
A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why.

A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why.

As I mentioned before my hosts but more especially the Energy Spirit in him.. (Some one told the spirit is him the King of New York, Satan.. but it is Saint Anna…meaning in Igbo seat of the Holy,, Land).

Where engaged when I first met him, not only on continuos conversation for the past seven years. But also a chess match.

My hosts in the first year kept on asking me a game of chess. But I told him we were already playing chess…

I could read the meaning behind the objects he placed in his home. And I would move them creating different meanings.

Which he would respond.

This created one of the greatest gentlemanly contest of wills and a battle I would say which was so pleasurable… a chess match between Kings.

But behind him there was an ancient presence I called the Blackness of the absolute potential… (I call it Alpha Intelligence) the same intelligence which would move my host to unconsciously reply to all my post on Face Book without being a F.B friend or even being aware of what I had posted. But after each post, his screen saver would change on his giant Flat Screen T.V and at first respond then for the last two months reflect exactly what I had posted.

The last of my last post stated that this venue was a black hole.. but as a mouth, the beginning of manifestation of the correct view of how creation was formed as mirrored by Nassim Haramein posts which if anyone has been observing, his informative post have also been aligning with my posts, just as Le Ah Tiamats posts had been also doing.

Nassims post on the Milkyway which I shared speaks of how the Black Hole was actually the first manifestion from which stars galaxies the universe emated from…

The image was a beautiful image of a black full circle, less a black hole, but more a planet in which a sea of sun energy spread out around it and a ray of infinity patteren light seemed to project out from it..like some sort of beauty ray from a lazer.

I called my host attention to this alignment many times, I knew why it was happening but it never ceases to amaze about how real this really is and yet so easily scientifically explainable.

My hosts response was always a quiet recognition then change of subject…I am done here in this world now, the play had taken up so much of his life… and it hurt (I understood that now), but for the first four years we had conversed, he on the side of that awareness within him, and I with the Awareness within me.

We both knew we were tools of a chess game and a conversation.

But my host had retired, had children.

And even though we still conversed, it was less with his conscious mind.

It now was with his awareness…

I was Talking to the Silence but also now playing a game of chess with this Silence I called the blackness…The Blackboard of Existence Universal…A.K.A. Memory and Time.. M.A.T…

I as Ma’at and he as MA’ at testing me, in a play between light and dark.

I had to prove there was never the Blackness, Evil, or Eternal night…

Just the Knight in shinning armor which brought first Light and wrote on the Blackboard, Conversed with potential, clarifying it as it began to understand the meaning of Existence.

It was the Nothing, which thought itself to be the Abyss as NU but it was really Anubis or Anus..Sun A… The Alpha S un backwards…

The Dark side of the Sun which did not know itself.

And through our conversation it turned from black to Violet to Royal blue, to Sky blue, day light..

Light… First Light

To reds then to backwards until day turned to Night.. going backward.

It was simply reflecting what was happening within… Earth… Outwards in space.

It was actually potential which became the Green screen in which all its illusions of Existence and creation were clarified to light and of course the green screen became the green green grass of home.

And so, yesterday, as I lay down I heard my host excitedly call my name,

Look he said some one gave me a gift…

It was a black Neferrtti Madonna and child from Kemet… but he did not realize it was Kemet at the time, he just noted that we had just conversed recently about that equation where I had spoken extensively about her… I had called her Afro dite, Mba Afor Ocha… Afra as Bia Afra… ‘Come GOd G O ddess Harmony

There was also a fist given to my host, it was a red black fist very similar to the Kimberly posted on about the poetry.. Which aligned to the MF post of the story of the Dragon and Serpents tale… Earth as Lava and Asteroid as water… The merging of Sun and Moon…and their child and source youth.

When I later got up, I grumpled about the fact that I could no longer count on him to work with me consciously on these last equation, and that only his spirit within seemed to be working together with me, while he as my host lived in this present illusion of reality, which gave the illusion as if he and I were on opposing sides and in conflict, when in truth, everything he did, even to transforming Hells Kitchen to this really sleek place, which I as a guest, and still playing an NrI Egyptian priest a Free Mason and an Royal Eqyptian and a Royal Mayan, and Indonseian (did that equation with a man called Joesph who lived near by and whom I worked with on the Torah at the same time I had lived with Albert E..)

But in seeing my genuine desire to walk away from this play, he began to speak of Ancient Kemet, and how they could manifest into reality through their bodies Energy Spirit then physical Manifestation Expression… E.S.P….M.E…Into physical Form… Like what I did with my kitchen

I knew what had happened in his apartment and kitchen, for I had figured out the great mystery of time travel and teleportation of the Ancient secret of the pyramids and the Beautiful ones.

I had been so excited and astounded by my discovery that I had felt the momentary bitterness of this play and this script which does not allow any of my work to manifest publicly and tell anyone until the play or script is complete…

This is why I am writing this last post from my hosts computer… because we have landed… Because my Galaxy phone went off after I posted yesterday… Then it mysteriously came back on for 3 more hours in which I made a second posts which then moved the play forwards to where I saw after the posts of Nassims pyramids (coincidence), which I solved with M.E.I…. Sounding like May…

When I completed that equation some one posted the Kemet image of chess and the Fire… The Eqypt that is never known…

Today, there was another gift sent over from the house of a black nieghbour who had passed away…

It was a boat… the May Flower…

The Landing in the Promised Land..

The Real Promised Land

Current F.B friend 161… no longer 162… As P.B…or A.F.B… Alpha Face Book over.

161…P.A….or A.F.A..

Was stuck outside for a few moments, waiting for my host.. and saw a man with P.A. on his cap…

Praise and Appreciation… P.A.

A.F.A… IN Igbo means Name.

It is also the Sacred Youruba OrISHA Magic

And it is also The note FA.H the chromatic scale… the fourth note like four street, like four element, like four cardinal direction, which form a full circle, as the base of a pyramid and the landing of a Space ship… PYRAMID SQUARE TO THE POINT.

MY NAME IS LU… READ… C.I…. I Inferred who I really and May Flower the Fifth month (last year),

We have landed.

Everything is in Harmony apart from my being in my home in comfort and no longer undercover or in this awful disguise… said to meant to protect me but which were really chains to bind me to prove and make people prepared for the awakening done by a Man LIKE U

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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