York Called Satan and the Devil.

And I was brought back here three months ago, to go beyond even that.
I can never forgive this nor forget it…but I can not and did not allow all the provocation this time through no one but the spirit of Silence who would not protect me and its truth, now given to me as thebresponsibility as my truth..With but all the conditions and “demon” spirits of expression sent to sway and torment me to rage and frustration at my plight, to infect another.

This Story Ends With Me..
I will not repeat this cycle.

It will not be through me that this chain reaction of decay of the Unifying field will spread any further.
The Central cell will hold.
The tide Will turn.
My Will is Real.

I am not a hero…and right now with even my physical discomfort and even the dis comfort of my proven Truth of my E.T family and Evolution Awakening but made to seem a lie or false…absence materialization…
I can not break or bend or infect others with the weight of this burden.
Simply because it is not in my nature and so I find that I have gone beyond Nature, Beyond Natural Response of any Individuals normal accepted natural response to such a situation, the torment of constant abuse of trust. betrayal of Truth privately and even publicly affirmed. While left alone to rot in seculsion…
But instead I flourish still posting transforming horror of my daily personal experience with the illusion (not my Host) into food for thought, water to drink.
And humiliating tactics into Beautiful Pride in the Hue Man race to become what we were designated from the begining to become…Beautiful Ones…

Who conquer the rage of Existence by going beyond human and Hue man Nature of a Natural response of rage by being beyond both Natures.
I did not know until this moment writing that this is what they meant when they sent the message…
“You are going Beyond what is hueman..and the nature of what is man”

And so as for refusing to take responsibility…
Then this force will make you take responsibility..
Force you and you will never be forgiven…and never be allowed to come home for dinner…
And then you will understand the true horror of being alone and that true loneliness comes not from being all alone with the truth, who is the comforter which warms you from the cold, and cools you from the heat of anger of injustice.

But to be alone with the Lie is to face the torment of it each moment of your existence and the true meaning of dying every single day for the rest of your lie called your life.

People act all horrified by what is exposed of what others do..but I have seen what people do to each other in secret when they think that no one is watching..or can see them.
And what they believe they can get away with, how they Con themselves with self conciet…that no one will see.

But Love as Ultra Violet rays X rays Infra red and Royal blue sees all.
Because Being Lu Existence and Alpha Conscious wrote the Book and Designed Existence and made the Plan and Script.

The great Battle mirrored in my sojurn into the minds of men and women. And to thier hearts which in nearly all I found pure-Beneath all the illusions ghosts and distorted memories of ppl out of their minds, was this yearning to be seen for who they really are and terrified of it at the same time.

This duality ends either by choice or by responsibility being imposed on you…
As it was so cruelly imposed upon me..
Without anyone knowing the Truth…
Except Onu C.A.E.

I took responsibility for a “Sins” not even mine, for I am Sine, I sing. I am Sinema
I make moving pictures.

So each must take responsibility for what ever song of Existence they chose as their song.

Responsibility is E Day and it is this light which turns Night to Day which shows to All Respinsibility is the true End play…and the one true rue..the crossing over the Beautiful Way.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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